Monaco’s royal twins have their first haircut

As twins they’re used to sharing all of life’s milestones, and Monaco’s youngest Prince and Princess have celebrated another small but significant step in their development – their first haircut. 

Their mother Princess Charlene proudly shared images of Jacques and Gabriella, two, on Instagram, after their first trip to the salon showing the youngsters admiring each other’s new looks. 

It was a particularly significant change for Jacques who has been sporting flowing blonde curls until now. 

But his sister seemed to approve of the change as she threw her arms around Jacques for a cuddle. 

Monaco’s royal twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabrielle were snapped by their mother after having their very first haircuts 

Gabriella seemed to approve of her brother's new look, planting a kiss on his cheek to celebrate

Gabriella seemed to approve of her brother’s new look, planting a kiss on his cheek to celebrate

The twins will celebrate their third birthday in December and 2018 looks set to be a big year for the young pair who will take a ‘halfway-around-the-world’ trip with their parents. 

In an interview with People magazine, Prince Albert revealed the family is planning a trip to Polynesia in summer 2018. 

‘We did a cruise with them this summer and that was fine. We’ll have to break up so it’s not so long for them.’

He added that while he’s eager for the twins to see the world, he is not planning any official visits with them until they’re a little older.

Princess Charlenes with Jacuqes and Gabriella before they had their curls cut shorter 

Princess Charlenes with Jacuqes and Gabriella before they had their curls cut shorter 

Prince Jacques aboard the Maritime Police Boat in Monaco a few days ago with his longer hair tied back in a ponytail 

Prince Jacques aboard the Maritime Police Boat in Monaco a few days ago with his longer hair tied back in a ponytail 

When asked if a future state visit might involve getting together with their young royal counterparts, he replied: ‘Are you asking me about a royal play date with Will and Kate’s kids?’ 

‘Maybe, but a state visit with the twins to any country, not just the UK, is a few years off.’

The twins are the first children born to Prince Albert and his wife Princess Charlene who married in 2011. 

It's set to be a big year for the twins who will accompany their parents on a trip to Polynesia next summer 

It’s set to be a big year for the twins who will accompany their parents on a trip to Polynesia next summer 

Jacques with longer curls at the Sainte-Devote festivities in Monaco in January this year 

Jacques with longer curls at the Sainte-Devote festivities in Monaco in January this year 

Gabriella was born first at 5.04pm, and Jacques at 5.06pm, but it is Jacques who will be the future Prince of Monaco, because of the Mediterranean principality’s male inheritance laws.

The Prince was by Charlene’s side as the children were delivered at the Princess Grace Hospital, which is named after Albert’s mother, the late Hollywood star, Grace Kelly.

Soon after 7.30pm, 42 cannon shots rung around Monaco, confirming that the babies had been born.

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene with the twins on their christening day 

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene with the twins on their christening day 

Albert had arranged the 42 shots, in place of the 21 that would boom for a single baby.

Charlene was a first-time mother, while Albert is the father of at least two children considered ‘illegitimate’ by the House of Grimaldi.

They are Jazmin Grace Grimaldi, his 25-year-old daughter with a Californian woman, and Alexandre Coste, his 14-year-old son with a former flight attendant from Togo, in West African.