Connecticut police officers caught on camera hitting teen

A group of police officers including a female cop from Connecticut have been placed on administrative after they were caught on video roughing up an 18-year-old man during an arrest and then threatening his mother who was filming the violence. 

Video, shot by 18-year-old Aaron Kearney’s mother clearly shows the officers surrounding the teen and forcing him face down onto the hood of a car.

A female officer identified as Christina Arroyo, can be seen hitting the side of his face with her hand as other officers hold him down. His mother yelled, ‘Don’t hurt my son, don’t hurt my son!’ as a scuffle broke out.

A female cop identified as Christina Arroyo, can be seen hitting the side of 18-year-old Aaron Kearney’s face with her hand

18-year-old Aaron Kearney is forced face-first against a car hood while his mother pleads for police not to hurt him

18-year-old Aaron Kearney is forced face-first against a car hood while his mother pleads for police not to hurt him

Kearney is forced face-first against a car hood while his mother pleads for cops not to hurt him

Kearney’s mother sobs ‘Are you punching my son?’ The officer looks up and says ‘I am. Get back.’

The mother is then seen walking around behind the officers shouting ‘Why is she f***ing my son up? Why is she f***ing my son up?’

Officer Arroyo glances back at the woman before threatening her ‘Get back or you’re next.’

‘I know his nose was bleeding bad. I don’t know if there were broken bones, but it looked severe that day,’ said family friend Joe Grits to NBC. 

The footage was captured by Kearney's mother who was then threatened herself

The footage was captured by Kearney’s mother who was then threatened herself

An image taken from a cell phone video shows Bridgeport Police Officer Christina Arroyo during the arrest of Aaron Kearney, 18, of Bridgeport following a traffic accident last Friday evening

An image taken from a cell phone video shows Bridgeport Police Officer Christina Arroyo during the arrest of Aaron Kearney, 18, of Bridgeport following a traffic accident last Friday evening

Grits claims the officers used excessive force and pulled the teen’s hair.

Kearney was charged with breach of the peace and assault on a police officer following the incident.

The brawl kicked off after Kearney was pulled over as part of a routine traffic stop. 

‘Mr. Kearney, the party who caused the accident was found not to have insurance on his vehicle. Responding officer checked Mr. Kearney for any outstanding warrants, he was then found to have a suspended license since September 6, 2017,’ the report states.

‘Mr. Kearney immediately became verbally aggressive towards responding officer saying, “How is my license suspended?”‘

The officers involved in the incident have all now been placed on administrative duty

The officers involved in the incident have all now been placed on administrative duty

The officer could be seen hitting Kearney repeatedly despite the teenager putting up little resistance 

According to the Connecticut Post, the report continues that Ortiz called for additional officers because Kearney was acting in an aggressive manner.

‘Mr. Kearney bladed his body and balled up his fist while yelling towards officers, responding officer and Sgt. Trevor Niestemski then attempted to grab Mr. Kearney’s arms and place him in handcuffs, at this time Mr. Kearney began to flail his arms away from officers, the report states.

Bridgeport Police Chief Armando A.J. Perez  released a statement saying that any police officer who knowingly used excessive force will be ‘separated from their employment with the Bridgeport Police Department, and where applicable, arrested and charged with a crime.’

‘I feared for my safety as well as officers on scene that suspect was pulling away and actively resisting due to concealing a firearm. Due to these reasons I then struck Aaron Kearney multiple times in the face with both fists in an attempt for him to loosen his grip of his arms and bring them out from his body,’ Officer Christina Arroyo has stated in her main report on the incident. 

Several officers have been placed on administrative leave and ordered the city’s Office of Internal Affairs is now investigating.

Kearney’s family said he’s a good teen, was captain of his high school football team and has never been in trouble before.