Two kids who travel around the world instead of school

A single mother who took her children out of the classroom after too many run-ins with a school bully has revealed how it led to the family’s travelling lifestyle.

Four years ago Barbara Bryan, 50, took her two daughters Brooke, now 12, and Samantha, now 10, out of school – now they enjoy visiting exciting locations.

Since then the family, who are from the tiny village of Collector near Canberra, have been on hundreds of adventures together.

They told Daily Mail Australia they ‘spend a lot of time away’ because they do distance education and can ‘log in from anywhere around the world’. 

Four years ago Barbara Bryan, 50, took her two daughters Brooke, now 12, and Samantha, now 10, out of school

Since then the family, who are from the tiny village of Collector near Canberra, have been on hundreds of adventures together

Since then the family, who are from the tiny village of Collector near Canberra, have been on hundreds of adventures together

A family trip the China - pictured - where the girls got to climb the Great Wall has been a highlight for them

A family trip the China – pictured – where the girls got to climb the Great Wall has been a highlight for them

Here they are pictured in the happiest place on earth - dressed as princesses

Here they are pictured in the happiest place on earth – dressed as princesses

‘We do that whenever we have down time, so if we have a flight the girls will be on their iPads doing their work – they are so used to flying now they get used to it,’ Ms Bryan said.

Four years of travelling and the girls are still excited to try new things – and can’t decide whether Sydney, Tasmania or the Gold Coast is their favourite place to go. 

‘We had a really great staycation at Sydney Olympic Park recently and the girls loved that.

‘We were in a top-of-the-line motor home and got to try all of the things available for kids in the park – they did archery and all sorts of things and at night time we could see the Olympic cauldron outside our window it was just surreal.’ 

The children love going to the Gold Coast - pictured here in the sun on a recent trip - and always find new things to do there

The children love going to the Gold Coast – pictured here in the sun on a recent trip – and always find new things to do there

They are pictured here in Victoria - on the Great Ocean Road  one of Australia's favourite tourist destinations

They are pictured here in Victoria – on the Great Ocean Road  one of Australia’s favourite tourist destinations

The family travels across the country as well as internationally - documenting it all on their blog

The family travels across the country as well as internationally – documenting it all on their blog

Ms Bryan has had the travel bug for years - her daughter Brooke's first overseas trip was to Abu Dhabi - but she was still in her mother's tummy

Ms Bryan has had the travel bug for years – her daughter Brooke’s first overseas trip was to Abu Dhabi – but she was still in her mother’s tummy

With her kids suddenly at home, and as a single mother, Ms Bryan knew she wouldn’t be able to go back to her career – so she started blogging instead. 

She and her daughters have a blog called Let’s Go Mum, where they give reviews on places they stay and things they do when they are away. 

She also has a single mothers blog as well – so she can work from home and give her children the globe trotter lifestyle.

The children are used to being in airports and on planes - and get school work done in transit

The children are used to being in airports and on planes – and get school work done in transit

Brooke is pictured here shortly after laving school - on the Great Wall of China

Brooke is pictured here shortly after laving school – on the Great Wall of China

Brooke, who is an extrovert, begged these men to 'behead her' for a picture  during a cultural dance

Brooke, who is an extrovert, begged these men to ‘behead her’ for a picture  during a cultural dance

The family recently spent time at Olympic Park where they had a 'staycation'

The family recently spent time at Olympic Park where they had a ‘staycation’

Sydney is one of their favourite places to holiday - they live in a tiny village called Collector - outside of Canberra

Sydney is one of their favourite places to holiday – they live in a tiny village called Collector – outside of Canberra

‘I work very hard I am always behind the camera and write at night – as well as being the teacher for my girls,’ she said. 

‘We are so lucky with the offers we have had – that we get to see and do so much,’ she said. 

Her daughter Brooke has blossomed into a confident young girl – with an extroverted personality and caring attitude which makes her mother proud.

‘She wants to be an actress now, I think I will have to do something about that soon because she is very determined.

The children even like going on adventures in the rain and still aren't sick of travel

The children even like going on adventures in the rain and still aren’t sick of travel

'I work very hard I am always behind the camera and write at night – as well as being the teacher for my girls,' Ms Bryan said

‘I work very hard I am always behind the camera and write at night – as well as being the teacher for my girls,’ Ms Bryan said

This picture was take on the Spirit of Tasmania - where the family recently spent time 

This picture was take on the Spirit of Tasmania – where the family recently spent time 

‘Travelling has made both of the kids more outspoken and confident.

‘I remember this really nice moment on Samantha’s tenth birthday when we were on Sydney and I said we needed a cab. 

‘The girls just stepped out to hail one – it was the best.’

While Brooke still remembers the tough days at school where she was taunted, the family is amazed with the flexibility their new life has. 

And her mother knows her children won’t come home with bruises after a long day learning. 

Ms Bryan says travelling has been good for her daughters - they are even confident enough to hail taxis on their own

Ms Bryan says travelling has been good for her daughters – they are even confident enough to hail taxis on their own

They love to do things outside - and then talk about them on their blog

They love to do things outside – and then talk about them on their blog

They also love going on family cruises and basking in pristine beaches around the world

They also love going on family cruises and basking in pristine beaches around the world

'They are actually excelling at school and they get to learn about other places and things on the way,' Ms Bryan said

‘They are actually excelling at school and they get to learn about other places and things on the way,’ Ms Bryan said

‘They are actually excelling at school and they get to learn about other places and things on the way,’ she said.

Ms Bryan has had the travel bug since she was younger and has been to more than 30 countries – she says her children haven’t been to quite that many but have seen their ‘fair share’. 

‘One of my proudest moments was seeing them on the Great Wall of China, they were six and eight and I remember thinking how some people never get to see that,’ she said. 

The family are usually home for the school holidays as they prefer not to compete with the crowd.

Brooke will go on to high school next year and will be free to choose if she wants to physically go to school or continue to do it by distance.

The family are usually home for the school holidays as they prefer not to compete with the crowd

The family are usually home for the school holidays as they prefer not to compete with the crowd

Ms Bryan has had the travel bug since she was younger and has been to more than 30 countries – she says her children haven't been to quite that many but have seen their 'fair share'

Ms Bryan has had the travel bug since she was younger and has been to more than 30 countries – she says her children haven’t been to quite that many but have seen their ‘fair share’

'They are actually excelling at school and they get to learn about other places and things on the way,' Ms Bryan said

‘They are actually excelling at school and they get to learn about other places and things on the way,’ Ms Bryan said