Is this paedophile hunter a hero or a reckless vigilante?

Parks, busy roads, building sites. The agreed location may be humdrum but, once Stephen Dure arrives, what follows is anything but. Adrenaline pumping, he scans for the man he’s agreed to meet before making his approach.

There is never so much as a flicker of recognition on the other man’s face. After all, at 6ft 3in and 16-and-a-half stone, 33-year-old Dure is always the polar opposite of the person he was expecting.

‘It’s definitely addictive,’ says Dure of these illicit meetings. ‘It’s the buzz of when you’ve got the guy and know they will be spending however long in prison.’

Robert Babey left was caught in a sting by paedophile hunter Stephen Dure

Dure is not a police officer but one of a growing army of ‘paedophile hunters’, who believe not enough is being done to combat the increasing number of paedophiles in the UK (there are said to be around 250,000 ‘true paedophiles’ — adults attracted to pre-pubescent children under 12).

A scaffolder by trade, Dure spends up to 40 hours a week speaking to predators online with a view to arranging a ‘sting’ and handing them over to the police.

‘I’ll be hanging off the scaffold with a spanner in one hand and a phone in the other, sending messages to 58-year-old Robert who thinks he’s speaking to 13-year-old “Lucy” and is suggesting all sorts of vile things,’ says Dure.

Each interaction follows the same pattern. Dure poses as different children — ‘decoys’ — on various social media platforms, apps and dating sites. A man gets in touch, learns that the decoy is underage, initiates sexual conversation and within days, sometimes hours, suggests a meeting. 

Dure (pictured) is not a police officer but one of a growing army of ¿paedophile hunters¿, who believe not enough is being done to combat the increasing number of paedophiles in the UK

Dure (pictured) is not a police officer but one of a growing army of ‘paedophile hunters’, who believe not enough is being done to combat the increasing number of paedophiles in the UK

For Dure’s evidence to be permissible in court he cannot coerce the other person into an offence, which constitutes entrapment. Instead, he builds a profile and waits.

When they meet, the individual is confronted by Dure armed with a camera phone. He records the encounter while reeling off the incriminating messages ‘Lucy’ has received.

He tips off police — either before or during his sting. They make an arrest for meeting a child following sexual grooming, an offence that carries a maximum sentence of ten years, and Dure uploads his video to his Facebook page, TRAP Community, for his 190,000 followers to view.

Stephen Dure is far from the only member of the public voluntarily working undercover in this way. Since Stinson Hunter appeared on Channel 4’s Bafta-winning programme The Paedophile Hunter three years ago, revealing his tactics for nabbing sexual predators online by posing as children, similar groups have sprung up throughout the country. Dark Justice (Newcastle), Guardians Of The North (North East England), Danny Catcher (Wiltshire and the West Country) and The Internet Interceptors (Northern Ireland), are just a few of them.

While their methods of intelligence gathering are not illegal, the police cannot work with them formally and publicly discourage their activities.

Met Police commissioner Cressida Dick has spoken of ‘significant concerns’ surrounding the groups. Not only could suspects destroy evidence after their identities are revealed online, they could go missing or even harm a child or somebody else if they felt cornered.

Regardless, the impact on the judicial system has been palpable. Figures obtained by the BBC show that, in 2014, 11 per cent of court cases for the crime of meeting a child following sexual grooming used evidence from hunters — 20 out of 176 cases.

Met Police commissioner Cressida Dick has spoken of ¿significant concerns¿ surrounding the groups. Not only could suspects destroy evidence after their identities are revealed online, they could go missing or even harm a child or somebody else if they felt cornered

Met Police commissioner Cressida Dick has spoken of ‘significant concerns’ surrounding the groups. Not only could suspects destroy evidence after their identities are revealed online, they could go missing or even harm a child or somebody else if they felt cornered

Last year, that had risen to 44 per cent — 114 of 259 cases — and led to Britain’s top child protection officer, chief constable Simon Bailey, saying the police might have to work with paedophile hunters in the future.

What’s more, a court case brought against Dark Justice in April by two men whom they had snared ruled that they could continue posing as children online without regulation from authorities.

The most recent high-profile triumph for the hunters was school teacher Timothy Lloyd, 32, who pleaded guilty to a charge of attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child under 16 and awaits sentencing later this month.

Dure has seen his evidence used in three cases this year. The first person he nabbed, Robert Babey, 68, whom Dure caught by posing as a 14-year-old boy, was jailed for seven years after admitting multiple breaches of his sexual harm prevention order.

Another man arrived to meet what he thought was a 14-year-old boy with pornography and a chocolate cake.

Yet there is another — more troubling — side. David Baker, 43, a businessman from Hampshire, killed himself on October 7, days after Dure confronted him and posted a video of the sting online. Baker believed he was meeting a 14-year-old boy. He was arrested but released from police custody and died two days later.

Dure deleted the video and wrote on TRAP’s Facebook page: ‘Our hearts go out to his family. This is another reason why these people shouldn’t be bailed as they are a risk to themselves as well as others.’

So does he feel responsible? ‘I don’t feel any guilt at all. It’s not my fault. My main concern was his family and my team.

‘People might say you are sort of to blame, but if the police had caught him and then he did that, would people blame the police? I don’t catch innocent people. From the way I work I know they are guilty.’

Other problems arise when hunter groups approach and film suspects at their home, where their families live — they can then be mistakenly blamed by association and hate-targeted online, or worse.

DI Steve Bell, from Cleveland’s Paedophile and Online Investigation Team, has heard of incidents where alleged paedophiles have driven off at speed from stings, almost knocking over members of the public in their attempts to escape.

‘These groups are not looking at safeguarding anyone involved in the situation,’ he says.

The evidence they supply can also be questionable. ‘There is no continuity,’ explains Bell. ‘If we talk on the internet [to a suspected paedophile] we provide continuity about how it is done and the exact conversation that was had. If you’re working with a paedophile hunter they might provide screenshots of chats but how do we know nothing has been taken out or added in? That causes the courts a dilemma.’

Last month, Silent Justice criticised police for refusing to arrest a 22-year-old man who had allegedly been grooming what he thought was a 12-year-old girl during a sting outside his home in Greater Manchester. A 90-minute stand-off followed as neighbours joined calls for the man to be arrested. He was escorted from the property by an officer. The group’s video of the incident has been viewed over 200,000 times, in a disturbing trial by social media.

Another concern is the fact that in some cases victims’ parents are not going to the police but to these groups instead. Dure gets up to 500 such messages a week, many asking him to investigate ex-boyfriends, or from mothers who have seen their child’s chat logs and are worried for their safety. ‘I either don’t reply or tell them to go to the police,’ he says.

And then there is the murky matter of motivation. Detractors argue Dure and his like are vigilante menaces seeking digital celebrity status. Some groups live-stream stings on Facebook, ostensibly to raise awareness and gain larger followings — a tactic Dure and others disagree with.

‘Sometimes it is genuine that these hunters want to do something about the number of paedophiles in this country,’ says Michael Berry, a consultant clinical forensic psychologist specialising in sex crimes and violence, ‘but I worry that many others view them as a trophy. I also worry that those who do this for a long time might lose any sense of objectivity.’

Dure’s dedication has earned him the nickname ‘Batman without the cape’ among his fans, fame in his hometown of Southampton and appearances on the BBC. His sting videos garner thousands of ‘likes’, not to mention reverential comments, online. But he insists it has never been about being a crusader — caped or otherwise: ‘It’s a nice compliment but it’s not why I do this,’ he says.

‘When I was younger, I was a bit of a tearaway. But now I just want to do something good and leave a stamp on society for the better. I am a strong believer that if you do good things, good things will happen to you.’

Dure is single and has a 15-year-old daughter who lives with her mother 120 miles away. He doesn’t see her a lot and she is unaware of his new line of work. His father and mother, whom he’s close to, thought he’d gone mad at first. ‘I was doing it for nothing. Now they are really proud of me.’ He adds: ‘I know close friends who have been abused and have seen the impact it has.

‘I get angry when people try to argue against us and say “leave it to the police”. Well, the police aren’t doing enough.’

After following the exploits of other hunters for months, in February he decided to start a group. He bought a £50 decoy phone and later recruited two friends to film the stings and scout the locations. Now there are four members of TRAP Community, and last week Dure launched an arm of his group in Northern Ireland.

Meanwhile, this summer, Home Secretary Amber Rudd issued a £20 million grant to extend an initiative where detectives infiltrate chat rooms and forums, much like the hunters. The funding was preceded by a year-long pilot, led by Norfolk Police, where 43 people were arrested and 19 charged. But those figures are dwarfed by groups such as Dark Justice — run by just two people — who claim 130 arrests and 61 convictions in less than three years.

Cain Watson, a 31-year-old taxi driver from Gateshead, splits his time between navigating the quickest routes through Newcastle and hunting paedophiles for Guardians Of The North.

Like Dure, he agrees theirs is a complex line of work but argues that the few who don’t follow a strict code of ethics — eschewing violence and working to ensure convictions — risk ruining it for the many who do.

Guardians Of The North was established in April last year and is made up of seven women and three men, including Watson. They command a Facebook following of more than 65,000 and Watson estimates they’ve caught 150 sexual predators in the past 16 months. They are also taking steps to having members checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

Watson describes a case of theirs that caused real children to come forward and make statements against an individual.

‘We want the public to know 100 per cent we are doing it for the kids,’ he says.

Watson, who was a victim of abuse himself, first heard about the group after they ambushed someone he went to school with.

‘Someone suggested being involved might bring me closure. I do feel much better about myself. As long as they are talking to us, who knows how many children are potentially being saved?’

His first sting as a decoy earlier this year was his most memorable: ‘The adrenaline was pumping. When you see them you immediately think of the videos and things they’ve sent to what they think is a child. I have no doubt this guy I caught was talking to others online. [Catching him] was a level of satisfaction I had never experienced.’

He says they and Dark Justice, which also operates around Newcastle, have worked hard to establish a good relationship with the police.

‘It has got to the point where there is a standard way of doing things. Most of the police officers on call have dealt with us before and know exactly how it works. On record, they have to tell us to stop doing what we’re doing. But we’ve seen officers out of uniform, and been contacted by officers from other forces and ex-police officers who’ve said it’s brilliant, carry on. They praise us unofficially.’

Both Dure and Watson say they would work more closely with the police if that were an option, and foresee a change coming soon. According to Dure, things could come to a head before then.

‘One day a hunter will die doing this,’ he says. ‘They know what we are up to now. Someone will come with a weapon.’

Jim Gamble, former head of the child exploitation and online protection centre (CEOP), says: ‘I understand why members of the public become so frustrated that they resort to doing this work themselves. There are far too few police, far too many offenders and the maths doesn’t work out.’

He calls for a nationwide police campaign to recruit volunteer special constables to be trained as digital detectives. They’d be a ‘citizen army’ working in police stations under their supervision.

‘Why couldn’t the butcher, the baker, candlestick maker, librarian or Tesco supervisor volunteer?

‘If vetting and a psychological assessment demonstrates they have the right attitude and strength of character, why wouldn’t we train them and support these public-minded citizens to engage in making everyone safer?’