Claims David Davis is ‘furious’ at Johnson and Gove

David Davis is furious at Boris Johnson and Michael Gove for re-forging their alliance to try and impose control on Brexit, it was claimed today.

The Brexit Secretary is said to be ‘angry’ at claims from the pair they should be ‘getting on with’ sorting out Britain’s departure from the EU.

It was revealed on Sunday that Mr Johnson and Mr Gove privately wrote a joint letter to Theresa May saying they were ‘profoundly worried’ about how Brexit is going.

The renewed partnership is a stunning turnaround from the explosive fall out of the Tory leadership contest last year where Mr Gove double crossed Mr Johnson, ending his bid for No 10 and handing victory to Mrs May. 

David Davis (pictured in Downing Street this morning) is furious at Boris Johnson and Michael Gove for re-forging their alliance to try and impose control on Brexit, it was claimed today

The renewed partnership is a stunning turn around from the explosive fall out of the Tory leadership contest last year where Mr Gove (right arriving for Cabinet this morning) double crossed Mr Johnson (left outside No 10), ending his bid and handing victory to Mrs May

Mr Davis is said to be concerned the new manoeuvre by the Foreign Secretary and Environment Secretary will undermine talks leading up to December’s EU summit.

A friend told The Times: ‘He [Mr Davis] was furious with Boris and Michael for their intervention. 

‘He wants to demonstrate he’s in charge and in control. He’s angry that other people are interfering.’ 

A spokesman for Mr Davis played down the prospect of a row between the Brexit Secretary and his Cabinet colleagues.

He said: ‘This is flat wrong. How cabinet colleagues interact with each other is up to them and DD defended Boris when given the chance on Sunday.’ 

It was revealed on Sunday that Mr Johnson and Mr Gove privately wrote a joint letter to Theresa May (pictured last night addressing the Lord Mayor's Banquet) saying they were 'profoundly worried' about how Brexit is going

It was revealed on Sunday that Mr Johnson and Mr Gove privately wrote a joint letter to Theresa May (pictured last night addressing the Lord Mayor’s Banquet) saying they were ‘profoundly worried’ about how Brexit is going

Mr Davis is set to be in the Commons again today for the next round of his battle with Remain MPs to secure the laws for Brexit.

The first of eight marathon days of committee stage debate begins this afternoon. Initial clashes will focus on whether the date of Brexit should be written into law.

Mr Davis signalled a major climbdown on the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill yesterday as he said the Brexit deal would be written into its own law.

Former ministers Dominic Grieve, Nicky Morgan and Anna Soubry are among those threatening to side with Labour in votes on the legislation.

More than 400 amendments have been tabled, with the first major clashes due to be over whether to include a fixed Brexit date on the front page of the law.

Ministers including Culture Secretary Karen Bradley and new chief whip Julian Smith were seen walking up Downing Street to Cabinet this morning (pictured)

Ministers including Culture Secretary Karen Bradley and new chief whip Julian Smith were seen walking up Downing Street to Cabinet this morning (pictured)

Newly promoted Aid Secretary Penny Mordaunt and Trade Secretary Liam Fox were also in Downing Street today