Young father ‘used dying breaths to name his attacker’

A young father named his killer to police after he was stabbed 29 times and his new girlfriend had her throat cut, a court heard today.

Lee Hatley, 29, told officers he was dying after being repeatedly knifed in the head, neck and chest by his friend Bradley Wood, 25.

His girlfriend Lauren Egan-Perkins, 22, was also stabbed in the neck by Wood as she slept at her flat in Islington, north London, it is alleged.

Despite suffering horrific injuries and having a piece of blade embedded in his brain, Mr Hatley managed to stagger next door to alert a neighbouring couple at 2am on 26 June this year.

Despite suffering horrific injuries and having a piece of blade embedded in his brain, Mr Hatley managed to stagger next door to alert a neighbouring couple at 2 in the morning 

Prosecutor Duncan Atkinson QC told the Old Bailey: ‘As they sought to provide him with first aid, he told them he had been stabbed ‘everywhere’ and named the person who stabbed him as Bradley Wood.

‘He was heard to repeat this identification of his assailant on a number of occasions by neighbours and then police officers, who he also told he was dying.

‘In fact not only Lee Hatley but also his partner Lauren Egan-Perkins had been stabbed with a kitchen knife picked up at Egan-Perkins’ flat by Bradley Wood.’

Jurors heard Hatley, his friend Louis Rooney and Wood had spent the evening smoking and drinking at Miss Egan-Perkins’ flat in Westcliffe House on Baxter Road.

By the time of the attack, Mr Rooney had left and Miss Egan-Perkins, 22, had gone to bed.

She awoke to find herself being attacked by Wood, and suffered a stab wound to the neck and a large cut to her throat, the court heard.

Wood fled the scene and enlisted the help of his father Alan to collect him from Essex Road.

He then travelled to Northampton, where he told another friend of his father ‘It got out of hand, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.’

Wood eventually handed himself into police on 30 June and made a statement claiming that when he picked up a knife Mr Hatley ‘misunderstood’ and lunged at him.

He said he did not intend to harm Mr Hatley during the struggle – but failed to explain how Miss Egan-Perkins became injured.

Bradley Wood is also accused of attacking Mr Hatley's girlfriend, Lauren Egan-Perkins, 22, as she slept at her flat in Islington, north London

Bradley Wood is also accused of attacking Mr Hatley’s girlfriend, Lauren Egan-Perkins, 22, as she slept at her flat in Islington, north London

The prosecutor said Wood was the only candidate for the stabbing of Miss Egan-Perkins and claimed he attacked Lee Hatley ‘offensively and in anger’.

Mr Atkinson said: ‘While he would have been entitled to defend himself if he had been attacked, his response to any such attack from an unarmed man, a friend, was to use a lethal weapon – a response out of all proportion.

‘The fact that some of the wounds were to Mr Hatley’s upper limbs was consistent with those injuries being sustained when Mr Hatley was defending himself.’

The prosecutor added: ‘His conduct in running away and seeking to stay away from the police are revealing because they were the actions of someone who knew he had done something badly wrong.’

Mr Hatley, a father-of-one, had met Miss Egan Perkins a few weeks before his death.

Wood, of New College Mews, Islington, north London, denies murder, attempted murder and the alternative of wounding with intent.

The trial continues. 

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