Fear The Walking Dead: Morgan Jones returns to King County to mercy kill and bury zombie son Duane

Morgan Jones risked everything to return to King County, Georgia, to kill and bury his zombie son Duane on Sunday’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead on AMC.

‘Sorry it took me so long,’ said Morgan [Lennie James] when he heard growling coming from his house.

The season eight episode titled King County opened with Morgan walking through King County returning to his old house and breaking down crying.

‘I’m sorry Duane,’ Morgan said.

Suddenly, Grace [Karen David] pulled up in a truck.

Final season: Morgan Jones risked everything to return to King County, Georgia, to kill and bury his zombie son Duane on Sunday’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead on AMC

‘How did you find me?’ Morgan said.

‘You asked me to come,’ Grace said.

Morgan said no one knew he was coming here. 

Mo [Zoey Merchant] then appeared from the bed of the truck where she had been hiding and admitted that she was the one who sent the SOS message knowing that King County meant something to Morgan.

‘Does this have something to do with Jenny and Duane?’ Mo asked.

Morgan said they were his wife and son and that he came to put his son to rest after leaving him chained in the attic of his house after he had been bitten.

Mo told them that Daniel helped her get away from Padre.

‘Daniel’s still alive?’ Morgan said.

Zombie son: Duane after getting bitten was left locked up in the attic by Morgan

Zombie son: Duane after getting bitten was left locked up in the attic by Morgan

Family reunion: Grace [Karen David] and Mo [Zoey Merchant] caught up with Morgan in King County

Family reunion: Grace [Karen David] and Mo [Zoey Merchant] caught up with Morgan in King County

Old house: Morgan walked up to his old house in Georgia where he lived with his family when the zombie apocalypse broke out

Old house: Morgan walked up to his old house in Georgia where he lived with his family when the zombie apocalypse broke out

Message sender: Mo admitted that she was the one who sent the SOS message knowing that King County meant something to Morgan

Message sender: Mo admitted that she was the one who sent the SOS message knowing that King County meant something to Morgan

‘He’s building an army to take Padre down,’ Mo said. ‘We can help him do that.’

Morgan said he would, but first he had to kill Duane, who turned into a walker after his wife Jenny got infected and bit him.

‘Left my boy to become one of them,’ Morgan said.

A flare went up in the air and Dwight [Austin Amelio] and Sherry [Christine Evangelista] approached on horseback and told Morgan they were going to take him back to Padre.

‘Padre’s got your son and he’s using him against you,’ Morgan said.

‘Damn right he is,’ Sherry said.

‘You sold us out seven years ago to rescue your kid,’ Dwight said. ‘We’re just returning the favor.’

Together again: Dwight [Austin Amelio] and Sherry [Christine Evangelista] told Morgan they were going to take him back to Padre

Together again: Dwight [Austin Amelio] and Sherry [Christine Evangelista] told Morgan they were going to take him back to Padre

When Dwight then saw Mo and Grace, he decided to help them escape instead.

Dwight told him that they also had two guards following them to deal with, but Morgan said there was something he had to do first. Morgan, Mo and Grace ran into an abandoned house and Morgan told Grace to get a rifle that was upstairs by the window.

‘I’m not going anywhere until you tell me how you know where everything is in this house,’ Grace said.

Morgan said he used to live in the house. When walkers swarmed outside, Grace told them they needed to leave. Morgan refused.

‘I need to put my boy to rest,’ Morgan said.

Dwight radioed from outside that they knew they were in the house hiding. Morgan said he came back to bury his son.

‘I’m sorry Morgan, but we have our son to think about, too,’ Sherry said.

Dwight’s soldiers fired a flare in the air to attract more walkers to the house. Mo then called Morgan upstairs and showed him that the room was covered with writing on the walls.

Feeding frenzy: Walkers were in the middle of a feeding frenzy outside

Feeding frenzy: Walkers were in the middle of a feeding frenzy outside

Plans changed: When Dwight then saw Mo and Grace, he decided to help them escape instead

Plans changed: When Dwight then saw Mo and Grace, he decided to help them escape instead

‘I don’t remember ever coming back here after Duane died,’ Morgan said.

Mo found Morgan’s family photo album and looked through it while Morgan picked up a rifle that Rick Grimes had given him.

‘What have we been doing this last seven years?’ Grace said.

‘We’ve been doing what we thought we had to,’ Morgan said.

‘I’m sorry we wasted all that time, Morgan,’ Grace said.

Dwight told Morgan they had five minutes to surrender or else they were going to send in walkers that they lit on fire.

‘This is your second chance, dad,’ Mo said.

‘Rick, he gave you this gun for a reason,’ Grace said. ‘Use it.’

Tough situation: Morgan was dealing with Dwight and his obligation to his zombie son Duane

Tough situation: Morgan was dealing with Dwight and his obligation to his zombie son Duane

Grace kissed Morgan.

‘I’m so sorry we wasted so much time,’ Grace said.

‘Me, too,’ Morgan said.

Morgan then opened the door and they all started killing walkers in their path. He then saw his walker wife outside and froze. Dwight and Sherry rode up and said Padre needed to know why he was really there and insisted on going inside the house to see if Morgan was telling the truth.

A Padre soldier traveling with Dwight told them that Shrike wanted answers.

‘If he won’t tell you why he’s there, kill him,’ Shrike [Maya Eshet] said over the walkie-talkie.

Morgan grabbed the soldier’s gun and pointed it at his own head.

‘Do it,’ Morgan said.

Hard line: 'If he won't tell you why he's there, kill him,' Shrike [Maya Eshet] said over the walkie-talkie

Hard line: ‘If he won’t tell you why he’s there, kill him,’ Shrike [Maya Eshet] said over the walkie-talkie

Dwight and Sherry stepped in and knocked out the Padre soldiers. Grace hugged Morgan.

‘You shouldn’t have done that,’ Morgan said.

‘I’m not just going to stand here and watch you get killed in cold blood, Morgan,’ Dwight said.

Morgan said that Padre would kill their son.

‘Not if we have something to do with it,’ Dwight said.

Shrike called for them to answer and Dwight picked up. Shrike demanded to talk to her soldier named Oriole.

‘You can talk to him after I talk to my son,’ Dwight said.

Shrike then put the microphone in front of Finch [Gavin Warren]. Dwight asked him how he was feeling.

‘I think the treatment worked,’ Finch said.

Dwight told him to do the chimney sweep he taught him in class. Finch knocked Shrike out cold. Dwight told Finch there was a morning supply boat that would leave the Padre compound in 20 minutes and that he should sneak on board and that he would meet him on the mainland.

Chimney sweep: Dwight told him to do the chimney sweep he taught him in class and Finch knocked Shrike out cold

Chimney sweep: Dwight told him to do the chimney sweep he taught him in class and Finch knocked Shrike out cold

‘Look, Morgan whatever happened here just know you have a chance to make things different for Mo,’ Dwight said.

Morgan radioed Mo and she told him that one of the flares caught her house on fire.

‘Listen baby I’m coming for you,’ Morgan said.

Morgan killed the walkers in front of the burning house and then told Mo to go up the attic. Mo heard a walker in the attic and saw a boy walking chained up. Mo then fell through the floor and was trapped. Morgan climbed up the stairs and saw that his son, now a zombie, was trying to attack Mo. Morgan pulled the trigger and killed Duane. 

The next day Morgan buried him. Morgan then told Grace that they should help Madison and Daniel take over Padre.

‘We reunite every child who’s still got a parent out there,’ Morgan said. ‘We do what we say, we are going to spend as much time together as we can.’

Mo picked up Morgan’s charred family photo album and told him that he needed something to remember his family when they were normal. Suddenly a walker jumped out of the ashes and grabbed Mo. Grace and Morgan jump in and kill the walker, but Grace ended up getting bitten during the fight.

Meanwhile, Sherry and Dwight waited for Finch to appear on shore. When he did, they hugged him. Morgan then drove up in a truck and killed two Padre soldiers.

Complete resolve: Morgan was resolved to bury his son

Complete resolve: Morgan was resolved to bury his son

Head shot: A walker was taken out by Morgan with a piercing blow to the head

Head shot: A walker was taken out by Morgan with a piercing blow to the head

Familiar territory: Morgan was back in King County where the original series The Walking Dead started the story of Rick Grimes

Familiar territory: Morgan was back in King County where the original series The Walking Dead started the story of Rick Grimes

‘I need your help with Grace,’ Morgan said. ‘She got bit. The treatment that June has been using on your boy. Is it working?’

Sherry said it did. They all got in a transport boat to rush Grace to June. Morgan told Grace to hold on.

‘Hang on, June’s going to be able to fix this,’ Morgan said to Grace.

‘You don’t know that,’ Grace said.

‘No matter what’s coming we have to live,’ Morgan said.

Fear The Walking Dead will return next Sunday on AMC.

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