Mormon mother-of-two reveals how she became a porn star

Mother-of-two Aubrey Black (pictured) became an escort six years ago, and began working in pornographic films soon after

A Mormon mother-of-two has spent the last six years working in the adult entertainment industry – first as an escort, and more recently as a porn star.

Aubrey Black was working as a photographer and graphic designer with her daughter when a shoot with a group of escorts sparked her desire for a career change, she told

Ms Black’s daughter had moved to the US for love, and one of the women the 42-year-old photographed was living across the road from her. 

She told News Corp the woman across the road was working constantly, making Ms Black believe there was serious money in the profession.   

After a conversation with her boyfriend at the time, Ms Black set up an escorting profile.

She said her phone was ringing off the hook just two months later.

The 42-year-old met a group of escorts while working as a photographer, which encouraged her to switch careers

The 42-year-old met a group of escorts while working as a photographer, which encouraged her to switch careers

Ms Black's phone was ringing non stop just two months after she launched her escorting profile

Ms Black’s phone was ringing non stop just two months after she launched her escorting profile

Soon after starting to work as an escort, Ms Black began to appear in pornographic films

Soon after starting to work as an escort, Ms Black began to appear in pornographic films

Ms Black told News Corp she made $850,000 in just one year by working as an escort.  

Soon after her first foray into escorting, she began working on pornographic films. 

Ms Black said explaining her work to her children has been a minefield.

‘I told my son, who was 10 [when I started escorting], that I was doing dates with men for money. He was too young for me to say: ‘Hey, I’m f**king for money’,’ she said.

‘My daughter wasn’t happy with it … but she was older when she found out.’

Adding to the difficulty was Ms Black’s 30-year connection to her strict Mormon faith.

‘I was raised a Mormon girl, which I practised into my 30s and even raised my children that way,’ she said.  

She said her daughter was initially against her career change

Both of her children have now come to accept their mother's line of work

She said her daughter was initially against her career change, but both of her children have now come to accept their mother’s line of work

Ms Black's elderly Mormon mother, who was only told about her daughter's profession this year, was also accepting

Ms Black’s elderly Mormon mother, who was only told about her daughter’s profession this year, was also accepting

Now, things are more relaxed for Ms Black and her family. She says her daughter, 26, and her son, now 17, both accept what she does for a living, as does her religious mother.

Ms Black said she only told her 80-year-old mum this year, but was relieved at the response.

‘She told me: “At the end of the day, the heavenly father takes into consideration what is in a person’s heart”,’ the mum of two explained.

As for regular life as a mother, Ms Black doesn’t think she has missed too much. 

The 42-year-old said she had always struggled with the school run, and had felt judged by other mothers because of the way she looked – even before she took up her controversial career path. 

She said she would help in the school cafe and do design things for the school when her daughter was younger, but male students ‘got silly’, so she did not return. 

Ms Black said she was judged by other mothers long before she started working as an escort

Ms Black said she was judged by other mothers long before she started working as an escort

Ms Black (pictured) was raised Mormon and practiced into her 30s, and raised her children the same way

Ms Black (pictured) was raised Mormon and practiced into her 30s, and raised her children the same way