Sydney woman arrested during gym workout for stealing

A woman has been arrested mid-way through her gym workout after being accused of stealing from fellow gym-goers. 

Video of her arrest and of the alleged theft were both caught on gym CCTV cameras.

The footage shows the 50-year-old woman from Bronte, an affluent eastern suburb of Sydney, in the middle of a step workout when she is tapped on the shoulder by police.

The unsuspecting woman (pictured, running) was enjoying an exercise class before her arrest

The woman was mid-way through her gym workout (pictured) when she was arrested by police

The woman was mid-way through her gym workout (pictured) when she was arrested by police

Footage from three weeks earlier allegedly shows the woman stealing from bags (pictured) 

Footage from three weeks earlier allegedly shows the woman stealing from bags (pictured) 

Three weeks ago, security camera footage caught the woman allegedly rummaging through people bags in the storage section of the gym.

An expensive purse and $1600 went missing, and the video of the gym robber went viral.

Matt Garry, a trainer at Lifecycle Fitness, quietly called the police after he recognised the woman back in the gym.

‘Totally bamboozled why she would turn up again – obviously she hasn’t been watching the news’ he said. 

Jess Griffiths, a gym member at Lifecycle Fitness, was equally as stunned at the woman’s return. 

‘Oh my god she’s back and she’s in the same gym gear!

‘I think she’s a local, and plenty of people have seen her around,’ Ms Griffiths added. 

The 50-year-old woman was removed from the gym by the police and taken away for questioning. She has since been charged with three counts of unlawfully taking a person’s property.

She was granted conditional bail and will face court later this month. 

The 50-year-old woman from Bronte was escorted out of Lifecycle Fitness by police (pictured)

The 50-year-old woman from Bronte was escorted out of Lifecycle Fitness by police (pictured)

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