SNL cold open shows Don Trump Jr meeting Julian Assange

The new cold open of Saturday Night Live has skewered President Donald Trump’s two adult sons, depicting Don Trump Jr and Eric Trump meeting with Julian Assange in a dim parking garage.

The sketch riffs on new revelations about the Trump campaign, including Don Jr’s release of Twitter messages he traded with WikiLeaks mastermind Assange in September 2016.

The skit, set that same month, opens with a fake title sequence for ‘The Mueller Files’, a play on the X-Files referencing the investigation of special counsel Robert Mueller. 

Assange, played by Kate McKinnon (right), sidles out of the shadows in ‘a parking garage beneath the Ecuadorian Embassy’ in London sporting a leather jacket with cigarette in hand

Assange, played by Kate McKinnon, sidles out of the shadows in ‘a parking garage beneath the Ecuadorian Embassy’ in London sporting a leather jacket with cigarette in hand. 

‘I appreciate you coming all the way to London,’ the Assange character says to Don Jr, played by Mikey Day in a dark trench coat.

‘No problem, as secure and off the record as sliding into my twitter DMs is, I thought this might be safer,’ Day’s Don Jr replies.

The Don Jr character reveals that he’s left brother Eric in a car nearby, having ‘told him to honk the horn if he gets scared’.

Alex Moffat (left) plays Eric Trump as a nitwit, mistaking WikiLeaks for 'Ricki Lakes' and wearing a Spongebob backpack

Alex Moffat (left) plays Eric Trump as a nitwit, mistaking WikiLeaks for ‘Ricki Lakes’ and wearing a Spongebob backpack

A car horn honks, and Eric, played by Alex Moffat, scampers out to join the group.

‘He looks like Draco Malfoy!’ Moffat’s Eric says of Assange.

The trio, hampered by the Eric character’s stupidity – he mistakes WikiLeaks for ‘Ricki Lakes’ and wears a Spongebob backpack – plot and collude as dastardly as Democrats dream that Mueller’s real-life investigation will find.

The Assange character offers the brothers ‘a trove of hacked DNC emails’, and in exchange asks to be ‘cleared of all espionage charges’, to which Day’s Don Jr agrees.