Ex-Parliament bar manager claims MPs hounded her for sex

A former House of Commons bar manager has claimed up to 30 MPs hounded her for sex with one even allegedly ‘groping’ her on a bus.

Alice Bailey, 25, worked for almost four years at Parliament’s Sports and Social Bar, where she claimed many MPs behaved like ‘obnoxious old pervs’.

Miss Bailey, who started work at the bar as a 19-year-old, claimed she was regularly pestered by ministers for sex. 

Alice Bailey, 25, a former barmaid at Parliament's Sports and Social Bar

Alice Bailey, 25, said worked for almost four years at Parliament’s Sports and Social Bar, where she claimed many MPs behaved like ‘obnoxious old pervs’

The former barmaid told the Sun: ‘They fancied their chances because I was just a young barmaid and in their minds they were very important people who presumed I would be available.’

‘They were such creeps. It was pathetic as they were nearly all married and at least twice my age.’

Miss Bailey claimed that one SNP MP begged her for sex just two hours into her first shift at the bar and that a veteran Labour MP followed her home and groped her on a bus after drinking 12 pints of beer.

She also alleged that ministers often kissed their researches in the corridors of the Commons after heavy drinking sessions in the bar. 

The former barmaid, from Walsall, claimed she was propositioned by around 30 MPs before she left the bar in 2015.

She said that many of them were from northern constituencies or Scotland and were staying in London away from their families.

Miss Bailey claims that one SNP MP begged her for sex just two hours into her first shift at the Commons bar

Miss Bailey claims that one SNP MP begged her for sex just two hours into her first shift at the Commons bar

Miss Bailey claims that one SNP MP begged her for sex just two hours into her first shift at the Commons bar

Miss Bailey told the Sun: ‘Many thought they were God’s Gift as they appeared on telly or in the papers. They would whisper their room number or drop the key card on the bar. It was pathetic.’

The explosive claims from Miss Bailey come as Parliament continues to be rocked by a string of sex abuse and harassment claims over the past fortnight.

Yesterday, Welsh Labour politician Carl Sargeant, 48, was found dead in an apparent suicide after he was sacked by the Welsh government and suspended by his party over ‘shocking’ claims of sexual misconduct made by three women. 

The former barmaid, from Walsall, claimed she was propositioned by around 30 MPs before she left the bar in 2015

The former barmaid, from Walsall, claimed she was propositioned by around 30 MPs before she left the bar in 2015

The former barmaid, from Walsall, claimed she was propositioned by around 30 MPs before she left the bar in 2015

Sir Michael Fallon’s career as Defence Secretary came to an abrupt end last Wednesday, after he admitted his behaviour towards women had fallen short of standards.

While deputy Prime Minister Damian Green is under investigation by the Cabinet Office over allegations he made a clumsy pass at a Conservative activist, and sent her a flirty text message.

He has also furiously denied separate claims that police found ‘extreme’ – but legal – porn on his office computer in 2008.


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