Gosport man jailed for sexual activity with underage girls

Jordan Saunders has been locked up for three years after admitting sexual activity with three underage girls

A ‘predatory’ man has been locked up for three years after admitting sexual activity with three other teenagers when he was aged 17.  

Jordan Saunders, now 18, groomed his three victims, who were aged 15, 14, and 13, prosecutors at Portsmouth Crown Court said.

The  court heard he targeted all three girls, urged them to send him naked photos of themselves and sent them explicit messages and pictures as well.

Saunders, who then lived in Gosport, Hampire, persuaded the 13 year old to meet him at Eastleigh train station, Hants, where he was caught on CCTV ‘engaged in sexual activity’.

As a result he was sentenced to an 18 month suspended term in a Young Offenders’ Institution, after admitting three offences of sexual activity with a child including ‘digital penetration’.

Just eight days after being given that sentence he contacted another girl, 15, who said she ‘pressured’ to send him photos of her breasts.

Saunders sent messages to a third girl, aged 14, talking about ‘sex toys’ and later met her at the same train station, where he groped her.

This time he admitted a charge of failing to report for unpaid work, failing to comply with sex offender notification requirements and four breaches of a sexual harm prevention order after deleting apps on his phone and staying at an address for more than seven days.

He also admitted a charge of communication with a child for the purpose of gaining sexual gratification, two charges of causing a child to engage in sexual activity, and a charge of sexual activity with a child.

He will serve his sentence in a young offenders’ institution and was placed on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years. His phones were forfeited and destroyed.

Sentencing him, Recorder Rufus Taylor said: ‘You are and do pose a serious risk.’

After the case, Acting Detective Inspector Howard Broadribb said: ‘Saunders is a predatory offender who deliberately targeted vulnerable young girls.

‘During a routine enquiry at his address, officers became suspicious of activity on his internet browsing history and social media channels.

‘Computer devices were seized and forensically examined which identified a number of children Saunders had been communicating with.

‘When we visited those children it was clear that Saunders had been exchanging sexual messaging with them, and had been grooming them.’


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk