My Daily Horoscope: What does June 1 2023 hold for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all…

What’s the difference between a theorem and a theory? The former is a proven idea, and the latter is a belief consistent with known facts; but it is open to revision if new evidence arises. 

The approaching Full Moon encourages us to investigate life’s theories with curious and open minds. 

With tweaks to our mindsets, we can make simple changes that have a significant impact on our world. The freer our minds, the wiser our choices.

Read more horoscopes from MailOnline. 


March 21 – April 20

Imagine two similarly aged young kids. Is it possible to tell which will grow up to be a scientist and which an artist? Not really. Even a child psychologist can only hazard a guess. Which is why astrology is a helpful tool. It holds clues about our skills and passions. I mention this because you’re in the early stage of a developmental process . . . and trying to predict the outcome. Do you really need to know? It’s not easy for you to be patient. But soon you’ll know where this is going. It’s good. 

Maximise the energy available to you in June. The Solstice can rejuvenate your world. Call 0906 751 5601.

Oscar says with tweaks to our mindsets, we can make simple changes that have a significant impact on our world. The freer our minds, the wiser our choices


April 21- May 21 

Every day, up and down the country, lawyers put forward complicated arguments. Whether they believe their client is innocent or not, they’re obliged to present a convincing and watertight case. I suppose we should be thankful that such morally dubious positions are in the pursuit of overarching principles. The same can’t be said for many of the seemingly irrelevant debates that go on around us. Don’t get involved in an empty exchange of views today. If you need to make a point, ensure it’s about something important. 

June is a powerful month. The Solstice brings transformation. For valuable information, call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 – June 22

In general or scientific terms, ‘consciousness’ is a state we attain when awake. Yet people interested in spirituality describe ‘higher consciousness’ as awareness of the fact we’re awake. It’s being aware that we’re aware. Being mindful of our minds. When we’re caught up in life’s worries, it’s hard to remember that we’re more than our thoughts. That we have the power to change what we think. And that when we take power over our ideas, we gain power over our future. You can do that today. 

June brings the Solstice! Let it guide you to the future you’re silently, secretly longing for. Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

When you’re feeling uncertain, and can’t decide what to do for the best, there’s a simple rule to follow. Just avoid doing whatever would be ‘for the worst’! You face a number of tempting options. Yet some of these offer the wrong kind of satisfaction. They could provide a quick fix that won’t last . . . or they might make a solution more difficult in the long term. In the run up to the Full Moon you’re feeling adventurous. Yet an inner voice is urging caution. If you can find an exciting way to do something safely, you’ll make pleasing progress. 

Let the power of the Solstice inspire you in June. For four minutes of excellent news, call 0906 751 5604.


July 24 – August 23

‘Conquering others makes you strong; conquering yourself makes you mighty’. These words of wisdom come from ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu who, so the legend goes, spent so many years in his mum’s womb that he was born with extraordinary wisdom (and a long grey beard). Yikes! It sounds like an improbable story. But then, you’ve been telling yourself some unlikely tales recently. All habits can be broken if self-deception is courageously challenged. Don’t doubt yourself. You’re growing mightier. 

Maximise the energy available to you in June. The Solstice can rejuvenate your world. Call 0906 751 5605.


August 24 – September 23

Let’s imagine you have access to a time machine and can go back to meet long-lost ancestors and see how they lived. In the early days of the human race, as language evolved, what did they talk about? When people started writing things down, were to-do lists a thing? As their intellect developed and they became wiser, did they learn to respect and appreciate one another? That fundamental philosophy is the principle we all need to follow in order to lead a good life. By being kind you can garner valuable support today. 

June is a powerful month. The Solstice brings transformation. For valuable information, call 0906 751 5606.


September 24 – October 23 

Surely you can work a bit harder? There are definitely some stones you’ve yet to unturn, and sacrifices you haven’t yet made. I know you’re pushing yourself, but you can cope with your stress levels reaching another level, can’t you? Or maybe not! It could be time to let the whole thing go. You’re doing all you can to prevent an inevitable development. But if you choose to go with it (rather than fight it) you’ll realise that it’s not nearly as bad as you think. In fact, it could be surprisingly rewarding. 

June brings the Solstice! Let it guide you to the future you’re silently, secretly longing for. Call 0906 751 5607.


October 24 – November 22

In the aftermath of an upheaval, you’re waiting for things to return to a more even keel. The experience has been challenging, but you’ve learned a lot about yourself. Which means you’re approaching an old problem from a new direction, and bringing fresh perspective to a long-standing issue. As we head towards the Full Moon, your courage and dedication will be highlighted and valued. Although your sensitivity isn’t always easy to deal with, it’s also a source of strength and insight. You’re heading in a positive direction. 

Let the power of the Solstice inspire you in June. For four minutes of excellent news, call 0906 751 5608.

What’s the difference between a theorem and a theory? The former is a proven idea, and the latter is a belief consistent with known facts; but it is open to revision if new evidence arises. The approaching Full Moon encourages us to investigate life’s theories with curious and open minds

What’s the difference between a theorem and a theory? The former is a proven idea, and the latter is a belief consistent with known facts; but it is open to revision if new evidence arises. The approaching Full Moon encourages us to investigate life’s theories with curious and open minds


November 23 – December 21

The other day we were talking about our journey through life being a delicate balancing act. None of us can stay perfectly poised for long. We swing from one extreme to another. Picture someone from health and safety trying to ban the ebb and flow of the tide because it disrupts people’s beach activities. There’s nothing wrong about what’s changing now. Or with the sudden shift in your circumstances. Soon things will change again. Meanwhile, trust, and enjoy the space to play.

Maximise the energy available to you in June. The Solstice can rejuvenate your world. Call 0906 751 5609.


December 22 – January 20

What ‘should’ you be doing today? Where are you ‘meant’ to be? Some of the important people around you have unreasonable expectations of you. They think you need to act in a certain way and follow a specific agenda — which is immensely frustrating, especially because you’re being affected by the pressure they’re applying. You think a particular situation ‘should’ be different. But instead of assuming that it’s wrong, suppose you switch your attitude and assume it’s right? Because it is! 

June is a powerful month. The Solstice brings transformation. For valuable information, call 0906 751 5610.


January 21 –  February 19

One of songwriter Paul Simon’s lyrics could be your song of the day. He sings ‘I can’t get used to something so right’. If you take a good look at your current frustrating situation, with a few tweaks, could it be transformed into something that makes you happy? You feel doubtful about something (or someone). Yet there’s a strong likelihood that your concerns are founded on unnecessary fears and negative assumptions. If you hope and believe in the best, a positive change will come. 

June brings the Solstice! Let it guide you to the future you’re silently, secretly longing for. Call 0906 751 5611.


February 20 – March 20 

When we say unkind things about other people, we invite negative criticism back. After all, when you know that someone thinks something bad about you, you automatically think something bad about them. And so this unfortunate pattern of behaviour perpetuates. Which is why it’s so important to look for the positives. If, in the approach to the Full Moon, you seek to find silver linings in tricky situations, your attitude will not only encourage support from others, it will inspire constructive opportunities to come your way. 

Let the power of the Solstice inspire you in June. For four minutes of excellent news, call 0906 751 5612.

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