For many America is the land of the Statue of Liberty, the declaration of Independence and Uncle Sam.
For others it’s the land of pancakes on sticks and opening beer cans with ammo clips.
This revelation has come about thanks to an internet thread posing the question ‘what is the most American thing you can think of?’
Hot dogs with a zig-zag of mustard have been deemed extremely American
Unsurprisingly, food was a popular theme in the Reddit thread, as were guns and sport.
One person declared that ‘deep fried bacon wrapped cheeseburgers’ were the ultimate American thing, with another called TheSchlaf saying it is ‘a pancake on a stick’.
Other food items that featured heavily in the discussion were burgers and hot dogs, especially if they have mustard with a zig-zag pattern on top.
Forum user bicyclemom replied saying the most American thing she could think of was ‘two eggs, any style, with bacon, ham or sausage complete with home fries, toast and a bottomless cup of coffee, of course’.
Big cars and monster truck rallies were also mentioned in the discussion as well as fighter jets flying over sports games, the US holiday of Thanksgiving and Dolly Parton.
But for Browny413 it’s ‘calling the winners of an exclusive American-only sports competition “World Champions”‘.
One Reddit user who joined in with the discussion of the most American thing ever said: ‘I opened a beer with an ammo clip last night’
Other users said they immediately thought of firearms, with user Triit explaining how he had gone to raffle where the winning prize was a shotgun.
While another said the most American thing he could think of were the reports of people trying to shoot at Hurricane Irma as it lashed Florida earlier this year.
And crt4 said: ‘I opened a beer with an ammo clip last night.’
The healthcare system was also discussed, with Brother M saying: ‘The fact that someone could accumulate 70k in medical “bills” is the most Yankee thing.’
But the friendliness of the people and the love of the country, especially on July 4, were also among the most popular things mentioned.
Fattydog wrote: ‘The most American thing I ever saw was on walking into the Magic Kingdom in Orlando, the band struck up the national anthem.
‘Everyone stopped and put their hands on their hearts and sang along. When they finished some guy yelled “God bless America”. It was awesome.’
While ThirteenthFox2 shared his experience of July 4 and explained: ‘A few years ago my dad lived in a cul-de-sac and everyone in it pooled money for fireworks. We had a few thousand in fireworks.
‘Our neighbor hooked up his electric guitar to some big a** speakers and played the star spangled banner during the finale. It was a really good time.’