Pro-independence protesters cause havoc in Catalonia

Pro-independence campaigners blocked roads and stopped trains in Catalonia as they held a strike against the jailing of ousted government officials.

Crowds of protesters tried to cause havoc to the region’s transports links today as they temporarily brought traffic to a halt on motorways and sat across train tracks at stations.

Huge traffic jams were reported on roads leading to Catalan cities, including the regional capital Barcelona, and on major highways as the campaigners stood their ground.

This evening swathes of people armed with banners and Catalan flags flooded into Cathedral Square in Barcelona and outside the city’s main train station to rally against the Spanish government, with protests continuing into the night.


Thousands of people rally outside the cathedral of Barcelona this evening waving Catalan flags and holding up placards

Protesters raise their hands to call for the freedom of eight jailed members of the Catalan Government during a rally in Barcelona this evening

Protesters raise their hands to call for the freedom of eight jailed members of the Catalan Government during a rally in Barcelona this evening

Crowds of protesters gather outside Barcelona Sants station, where earlier campaigns had brought trains to a halt by laying over railway tracks

Crowds of protesters gather outside Barcelona Sants station, where earlier campaigns had brought trains to a halt by laying over railway tracks

Pro-independence testers clash with riot police at the gates of Sant train stations as the mass rallies go on into the night

Pro-independence testers clash with riot police at the gates of Sant train stations as the mass rallies go on into the night

A man struggles with riot police as officers try to calm crowds of protesters outside Barcelona Sants in the Catalan capital 

A man struggles with riot police as officers try to calm crowds of protesters outside Barcelona Sants in the Catalan capital 

Protestors with Esteladas, or pro-independence Catalan flags, block the high-speed AVE train at the Sants train station during a general strike in Barcelona

Protestors with Esteladas, or pro-independence Catalan flags, block the high-speed AVE train at the Sants train station during a general strike in Barcelona

However, the strike was not backed by Spain’s two main unions and was not reported to be having any major effect on industry or the region’s prized tourism sector.

National railway operator Renfe said services were halted on dozens of local lines as protesters blocked railway lines. Several national high-speed lines were also affected.

In northern Girona, several protesters pushed past police controls to enter the city’s main railway station. Later, dozens of others occupied the tracks.

Intersindical CSC, a platform of pro-independence workers’ unions, had called the strike over labour issues. However, separatist parties and civil society groups asked workers to join the stoppage to protest over the Spanish government’s moves against the Catalan bid for independence.

At midday, several thousand pro-independence protesters packed a central square in Barcelona, waving separatist flags and chanting ‘Freedom’ for the 10 people in custody in a judicial probe into rebellion and sedition in the days before and after Catalonia’s parliament ignored Spanish court rulings and declared independence on October 27.

Six hours later, thousands gathered again to keep up the pressure on the Madrid-based national government. Some shouted: ‘Free the political prisoners.’ 

Demonstrators, most of them students, block the tracks at Sants train station during a protest against the imprisonment of pro-independence leaders and to demand their freedom, in Barcelona

Demonstrators, most of them students, block the tracks at Sants train station during a protest against the imprisonment of pro-independence leaders and to demand their freedom, in Barcelona

A large protests blocks a highway in Borrassa, near Girona, with demonstrators standing in the way of lorries

A large protests blocks a highway in Borrassa, near Girona, with demonstrators standing in the way of lorries

Crowds of protesters bring train services to a halt at Sants station in Barcelona as thousands protests against the imprisonment of pro-independence leaders

Crowds of protesters bring train services to a halt at Sants station in Barcelona as thousands protests against the imprisonment of pro-independence leaders

Crowds protest against the imprisonment of pro-independence leaders at Cathedral square in Barcelona this evening

Crowds protest against the imprisonment of pro-independence leaders at Cathedral square in Barcelona this evening

Catalonia has been rocked by protests  and the region's separatist movement suffered another blow in the afternoon when Spain's constitutional court annulled their declaration of independence

Catalonia has been rocked by protests and the region’s separatist movement suffered another blow in the afternoon when Spain’s constitutional court annulled their declaration of independence

Agusti Alcoberro, the vice president of the grass-roots Catalan National Assembly told the midday crowd the arrests were an attack on democracy and a humiliation of Catalan people. 

Spanish authorities took the unprecedented step of seizing control of Catalonia, one of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions, after a majority of regional lawmakers there ignored Constitutional Court orders and passed an independence declaration on October 27.

Spain removed the regional government, dissolved the parliament and called a new regional election for next month.

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said the elections should open ‘a new political era’ in the region with the return to normality and respect for Spain’s laws.

Eight members of the dismissed Catalan Cabinet and two activists were sent to jail as a Spanish court studies possible charges of rebellion and sedition against them.

A banner reads 'independence' as vehicles are stuck in a traffic jam after protesters blocked a road in Odena,Barcelona today

A banner reads ‘independence’ as vehicles are stuck in a traffic jam after protesters blocked a road in Odena,Barcelona today

Police officers drag a picketer blocking the street at the North Bus Station in Barcelona as protesters stage their demonstrations today

Police officers drag a picketer blocking the street at the North Bus Station in Barcelona as protesters stage their demonstrations today

Police remove protesters blocking a ring road in Barcelona during a partial regional strike called to demonstrate the incarceration of political activists and the ousted regional government today

Police remove protesters blocking a ring road in Barcelona during a partial regional strike called to demonstrate the incarceration of political activists and the ousted regional government today

Former Catalan regional president Carles Puigdemont and four of his aides have fled to Brussels, where they are fighting Spanish arrest and extradition orders.

Their presence in the European capital is sowing divisions within the Belgian government. Some Belgian MPs have criticised Prime Minister Charles Michel for not taking tougher action against Mr Puigdemont, while others complain that the Catalan leader’s presence is inflaming Flemish separatist sentiments in Belgium.

Speaking to Belgian MPs, Mr Michel refused to comment on Mr Puigdemont’s political actions, saying that his case must be handled by judicial authorities alone.

He said: ‘Mr Puigdemont is a European citizen who must be held accountable for his actions just like any other European citizens – with rights and obligations but no privileges.’

Mr Michel also stressed that the Spanish government remains his partner.

Catalonia, with 7.5 million people, represents a fifth of Spain’s gross domestic product and polls show its people roughly evenly divided over independence.

Mr Puigdemont claimed a banned October 1 secession referendum gave it a mandate to declare independence.