Retired London civil servant found dead in botched robbery

Murdered: Cathy Burke has been named locally as the victim of a botched burglary in Muswell Hill

A woman reportedly found bound and gagged during a robbery gone wrong at her north London home was repeatedly stabbed to death, police said.

The victim, named locally as 55-year-old Cathy Burke, was found by police on Thursday after neighbours became concerned she had not been seen.

Initially they were treating the mother-of-one’s death as ‘suspicious’ but a post-mortem examination gave a provisional cause of death as stab injuries.

Now a murder investigation has been launched but no arrests have yet been made.

According to neighbours, Ms Burke’s son, Niall, who is in his early 20s and who studies in Brighton, is in shock at the news.

It is said he is staying with relatives in the area. 

Fighting back tears, one of Ms Burke’s best friends on the street paid tribute to the former council worker, who was originally from Galway, Ireland.

Lesly Gregory, 62, who had know Ms Burke for ten years, said: ‘Her son rang me last night and said ‘please help the police with all their enquiries, it’s my mum’.

‘She would do anything for anyone, she would help out at my shop whenever I needed her.

‘She would babysit and give her last pound to help people.

Ms Burke's son, Niall, is said to be in shock after being told of his mother's murder. Ms Burke, pictured here on her friend's 60th birthday, was allegedly repeatedly stabbed

Ms Burke’s son, Niall, is said to be in shock after being told of his mother’s murder. Ms Burke, pictured here on her friend’s 60th birthday, was allegedly repeatedly stabbed

A woman reportedly found bound and gagged during a robbery gone wrong at her north London home was repeatedly stabbed to death, police said. Today floral tributes were left at the house

A woman reportedly found bound and gagged during a robbery gone wrong at her north London home was repeatedly stabbed to death, police said. Today floral tributes were left at the house

‘Cathy was a big party girl, everyone loved her. She had a terrific sense of humour, she was really funny, and really stubborn too.

‘What kind of people do that? The more I find out the worse it gets.’ 

After police broke into Cathy’s house they found her German Shepherd in a downstairs room on Thursday evening. 

Ms Gregory, who runs a nearby tile shop, said: ‘I saw a blue light flash past and had a look and saw it had gone to Cath’s house. 

‘I rushed outside and saw the police kick down the door, they tried to get into the downstairs room but the dog was in there and they didn’t know if it was vicious or not.’ 

She added the police left in the room and found her friend upstairs. 

Special needs teacher, Fenelle Archer Wright, 50, said: ‘I just feel physically sick that someone could do that to her. It’s just unspeakable what’s happened. 

‘We all love her in the street. Her son was just in shock – he couldn’t speak. It’s awful, she was so lovely and friendly. 

‘This is such a quiet neighbourhood, but there are a few people who are troublemakers. 

‘I saw some people go into Cathy’s house last Friday and didn’t know why. I thought ‘they’re not friends with Cathy, what’s going on?”

Neighbours on the street, where houses typically sell for £700,000, had not seen the retired civil servant for several days and thought she was sleeping off a sickness bug. 

Neighbour James McDermott, 60, said: ‘A few days before, she was ill with a sickness bug so we thought she was just sleeping it off.

The woman, named locally as 55-year-old Cathy Burke, was found by police on Thursday after neighbours became concerned she had not been seen

The woman, named locally as 55-year-old Cathy Burke, was found by police on Thursday after neighbours became concerned she had not been seen

Neighbours said she was a former council worker who was forced to take early retirement because of 'problems with her lungs' 

Neighbours said she was a former council worker who was forced to take early retirement because of ‘problems with her lungs’ 

‘But she hadn’t been seen with the dog in a while so a few of us were worried.

‘Someone got a ladder to find try and see inside but couldn’t see anything.

‘So we called the police and they found her.

‘The whole street is very nervous and on edge. There’s been a few burglaries here recently.

‘What’s happened is so shocking, everybody is just so upset. We all hope they get caught as quickly as possible.’

Describing Ms Burke he added: ‘She was such a lovely person, such a character, so funny, she was always smiling, she had such a wonderful laugh.

‘She was such a lovely girl. Such a funny character, she had a real Irish accent.

‘Her son plays golf and she helped him with that, as a single mum she was amazing.

‘I remember after a party once she gave me a whole crate of bitter, that’s the type of person she was.’

Scotland Yard said the woman died of stab injuries and a murder probe had been launched 

Scotland Yard said the woman died of stab injuries and a murder probe had been launched 

One neighbour who lives two doors down from the red-brick four-bed terraced house said she raised the alarm when they hadn’t heard from the mother-of-one, whose son is away at university, in a couple of days.

A ladder was put against the front wall so neighbours could try and see if she was inside.

She said: ‘I was one of the ones who actually called the police because we were worried about her, no-one had heard from her in a while.

‘That ladder was up there from where some of the other neighbours were trying to see inside.

‘They couldn’t see her though. That’s why it’s so unbelievable that they are saying she was bound and and gagged. Who does that?

‘It’s just such an awful way to go. She was a lovely person, a really good neighbour. She lived in her own and never had a bad word to say about anyone.

Today the house remained sealed off as forensic investigators carried out their wor

Today the house remained sealed off as forensic investigators carried out their wor

‘She brought her son up to be a lovely young man. We have lived in the street about the same length of time – 19 years – she was Irish and came over here a while ago.

‘Her dog was her dad’s that she inherited after he died – she used to care for him.’ 

Another neighbour said everyone in the street was worried about future break-ins.

He said: ‘What we have heard is such a macabre scenario, we need to know if we should be worried.

‘My understanding is she cut quite a solitary figure, she had her friends in the road, but I would only just say ‘hi’ in passing.

‘I just can’t understand why anyone would do something like that to someone like her, it’s just so shocking.’

Today the house remained sealed off as forensic investigators carried out their work.

Scotland Yard said the woman died of stab injuries and a murder probe had been launched.