Terry Crews slams Russell Simmons over sex allegations

Actor Terry Crews has slammed Russell Simmons for allegedly urging him to drop his sexual assault accusation against a high-powered male talent agent, after Simmons himself became the target of sex misconduct allegations.

Crews, 49, on Sunday published an email that he says Simmons sent him on November 3, urging Crews to drop his then-fresh groping allegations against married Hollywood agent Adam Venit.

‘Did he ever apologize  Give the agent a pass  ask that he be reinstated,’ the brief email reads, closing with: ‘With great love, all things are possible’.

‘NO ONE GETS A PASS,’ Crews wrote on Twitter in a note with the email. A rep for Simmons did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the email.

Crews, a strapping former NFL linebacker, shattered stereotypes about sexual assault victims when he came forward with groping allegations earlier this month.

His missive against the 60-year-old Simmons comes fast on the heels of explosive sex assault allegations against Simmons, which the millionaire music producer has vehemently denied.  

Music producer Russell Simmons

Actor Terry Crews (left) has slammed music producer Russell Simmons (right) for allegedly urging him to drop his sexual assault accusation against a male talent agent, after Simmons himself became the target of sex misconduct allegations

Crews on Sunday published an email that he says Simmons sent him on November 3, urging Crews to drop his then-fresh groping allegations against married Hollywood agent Adam Venit

Crews on Sunday published an email that he says Simmons sent him on November 3, urging Crews to drop his then-fresh groping allegations against married Hollywood agent Adam Venit

Allegations: Crews claims that at a February 2016 party Venit grabbed his genitals and stuck out his tongue in an 'overtly sexual' way (Venit and his wife Trina above)

Allegations: Crews claims that at a February 2016 party Venit grabbed his genitals and stuck out his tongue in an ‘overtly sexual’ way (Venit and his wife Trina above)

Early Sunday morning, the Los Angeles Times published an interview with ex-model Keri Claussen Khalighi, who claimed Simmons forced himself on her when she was 17, and alleged film producer Brett Ratner watched her ordeal and refused to do anything about it.

Keri Claussen Khalighi, above in 1998, accused recording mogul Russell Simmons of forcing himself on her when she was a 17-year-old model at his New York apartment

Keri Claussen Khalighi, above in 1998, accused recording mogul Russell Simmons of forcing himself on her when she was a 17-year-old model at his New York apartment

Khalighi, now 43, said that the alleged incident took place at Simmons’ apartment in New York in 1991.

Khalighi said she met Simmons and Ratner at a casting call before accompanying them to dinner one night. The trio then went back to Simmons’ apartment to watch a music video the two men had been working on.

She said it was back there that Simmons allegedly began to make ‘aggressive sexual advances’ and took off her clothes, while Ratner did nothing to help. 

‘I looked over at Brett and said ‘help me’ and I’ll never forget the look on his face,’ she said. 

‘In that moment, the realization fell on me that they were in it together.’

Simmons has denied engaging in non-consensual sex, saying in a statement: ‘Everything that happened between us 26 years ago was completely consensual and with Keri’s full participation.’

Khalighi claims Simmons tried to force her to have sex but she ‘fought it wildly’ before she eventually ‘acquiesced’ and performed oral sex. 

She alleged that Ratner, who was a a music video director at the time, ‘just sat there and watched’.

Khalighi has accused recording mogul Russell Simmons (right) of forcing himself on her at his New York apartment in 1991 while film producer Brett Ratner (left) allegedly did nothing to help

Khalighi has accused recording mogul Russell Simmons (right) of forcing himself on her at his New York apartment in 1991 while film producer Brett Ratner (left) allegedly did nothing to help

Khalighi, above in 1997

Khalighi, above in 1995

Khalighi, above in 1997 (left) and 1995 (right), claimed that Simmons began to make ‘aggressive sexual advances’ towards her and took off her clothes


Terry Crews detailed his sexual assault claims against a high-powered Hollywood agent earlier this week on Good Morning America, one month after first revealing his allegations on Twitter.

‘Back in February 2016, I was assaulted by Adam Venit, head of the motion picture department at William Morris Endeavor. One of the biggest agencies in the world, period,’ said Crews.

The Brooklyn 911 star went on to explain that he did not even know the agent, whose clients include Adam Sandler, Sylvester Stallone and Eddie Murphy.

‘I’m looking at him and he’s basically staring at me and he’s sticking his tongue out and, you know, it’s overtly sexual kind of tongue moves and I’m saying, “It’s a party. It’s packed.” The whole thing,’ explained Crews.

‘He comes over to me. I stick my hand out and he takes his hand and puts it and squeezes my genitals. And I jump back like, “hey, hey “and he’s like licking his tongue out and all this stuff.’

Crews said that the assault did not end at that point however, and continued to go on in front of the other guests. 

‘He bumps into all the other partygoers and he starts giggling and laughing and let me tell you – I have never felt more emasculated, more objectified. I was horrified.’

Venit, who has four children with his wife Trina, is currently on leave from the agency as they investigate the matter.

The Los Angeles Police Department is also investigating after Crews filed a report last week.

By Chris Spargo for DailyMail.com 

Khalighi claims she then went to take a shower but Simmons allegedly followed her and briefly penetrated her in the shower without her consent.

‘It hurt so much,’ she said. 

Simmons issued a statement Sunday morning saying he denies the ‘horrendous allegations’.

‘I know Keri Claussen Khalighi and remember the weekend in 1991 that she has referenced. Everything that happened between us 26 years ago was completely consensual and with Keri’s full participation,’ he said.

‘We spent time in my apartment over a period of two days and one night, as well as at some public places including Nell’s Nightclub. Much of the time we were in the presence of other acquaintances. I’m deeply saddened and truly shocked to learn of Keri’s assertions as to what happened over the course of that weekend. 

‘Let me be crystal clear and very direct. Abusing women in any way shape or form violates the very core of my being. I have always spoken out regarding my life experiences, women’s issues and the need to bring a faster and more decisive shift in the collective consciousness that will help bring about true women’s equality.

Ratner has recently been dogged by allegations of sexual misconduct by at least six women, including actress Olivia Munn (above) 

Ratner has recently been dogged by allegations of sexual misconduct by at least six women, including actress Olivia Munn (above) 

‘More than anything, I want my daughters to live in a more equal world and a world where they will not become victims of sexual harassment.’ 

Meanwhile, Ratner – through his attorney – said he had ‘no recollection’ of Khalighi asking for his help and said he did not see her ‘protest’. 

Ratner has recently been dogged by allegations of sexual misconduct by at least six women, including actress Olivia Munn.

Munn claimed that the film producer masturbated in front of her in his trailer in 2004, and then in 2010 approached her at a party and told her he had bought 10 magazines with her picture on the cover and ‘came all over them’.

He has denied the allegations leveled at him by the women.   


As a long-time social activist, I have applauded the strength of the brave men and women who have spoken out over the past month and made their voices heard regarding sexual assault and harassment. I am a supporter of the #MeToo campaign and the victims who were previously terrified to stand up and speak out against sexual misconduct. I completely and unequivocally deny the horrendous allegations of non-consensual sex against me with every fiber of my being.

I know Keri Claussen Khalighi and remember the weekend in 1991 that she has referenced. Everything that happened between us 26 years ago was completely consensual and with Keri’s full participation. We spent time in my apartment over a period of two days and one night, as well as at some public places including Nell’s Nightclub. Much of the time we were in the presence of other acquaintances. I’m deeply saddened and truly shocked to learn of Keri’s assertions as to what happened over the course of that weekend.

Let me be crystal clear and very direct. Abusing women in any way shape or form violates the very core of my being. I have always spoken out regarding my life experiences, women’s issues and the need to bring a faster and more decisive shift in the collective consciousness that will help bring about true women’s equality. More than anything, I want my daughters to live in a more equal world and a world where they will not become victims of sexual harassment.

The LA Times article also references an allegation by Ms. Tanya Reid. I mean no disrespect to her at all when I say I honestly do not recall my telephone conversation with a hotel front desk clerk from over a quarter-century ago.

In addition, there were multiple witnesses during the entire weekend. Three of their statements were provided to LA Times prior to publication.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk