Happiest cities in world revealed: How did Australia do?

The world’s destinations have been ranked according levels of happiness, friendliness, safety and treatment of tourists – with some unexpected cities topping the list.

In a list released by holiday website Travelbird, Australia has been poorly represented with only Sydney and Melbourne recognised in the top 100.

Australians are renowned worldwide for their friendliness and jovial nature – but it seems tourists aren’t impressed with the land Down Under when it comes to safety and welcoming travellers with open arms.

In a list released by holiday website Travelbird , Australia is poorly represented with only Sydney (pictured) and Melbourne recognised in the top 100

Australians are renowned worldwide for their friendliness and jovial nature - but it seems tourists aren't impressed with the land Down Under when it comes to welcoming travellers with open arms (Pictured is Sydney)

Australians are renowned worldwide for their friendliness and jovial nature – but it seems tourists aren’t impressed with the land Down Under when it comes to welcoming travellers with open arms (Pictured is Sydney)

Travel experts and tourists who have jetted around the world were quizzed on their perceptions of each city they visited, and Australian destinations were harshly ranked by overseas holidaymakers. 

Both Sydney and Melbourne were evenly matched in the overall happiness of citizens – both scoring a pleasant nine out of 10 – but it was the Nordic city of Oslo which took out the number one spot as happiest destination in the world with a perfect 10 score.

Trailing close behind Oslo on the happiness scale is Copenhagen in Denmark, while Reykjavik in Iceland made third place and three consecutive Swiss cities held down places four, five and six. 

Both Sydney and Melbourne (pictured) were evenly matched in the overall happiness of citizens - both scoring a pleasant nine out of 10 - but it was the Nordic city of Oslo which took out the number one spot as happiest destination in the world with a perfect 10 score

Both Sydney and Melbourne (pictured) were evenly matched in the overall happiness of citizens – both scoring a pleasant nine out of 10 – but it was the Nordic city of Oslo which took out the number one spot as happiest destination in the world with a perfect 10 score

Travel experts and tourists who have jetted around the world were quizzed on their perceptions of each city they visited, and Australian destinations were harshly ranked by overseas holidaymakers (Melbourne pictured)

Travel experts and tourists who have jetted around the world were quizzed on their perceptions of each city they visited, and Australian destinations were harshly ranked by overseas holidaymakers (Melbourne pictured)


1. Oslo, Norway

2. Copenhagen, Denmark

3. Reykjavik, Iceland

4. Geneva, Switzerland

5. Bern, Switzerland

6. Zurich, Switzerland

7. Helsinki, Finland

8. Rotterdam, Netherlands

9. Amsterdam, Netherlands

10. Toronto, Canada

11. Auckland, New Zealand

12. Melbourne, Australia

13. Stockholm, Sweden

14. Gothenburg, Sweden

15. Sydney, Australia

Source: Travelbird 

European and Scandinavian cities dominated the top 10 happiest locations in the world – but right behind Toronto, Canada, was Auckland at number 11 and Melbourne and Sydney tying at 9/10 for happiness too. 

The cities with the unhappiest locals were found to be Kiev in Ukraine, Phnom Penh in Cambodia and New Delhi in India. 

The next category each city was ranked in was safety – sourced from United Nations data which investigated the ‘perception of security’ and ‘how safe people feel’.

An unexpected winner of this department was the UAE city of Abu Dhabi with a perfect score, while Melbourne sat at 49th place and Sydney at 58th, likely because of the threat of terror attacks and past incidents.

Travelbird also assessed each city on how willing locals are to welcome tourists into their own homes based on the number of dwellings listed on couchsurfing sites.

Auckland (pictured), New Zealand, bested both Sydney and Melbourne in a number of categories

Auckland (pictured), New Zealand, bested both Sydney and Melbourne in a number of categories

Paris, the city of love, (pictured) was awarded number one in this category despite its reputation for being unwelcoming to non-French speaking tourists

Paris, the city of love, (pictured) was awarded number one in this category despite its reputation for being unwelcoming to non-French speaking tourists

Paris, the city of love, was awarded number one in this category despite its reputation for being particularly unwelcoming to non-French speaking tourists.

New York, Instabul and London all fell below Paris for its tourist accommodation and Melbourne only slightly beat Sydney on the list.

The two Australian cities were also ranked quite low for ‘tourism carrying capacity’ which compared hotels against the amount of visitors during peak seasons.  

it was the Nordic city of Oslo (pictured) which took out the number one spot as happiest destination in the world with a perfect 10 score

it was the Nordic city of Oslo (pictured) which took out the number one spot as happiest destination in the world with a perfect 10 score

An unexpected winner of the safety department was the UAE city of Abu Dhabi (pictured) with a perfect score

An unexpected winner of the safety department was the UAE city of Abu Dhabi (pictured) with a perfect score

When it came to a combined total of all categories, Singapore city topped the list as the most welcoming destination on the planet – with impressive scores for general happiness, transport, tourist treatment and English proficiency. 

Sydney fell down the list to number 55 – bested by Auckland which was ranked 28th – and ahead of Melbourne at 68th place. 

And Budapest in Hungary shouldn’t expect a flood of tourism after it was ranked as last in total, before the Romanian city of Bucharest and Vietnam’s Hanoi.  

‘To kick-start the research, we first polled over 15,000 travel journalists from around the world to include human judgement in the study, and find out how welcoming each destinations is according to people who have actually travelled there,’ Travelbird wrote on its site.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk