Theresa May ‘wants to bring back William Hague’

Theresa May allegedly wants William Hague to be her right-hand man

Theresa May wants William Hague to be her right-hand man if deputy Prime Minister Damian Green is forced to resign over a porn scandal, it was reported last night. 

But the former Conservative Party leader is reluctant to come back to the cabinet, senior government sources claimed.

Hague, who now sits in the House of Lords after standing down as an MP in 2015, has already done the job as First Secretary of State under David Cameron.

Green is being investigated by cabinet ethics tsar Sue Gray for allegedly misleading the government by denying that extreme porn was found on his computer in 2008, reports The Sunday Times.

Green issued a comprehensive denial that there was any porn on his seized computers before changing his story and claiming police never told him about the discovery, sources said. 

It comes after claims the porn that was found would have been illegal if it had been discovered just weeks later. 

It was being accessed for up to eight hours a day, a police source said.

The computer was seized in a raid on the deputy PM’s office in November 2008 during an inquiry into government leaks.

Some images found on the system were said to be so vile that police took advice from the CPS on whether to prosecute.

But they were told there was no relevant law was in place when Mr Green’s office was raided.

The computer was seized in a raid on the deputy PM's office in November 2008 during an inquiry into government leaks

Some images found on the system were said to be so vile that police took advice from the CPS on whether to prosecute. Pictured, the Prime Minster Theresa May

The computer was seized in a raid on the deputy PM’s office in November 2008 during an inquiry into government leaks. Pictured, Damian Green (left) and the prime minster (right)

The law was changed eight weeks later, in January 2009.

A source close to the investigation told the Sun: ‘Porn was being accessed on an almost virtual daily basis. Police were told nothing could be done.

‘Quite simply, it was not illegal to be in possession of extreme images before January 2009.

‘If the raid had happened a few weeks later it would have been.’

The First Secretary of State is clinging to his job as he faces a Whitehall ‘sleaze’ inquiry after a female journalist said he ‘fleetingly’ touched her knee two years ago.

He said of the latest claim last night: ‘As I have said throughout I did not put or view pornography on the computers taken from my office.’

It is unclear who could have downloaded the porn. It did not feature sexual images of children.

Accessing extreme porn became illegal under sections 63 to 67 of the 2008 Crime and Immigration Act which came into force on January 26, 2009.

The 2009 law made it illegal to possess images featuring acts which threaten life, cause serious injury to a person’s private parts or depict sex with animals or a corpse.

It came into force following a four-year campaign by the parents of murdered Jane Longhurst.

Her killer Graham Coutts, 46, of Brighton, had a strangulation fetish and accessed violent images of simulated murders and rapes.

Mr Green has previously said police never told him that any improper material had been found on a parliamentary computer.

He also also denied making any sexual advances to the journalist Kate Maltby.