Bath student’s death is being investigated by police

  • Bath university student became seperated from friends and walked home
  • CCTV footage shows him walking and jogging through the town in September
  • He was later found unconscious with head injuries and died in hospital
  • Police are trying to work out if he was hit by a car, fell over or was attacked 

Police investigating the death of a university student who was found unconscious at a bus stop with fatal head injuries have released footage of his last movements.

Alex Green, 22, an economics student at the University of Bath, was discovered on Westmoreland Road in Bath, Somerset, in the early hours of September 30.

He was taken to the city’s Royal United Hospital, before being transferred to Southmead Hospital in Bristol, but died three days later from internal head injuries.

Alex Green walks past a petrol station in Bath shortly before he was found with head injuries

Police are trying to work out whether he fell over, was hit by a car or was attacked

Police are trying to work out whether he fell over, was hit by a car or was attacked

Mr Green had been on a night out with friends in the city centre and spent hours in The Second Bridge nightclub in Walcot Street. He became separated from his friends and walked home on his own. 

Detective Inspector Dom Graham, who is leading the investigation, said: ‘The tragic death of Alex Green is still being treated as unexplained.

‘We’re doing everything we can to provide his family with the answers they need about how he died, but we still need the public’s help.

‘We’re hoping the release of more footage which shows Alex’s last known movements will help jog people’s memories and encourage witnesses to come forward.

‘We’re continuing to focus on three main scenarios.

‘Did Alex die as a result of a fall? Was Alex assaulted prior to his death? Was Alex involved in a road traffic collision?’

Detailed footage of his final walk through the Somerset city in the early hours of September 30

Detailed footage of his final walk through the Somerset city in the early hours of September 30

The footage shows him walking quickly and jogging through Bath after a night out

The footage shows him walking quickly and jogging through Bath after a night out

Mr Graham appealed for people who saw Mr Green on the night of September 29 to the early hours of September 30, including those who saw him in The Second Bridge nightclub, to come forward.

Anyone who drove into Westmoreland Road from Lower Bristol Road, or in the other direction, between 3.30am and 4am on September 30, or people walking in that area are also asked to contact police.

The force would also like to hear from any passengers on the U1 bus or from anyone who saw anything suspicious in Westmoreland Road, or Lower Bristol Road, or has any information about how Mr Green may have suffered an injury to his head.

The last moments of tragic student 

3.40am, September 30: Footage shows Mr Green leaving the city centre along Dorchester Street, by the city’s railway station and main bus station.

3.41am: Mr Green is caught on camera walking past the Esso garage on the A36 Lower Bristol Road.

3.42am: He walks past the Green Park Tavern into Westmoreland Road, this is the last sighting of him.

3.46am: There is no sign of Mr Green on footage taken from the U1 First Bus, which turns into Westmoreland Road, and he is not at the bus stop.

Between 3.46am and 3.49am: A group of five people turn into Westmoreland Road and find the student lying on the ground near the bus stop.

3.49am: An ambulance is called.