Richard OBrien sang Time Warp at Elisabeth Murdoch wedding

Her father runs a conservative media empire.

But when Rocky Horror Picture Show creator Richard O’Brien, 75, donned a pair of fishnets to do the Time Warp at Elisabeth Murdoch’s wedding, even Rupert Murdoch got involved.

Accompanied by Rocky Horror star Craig McLachlan, Richard revealed on The Project on Monday night: ‘Rupert gave it his best!’

Even Dad’s a fan! On Monday, Rocky Horror Picture Show creator Richard O’Brien revealed he sang the Time Warp at Elisabeth Murdoch’s wedding – and even her dad got involved

The revelation came after The Project co-host Peter Helliar joked: ‘there must be times at weddings when people are trying to get you up and go ‘do the Time Warp!”

Without skipping a beat, the Australian icon recounted the surprise performance – although did not indicate which of Elisabeth’s three weddings he attended.

‘I sang the Time Warp at Elisabeth Murdoch’s wedding!’ he revealed.

‘Yeah. That was a bit odd,’ he added, as rapturous laughter filled the studio.

‘Rupert gave it his best!’: Speaking about donning the fish nets for the performance on The Project Monday, Richard, 75 (L) revealed: ‘Rupert (R) gave it his best!’

'A bit odd': 'Yeah. That was a bit odd,' he added, as rapturous laughter filled the studio (Rupert is pictured with daughter Elisabeth)

‘A bit odd’: ‘Yeah. That was a bit odd,’ he added, as rapturous laughter filled the studio (Rupert is pictured with daughter Elisabeth)

The thundering laughter from the audience was only amplified when Richard conjured the imagery of Rupert, 86, giving it his ‘best.’ 

He later confirmed the rendition wasn’t impromptu, and was requested by the Murdochs ahead of time.

‘I was invited down to sing the song (and) went to her 40th (as well) actually,’ he said, implying the Murdoch’s did indeed have a hankering to do the Time Warp again.

Not the first time! 'I was invited down to sing the song (and) went to her 40th (as well) actually,' he said, implying the Murdoch's did indeed have a hankering to do the Time Warp again

Not the first time! ‘I was invited down to sing the song (and) went to her 40th (as well) actually,’ he said, implying the Murdoch’s did indeed have a hankering to do the Time Warp again

'Changed the world': Showcasing his boundary-pushing wit, he quipped: 'It was very strange. Because If I'd taken a bomb into the room, I could have changed the modern world'

‘Changed the world’: Showcasing his boundary-pushing wit, he quipped: ‘It was very strange. Because If I’d taken a bomb into the room, I could have changed the modern world’

Showcasing his boundary-pushing wit, he quipped: ‘It was very strange. Because If I’d taken a bomb into the room, I could have changed the modern world.’

And as Richard has experienced countless times over his career, the studio didn’t know whether to laugh, or gasp in shock.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show opens at Festival Theatre in Adelaide in December, with 2018 dates for Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth to be announced.

Former Neighbours heart-throb Craig McLachlan will reprise his role as Frank N Furter. 

Still going strong! Richard was accompanied by Rocky Horror star Craig McLachlan

Still going strong! Richard was accompanied by Rocky Horror star Craig McLachlan

Back in the fishnets! The Rocky Horror Picture Show opens at Festival Theatre in Adelaide in December, with Craig to reprise his role as Frank N Furter

Back in the fishnets! The Rocky Horror Picture Show opens at Festival Theatre in Adelaide in December, with Craig to reprise his role as Frank N Furter