What the celestial ‘LOVEBOMB’ means for you

Early in the morning last week, while most of us were sleeping, the two brightest planets in our solar system put on a spectacular show.

Venus and Jupiter’s sensational display, appearing so close they were almost touching, thrilled stargazers across the world who rose before sunrise to catch a glimpse of the sky.

But even if you missed the stunning dance of the planets, you won’t miss the effects this astrological phenomenon will have on your life.

And now, with a New Moon in Scorpio, its significance becomes even greater. Exciting changes lie ahead, and we are all set to benefit.

Venus and Jupiter passed in the sky, giving stargazers a stunning display. Now with a new moon in Scorpio it’s said that exciting times are ahead for the starsigns

You see, the conjunction we witnessed in the sky last week is the most powerful of all planetary relatioships. 

It’s when two or more planets align and fuse their powers, magnifying the effects each would normally exhibit alone. Wherever one wields its influence, the other does the same, indivisibly entwined.

So what traits do Venus and Jupiter each bring to their celestial union? Well, Venus represents love, peace and harmony. But she also represents money and exchange and, for better or worse, what we’re attracted to! Wherever she goes, affection is not far behind.

One key word describes Jupiter: growth. But there are many sides to this. He represents wisdom, wealth, morality, justice, faith, fortune, success, excess. 

When Jupiter’s active in our horoscope, we can overindulge and be guilty of conceit. But when opportunity knocks, it’s often Jupiter at the door. And when adventure calls, he’s usually the first to answer.

While Venus and Jupiter align every year, their display is only easily visible every 15 to 20 years, as the Sun usually blocks our view. But the effects of the alignment are clear to see.

Scorpio represents power and control, Jupiter is a figure of justice and Venus helps bring about peace

Scorpio represents power and control, Jupiter is a figure of justice and Venus helps bring about peace

Last year, they united in Virgo just as a ceasefire was announced in Colombia, ending 52 years of civil war; soon afterwards, Mother Teresa was made a saint.

This alignment has not arrived in Scorpio for more than a decade — until now. Scorpio represents power and control, Jupiter is a figure of justice, and Venus helps bring about peace. 

In 2006, when Jupiter and Venus combined in Scorpio, Saddam Hussein was being held to account for war crimes. In 1994, these planets joined just as loyalists laid down their weapons in Belfast, and Israel and Jordan made peace.

We may already be feeling the effects of this latest conjunction, with the deposition of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. 

The recent deposition of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe and the continuing issues at Westminster could have been caused by the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus

The recent deposition of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe and the continuing issues at Westminster could have been caused by the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus

 The turmoil at Westminster and sexual outrages in Hollywood also fit the pattern of what we can expect — indicating Jupiter’s morality and truth journeying through Scorpio’s themes of sex, power and taboo.

However, I prefer to focus on what it all means to us on a personal level. The conjunction is a kind of ‘love bomb’, bringing an explosion of emotions. I’ve prepared this sign-by-sign guide to benefiting from it now and in the year to come.


(March 21 – April 20)

Are you a stock-market soothsayer or do you find commodities confusing? The placement of this year’s Venus-Jupiter conjunction suggests that, whether you realise it or not, you might be leaning towards the former.

But it doesn’t have to be stocks and shares — whatever you value now has the potential to grow, as long as it can be shared and exchanged. Markets are volatile, and people can be too — but that doesn’t preclude you from riding your luck. Invest wisely, whether materially or emotionally, and you’ll enjoy a significant return.


(April 21 – May 21)

As children, my brother and I loved playing the game of Opposites. We’d wind our parents up by declaring the opposite of what we meant. Now your ruler Venus has conjuncted Jupiter in your opposite sign, does this mean its effects will be felt only by others? Quite the, er, opposite! Instead, it shines a spotlight on you — meaning others finally see the wonderful things you can do. You are due a prolonged period of generous support. Give as much as you take and you will enjoy many rich pleasures.


Gemini has skills in the arts so now is the chance to benefit from them as some aspects of your life may feel joyless

Gemini has skills in the arts so now is the chance to benefit from them as some aspects of your life may feel joyless

(May 22 – June 22)

In Japan, green tea making is a ritual. There are special cups, caddies, bowls and scoops. There’s precise attention to detail, but it’s also a ceremony that’s meant to be enjoyed. Some aspects of your life require similar levels of dedication to protocol, yet may feel joyless in comparison. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction has changed that.

You have arts and skills in which you could become a master. Here is the chance to benefit from them, and take pleasure in their practice.


When it comes to love, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction is allowing cancer to be both creative and successful 

When it comes to love, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction is allowing cancer to be both creative and successful 

(June 23 – July 23)

Although love is renewable, that doesn’t mean we can meet every demand for it that’s placed on us. Sometimes we feel drained by the need to maintain a constant supply. And at other times, we generate so much that it’s hard to know what to do with the excess.

In much the same way, the great challenge in the renewable power business is working out how to store energy for a rainy (and less windy) day. But the brightest technological minds in the world are on the case. And when it comes to love, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction is making you equally as creative and successful. You’re free to generate and be generous.


(July 24 – August 23)

It may have taken a wolf at the door, huffing and puffing and blowing their houses down — but eventually, the three little pigs in the fable got the right idea.

They realised their houses had to be properly constructed and made of a durable material. You might not have a curly tail or trotters, but the effect of the Venus-Jupiter conjunction was to encourage you to build up your own home base, too. Yet when it comes to your emotional foundations, it’s not bricks and mortar that provide the safest space. You needn’t feel stalked by wolves of the past. Love, hope, optimism and vision will endow you with the greatest protection and brightest future.


For Virgo the recent Jupiter-Venus conjunction will help you arrive at inspiring conclusions

For Virgo the recent Jupiter-Venus conjunction will help you arrive at inspiring conclusions

(August 24 – September 23)

Roy Orbison sang ‘If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all’. But what about the times we need to deliver a difficult message? Mary Poppins advocated a spoonful of sugar. 

But your situation requires more than platitudes. It needs solutions. And the recent Jupiter-Venus conjunction will help you arrive at inspiring conclusions. Inspiration is key here. No matter how worthwhile your ideas, they’ll only disappoint if they create tension.

Yet if you now sow harmony where there is discord, the decisions you make will prove both wise and valuable.


The conjunction will help Libra grow resources and gain security, but it requires speculation

The conjunction will help Libra grow resources and gain security, but it requires speculation

(September 24 – October 23)

Your ruler’s visit to Libra arrived too early to coincide with Jupiter’s last year. But that doesn’t mean you have reason to be underwhelmed as Venus converges with the planet of abundance and success.

Their conjunction will help you grow your resources and gain greater security. But this process doesn’t dictate you must lead a life free of risk. Accumulation requires speculation. And you will need a sense of adventure if you are to capitalise on this opportunity. Yet as long as you’re wise enough to do what feels right, your speculation will prove anything but idle.


For Virgo, the conjunction took place in your sign so this crossing means that you will be met with admiration, support and autonomy

For Virgo, the conjunction took place in your sign so this crossing means that you will be met with admiration, support and autonomy

(October 24 – November 22)

The Venus-Jupiter conjunction took place in your sign. If this celestial conjunction is a ‘love bomb’, that makes you the general with your finger on the button.

But this power has hardly fallen into the wrong hands. And you needn’t fear sanction and retaliation. Instead, you will be met with admiration, support and autonomy. Jupiter’s transit through your sign is an inspiring period that takes a total of 12 years to return.

Though it is still very much in its infancy, this will be a time when you explore, learn and grow at an impressive and unprecedented rate. Venus’s kindness and beauty ensures that, for you, this experience will not only be greatly rewarding, but also immensely enjoyable.


For Sagittarius this crossing of the planets means that you will feel more emotional at the moment as Jupiter is your ruling planet

For Sagittarius this crossing of the planets means that you will feel more emotional at the moment as Jupiter is your ruling planet

(November 23 – December 21)

Jupiter is your ruling planet, so any conjunction he makes will be keenly felt by those born under your sign. And little else heightens your sense of emotion more than when Venus and your ruler converge in the sky. Their meeting signified that an unconscious connection to the world is being reinforced for you.

You’re being encouraged to dream — to realise what’s possible when you work in harmony with your environment. Have faith in your heart’s vision.

Edgar Cayce said ‘Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions’. With Jupiter on the final leg of his long journey home, all you dream of now can begin to come true.


For Capricorns, right now is the tipping point, but don't fear getting hurt in the process, this is the moment your realise you have all the support and opportunity in front of you

For Capricorns, right now is the tipping point, but don’t fear getting hurt in the process, this is the moment your realise you have all the support and opportunity in front of you

(December 22 – January 20)

Author Malcolm Gladwell described ‘the tipping point’ as ‘the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point’. It’s often used to understand how social norms develop or trends catch on.

Following the convergence of Venus and Jupiter, you’re reaching your own emotional tipping point. Yet you needn’t fear boiling over or being burned in the process. 

This is the moment you realise you have all the resources, all the support and every opportunity to take advantage of your position and pursue meaningful progress. But you needn’t try to go it alone. Many hands are willing to lift you up and lighten your load.


(January 21 – February 19)

Success is not found in a burnished reputation. Although we often confuse notoriety with importance, some of the greatest achievements go unnoticed and many significant breakthroughs remain inconspicuous.

But that doesn’t mean the success now becoming available to you won’t be recognised. It’s significant. And it can make a material difference to how valued you are and how comfortable your place in the world feels. It just means that, first and foremost, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction is encouraging you to make sticking to your values part of your ambition. The right kind of success — and appreciation — will surely follow.


(February 20 – March 20)

Your sign does not have one ruler, but two. And Venus follows up her conjunction with your traditional ruler, Jupiter, with a harmonious link to your modern ruler, Neptune. Does that make Pisceans the luckiest recipients of Venus’s celestial benevolence? Perhaps. But her alignments also do their best to remind you that life is a marathon, not a sprint.

It’s not that your faith in yourself will be tested, but it will be called upon on this journey. Yet, as long as you answer that call with kindness, confidence and imagination, you’ll come to understand all the benefits this positive philosophy of optimism bestows.


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