PIERS MORGAN: Is Lena Dunham the world’s worst feminist?

Barely a day seems to go by without Lena Dunham either doing or saying something ridiculous, then grovelling hours later

Is there a more tiresome, tedious celebrity feminist alive today than Lena Dunham?

I realise this may seem a slightly incongruous question to ask while Madonna is still with us.

But barely a day seems to go by without Ms Dunham either doing or saying something utterly ridiculous, then usually making grovelling apologies for it hours later.

This week, the creator of HBO’s smash hit Girls has surpassed even her own levels of absurdity.

Back in August, she tweeted this: ‘Things women do lie about: what they ate for lunch. Things women don’t lie about: rape.’

That was unequivocal, right?

No wriggle-room there for anyone to misunderstand Dunham’s position on women who make allegations of rape: they are all to be believed, they are telling the 100% truth.

Now, others may take issue with that uncompromising premise. Not least because the law is clear that people are innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until or if they are able to prove themselves innocent.

But Dunham was emphatic: If a woman, any woman, makes a rape claim, she is telling the truth.

Miller vehemently denies the allegations and said that he has proof that the accusations are false

Actress Aurora Perrineau (pictured), 23, said that writer Murray Miller raped her in 2012

Dunham was recently emphatic that any woman making a rape claim must be believed. Then her friend Murry Miller, left, was accused by actress Aurora Perrineau. Miller denied the claim

Then a few days ago, her friend and Girls co-writer Murray Miller was accused of rape by actress Aurora Perrineau who claimed Miller had non-consensual sex with her in a Los Angeles hotel room in 2012 when she was just 17.

Miller vehemently denies the allegations, which are now being investigated by the LAPD.

This was a tricky one for Ms Dunham, obviously.

On the one hand, she had publicly declared that all women who make rape claims have to be believed.

On the other hand, the accused man in this instance was her friend and co-worker.

What’s a radical, virtue-signalling feminist to do in such circumstance?

Well, Dunham attacked the rape claimant.

She made a statement of fulsome support for Miller, made with Girls’ executive producer Jenni Konner, which said: ‘Our insider knowledge of Miller’s situation makes us confident that sadly this accusation is one of the 3% of assault cases that are misreported every year. We stand by Murray and this is all we’ll be saying about this issue.’

Lena and Girls’ executive producer Jenni Konner, left, made a statement supporting Miller and attacking the rape claimant

Lena and Girls’ executive producer Jenni Konner, left, made a statement supporting Miller and attacking the rape claimant

Lena Dunham was accusing Aurora Perrineau of lying

Lena Dunham was accusing Aurora Perrineau of lying


So Lena Dunham was accusing Aurora Perrineau of lying.

She didn’t believe her claim of rape.

Reaction to this 180-degree principle U-turn was swift, and fiercely critical.

Rose McGowan, whose rape accusation about Harvey Weinstein last month ignited the global sexual harassment firestorm, led the charge on Twitter: ‘Lena Dunha, Jenni Konner. Good old-fashioned elitist slut shaming. Way to go.’

Dunham, bombarded with a deluge of similar comments, promptly capitulated with a cringe-making apologia.

‘As feminists, we live and die by our politics,’ she said, ‘and believing women is the first choice we make every single day when we wake up.’

Sorry, what?

'Lena Dunham, Jenni Konner. Good old-fashioned elitist slut shaming. Way to go,' McGowan tweeted on Saturday evening, and a chorus joined in. So Dunham capitulated

‘Lena Dunham, Jenni Konner. Good old-fashioned elitist slut shaming. Way to go,’ McGowan tweeted on Saturday evening, and a chorus joined in. So Dunham capitulated

The Girls actress issued the apology on Twitter, and the rambling, hypocritical mea culpa threw her friend under the bus

The Girls actress issued the apology on Twitter, and the rambling, hypocritical mea culpa threw her friend under the bus

Believing women was literally the exact opposite choice Lena Dunham made the day this rape allegation was made against her friend.

In fact, her first choice was to chuck the alleged victim under a gigantic bus and call her a liar who’d made the whole thing up.

In her rambling mea culpa, Dunham said she regretted her statement supporting Miller ‘with every fiber’ of her being.

She added: ‘Every woman who comes forward deserves to be heard and our relationship to the accused should not be part of the calculation anyone makes when examining her case. Under patriarchy, “I believe you” is essential. Until we are all believed, none of us will be believed.’

By making this second statement, Dunham was now throwing her friend Murray Miller to the wolves and convicting him before the police have even had time to conduct an interview about this allegation, let alone consider any charges.

I would imagine Miller is currently feeling the same way about Dunham as his accuser.

Both have been used as pathetic, powerless pawns in her ruthlessly selfish desperation to make herself look good to the world.

It’s not the first time Dunham has displayed such rank cynical hypocrisy.

On Halloween a year ago, a week before the US election and just after the infamous Donald Trump Access Hollywood sex tape was leaked, she dressed up as a ‘grabbed p*ssy.’ She made it very clear that she despised anyone who grabbed a female’s genitalia without permission.

Yet in her own 2014 book, Not That Kind of Girl, Dunham revealed how she did that exact thing to her own sister. ‘Anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl, I was trying,’ she wrote.

On Halloween a year ago she dressed up as a ‘grabbed p*ssy.’ She made it very clear that she despised anyone who grabbed a female’s genitalia without permission

Yet in her own 2014 book, Not That Kind of Girl, Dunham revealed how she did that exact thing to her own sister

On Halloween a year ago she dressed up as a ‘grabbed p*ssy.’ She made it very clear that she despised anyone who grabbed a female’s genitalia without permission. Yet in her own 2014 book, Not That Kind of Girl, Dunham revealed how she did that exact thing to her own sister

On another occasion, she criticized Kanye West for the video accompanying his record Famous, which featured a dozen naked waxwork celebrities in a giant bed.

‘It made her feel ‘sad and unsafe’, she said.

Yet Dunham’s exposed her own naked body on Girls so many times it’s hard to conjure up an image of her in the show with her clothes on.

She has also whacked Hollywood for its lack of diversity, conveniently ignoring the fact that all the lead characters in Girls are white.

Last month, Dunham condemned R Kelly for his ‘predatory behaviour’, and was roundly mocked when she was reminded of her own semi-naked photo session last year with Terry Richardson, who was recently exposed for sexually exploiting young women in what was said to be an ‘open secret’ in the world of fashion.

‘I ask that my feminism not be picked apart because of one PR experience,’ she responded when mocked for this hypocrisy.

If only it were just the one, Lena!

When promoting Planned Parenthood, she said she hadn’t had an abortion, ‘but I wish I had.’

Really? You wish you’d had an abortion, an experience that many women consider to be the worst of their lives?

She apologised yet again: ‘I would never trivialised the emotional challenges of terminating a pregnancy,’ she gushed, having just done precisely that.’

The sheer breath-taking nature of her sanctimonious hypocrisy can be staggeringly brazen.

When she sat next to NFL star Odell Beckham at the Met Gala ball last year, Dunham was enraged he didn’t pay her more attention.

She told her friend Amy Schumer in an a few days interview later that Beckham had looked at her in a way that ‘determined I was not the shape of a woman by his standards. He was like, “That’s a marshmallow, that’s a child, that’s a dog.” The vibe was very much, “Do I want to f*** it? Is it wearing a…yep, it’s a tuxedo. I’m going back to my phone.’

So here was a self-appointed feminist queen feeling outraged that a man HADN’T sexualised her. Of course, had Beckham told her she was ‘hot’, Dunham would have lit him up for appalling sexism.

Dunham apologised for the umpteenth time, naturally. But the damage to Beckham was done.

Dunham professes to ferociously defend women’s rights yet the female characters in Girls regularly spewed out  words and phrases like ‘P*ssy’, ‘c**t, ‘whore’, slut’, ‘tramp stamp’ and ‘b*tch’ - and she exposed her own naked body so many times it’s hard to conjure up an image of her in the show with her clothes on - yet Kanye's Famous video made her feel sad and unsafe

Dunham professes to ferociously defend women’s rights yet the female characters in Girls regularly spewed out words and phrases like ‘P*ssy’, ‘c**t, ‘whore’, slut’, ‘tramp stamp’ and ‘b*tch’ – and she exposed her own naked body so many times it’s hard to conjure up an image of her in the show with her clothes on – yet Kanye’s Famous video made her feel sad and unsafe

Of all this ludicrous creature’s many hypocritical feminist crimes, perhaps the most unrelenting and offensive lies within the content of her own show.

Dunham professes to ferociously defend women’s rights yet the female characters in Girls regularly spew out insulting words and phrases like ‘P*ssy’, ‘c**t, ‘whore’, slut’, ‘tramp stamp’ and ‘b*tch’, often in a deliberately derogatory way.

Ms Dunham’s made a complete fool of herself this week over the rape allegations against Murray Miller, just as she’s been making a complete fool of herself for years now.

‘There is no such thing as a perfect feminist,’ she said at a Variety power lunch in 2015.

No, there isn’t.

But there is such a thing as a terrible feminist, and she’s the perfect example.

In fact, I’d go as far as to say that Lena Dunham is the world’s worst feminist.


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