Manchester mum to clear son’s name on child porn database

  • Boy, from Manchester, sent the image to the girl, who then shared it with others 
  • It was logged under a section entitled ‘Obscene Publications’ by the police 
  • Police did not arrest the teenager and he was not prosecuted, but the force are refusing to delete his name from their files which can be kept until he is 100
  • Case has been taken to the High Court in London and will be considered today 

A police force, which refused to delete the details of a 14-year-old boy who sent a naked photograph of himself to his girlfriend on Snapchat, is facing a legal battle.

The teenager, from Manchester, sent the image to the girl, who then shared it with others. 

It was logged under a section entitled ‘Obscene Publications’ by Greater Manchester Police and can remain there until his 100th birthday.

The teenager, from Manchester, sent the image to the girl, who then shared it with others

Police did not arrest the teenager and he was not prosecuted, but the force are refusing to delete his name from their files.

Greater Manchester Police discontinued their investigation ‘in the public interest’ but all the details were entered into the system. 

These records could now be revealed to employers under a Disclosure and Barring Service check if years down the line he were to seek a job working with children. 

The boy’s mother is concerned that police can release the information to his future employers.

The case has been taken to the High Court in London and will be considered today, according to the BBC. 

The case has been taken to the High Court in London and will be considered today

The case has been taken to the High Court in London and will be considered today

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