MEGHAN MCCAIN: Harry and Meghan’s Land Of Make Believe is crashing down before their very eyes

It feels like a watershed moment – doesn’t it?

‘The f***ing grifters!’

Three bombshell words that must surely have brought the Land Of Make Believe crashing down before their very eyes.

Because, for the Duke and Duchess of Delusion, this can only go one way now. And here’s a clue: it’s not towards global domination.

Yes, American Sports supremo Bill Simmons has been openly critical of Harry and Meghan before. But this time, he’s also speaking in his commercial role as a Spotify’s Head of Podcast Innovation and Monetization.

‘”The f***ing grifters”. That’s the podcast we should have launched with them,’ Simmons said in an episode of his own podcast on Friday, following the news that Spotify have exited their $20 million deal with Harry and Meghan.

‘“The f***ing grifters”. That’s the podcast we should have launched with them,’ Bill Simmons said in an episode of his own podcast on Friday, following the news that Spotify have exited their $20 million deal with Harry and Meghan. (Pictured: Meghan in Santa Barbara on Friday).

¿The f***ing grifters!¿ Three bombshell words that must surely have brought the Land Of Make Believe crashing down before their very eyes.

‘The f***ing grifters!’ Three bombshell words that must surely have brought the Land Of Make Believe crashing down before their very eyes.

‘I’ve got to get drunk one night and tell the story of the Zoom I had with Harry to try and help him with a podcast idea. It’s one of my best stories,’ he added.

But we already know how that story goes.

For this is a couple who – though they have fled their gilded Palaces – still live in a fairytale fantasy of their own making.

A couple who arrogantly bamboozled the CEO of Disney while on a red carpet to demand voiceover work back in 2019.

A couple who – despite plunging popularity ratings – have spun, sold and re-run their tired tale of pity so many times because they still somehow believe that their interminable Grievance Tour is the best ticket in town.

But now the market has spoken.

Meghan’s Archetypes series has been savagely scrapped after just one pitiful season amid reports that Spotify bosses were frustrated over the snail-slow pace of production coming out of Montecito (just 13 episodes since the deal was signed in December 2020). It may end up costing the couple a cool $10 million.

It’s also no secret that Archetypes’s listening figures quickly plummeted after initial success.

And we all know why. It simply committed the worst possible sin in Hollywood: it was drop-dead dull!

Of course, the official line is that they’ve ‘mutually agreed to part ways’ and that they’re ‘proud of the series we made together’.

'I've got to get drunk one night and tell the story of the Zoom I had with Harry to try and help him with a podcast idea. It's one of my best stories,¿ Simmons added.

‘I’ve got to get drunk one night and tell the story of the Zoom I had with Harry to try and help him with a podcast idea. It’s one of my best stories,’ Simmons added.

However, if Simmons’s brutal takedown proves anything it’s that recollections of this short-lived partnership will no doubt vary over at Spotify HQ.

But, wait a second, isn’t this what Harry and Meghan wanted? To live and work in the real world? A world unconcerned with crowns and silly ceremonies, where men and women have to actually strive for success, and where the brutal bottom line decides what’s hot – and what’s suddenly not.

Surely the barefoot prince and his girl-next-door wife couldn’t have so utterly underestimated how difficult life outside the British Royal Family would be? That they’d actually have to work for their money?

Well, if those pictures of Meghan – published exclusively on – looking glum in overcast Santa Barbara and clutching a $5,400 handbag close to her chest are anything to go by, perhaps this has all come as something of a shock.

Perhaps she thought that Spotify would be tripping over itself to cut her another fat check to re-tread the same old victim/activist cliches in a carbon-copy second series of Archetypes.

That legions of Sussex Super-fans would be all to happy to tune in for more mindless chatter with Paris Hilton about the word ‘bimbo’ and ‘padding in your bra’, or cod-intellectual babbling about the ‘duality of diva’ with Mariah Carey.

Or perhaps she just didn’t know how much of a hard gig it would be.

Many of the best podcasters produce five episodes a week. Certainly, as someone who built a career hosting daily news and chat shows both on TV and radio, I know all too well the commitment, the exhausting hours, the sacrifice away from family that it takes to make these programs a success.   

Whatever the case, Spotify has clearly decided that time’s up for H&M. 

Now, for someone like Harry at least – born into a world so unimaginably detached from normality – it’s easy to see why he may have underestimated the challenge of what lay ahead.

Indeed, it was telling earlier this month when the petulant prince appeared in a UK courtroom and admitted that he was not aware of ‘any evidence’ to support his claims that he had been hacked by a British tabloid, but that he would nonetheless feel a sense of ‘injustice’ if he did not win his case.

If those pictures of Meghan ¿ published exclusively on ¿ looking glum in overcast Santa Barbara and clutching a $5,400 handbag close to her chest are anything to go by, perhaps this has all come as something of a shock.

If those pictures of Meghan – published exclusively on – looking glum in overcast Santa Barbara and clutching a $5,400 handbag close to her chest are anything to go by, perhaps this has all come as something of a shock.

Now, for someone like Harry (pictured earlier this month arriving at a UK courtroom) at least ¿ born into a world so unimaginably detached from normality ¿ it¿s easy to see why he may have underestimated the challenge of what lay ahead.

Now, for someone like Harry (pictured earlier this month arriving at a UK courtroom) at least – born into a world so unimaginably detached from normality – it’s easy to see why he may have underestimated the challenge of what lay ahead.

Indeed, it was telling earlier this month when the prince appeared in a UK courtroom and admitted that he was not aware of ¿any evidence¿ to support his claims that he had been hacked by a British tabloid.

Indeed, it was telling earlier this month when the prince appeared in a UK courtroom and admitted that he was not aware of ‘any evidence’ to support his claims that he had been hacked by a British tabloid.

The defense accused him of being ‘in the land of total speculation’. 

No matter what Harry says of his newfound freedom, it’s clear he was never properly prepared for the rigors of the adult world.

But as for plain old Meghan: what ever happened to the hard-working actress who was raised on $4.99 salads, who took ‘all the odds-and-ends jobs’ to help pay the bills, who wrote letters to Hillary Clinton campaigning for social justice aged 11?

Perhaps she became much more royal than she’d like to admit.

But here’s the hard truth: after countless tell-all interviews, talk-show appearances, misery memoirs, Netflix whine-a-thons and – yes – pointless podcasts, public interest in Brand Sussex is drying up.

There were early signs that this would happen.

Last May, Netflix – with whom the couple still have a reported $100 million deal for content – scrapped Meghan’s animated series Pearl.

A series exploring Harry’s work with the Invictus Games was also delayed by Netflix in 2020 to make way for the pair’s controversial 6-part docuseries which aired last December.

It’s now said to be scheduled for release this summer. But will it ever see the light of day?

One wonders, too, about the remaining tomes in Harry’s promised ‘four-book’ deal with Penguin, reportedly worth $25 million.

It's clear Harry was never properly prepared for the rigors of the adult world. But as for plain old Meghan: what ever happened to the hard-working actress who was raised on $4.99 salads, who took ¿all the odds-and-ends jobs¿ to help pay the bills?

It’s clear Harry was never properly prepared for the rigors of the adult world. But as for plain old Meghan: what ever happened to the hard-working actress who was raised on $4.99 salads, who took ‘all the odds-and-ends jobs’ to help pay the bills?

Here¿s the hard truth: after countless tell-all interviews, talk-show appearances, misery memoirs, Netflix whine-a-thons and ¿ yes ¿ pointless podcasts, public interest in Brand Sussex is drying up.

Here’s the hard truth: after countless tell-all interviews, talk-show appearances, misery memoirs, Netflix whine-a-thons and – yes – pointless podcasts, public interest in Brand Sussex is drying up.

After the publication of his todger-stuffed memoir Spare in January, the couple’s popularity hit new lows. Could they survive the damage of a further three books? Could we?

Last month, following the breathless statement from Harry and Meghan’s spokesperson alleging they’d been victims of a two-hour ‘near-catastrophic car chase’ in Manhattan, even Queen of Woke Whoopi Goldberg cast doubts on their story.

Out here in the real world that they so desired, they’ve lost their families, their royal privileges and even the liberal elite. And now Big Business has called their bluff.

Who will be next to step off the grievance-tour bus?
