Fitness news: Exercise warning for new mothers

Exercising as early as possible to get rid of baby weight is a waste of time, say researchers in Germany.

They reviewed a range of previous studies and found that embarking on even a strenuous exercise programme too soon after childbirth did little good.

What did make a difference was eating a healthy diet both before and after the birth. Most women gain 20lb to 35lb in pregnancy, says Professor Peter Sawicki, who led the research at the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare. 

Exercise too soon after giving birth can increase stress levels

‘We found some of the weight is lost immediately the baby is born, with the rest coming off over the three to six months after the birth, without the need for exercise.’

Trying to lose too much too soon can also have a negative impact on a woman’s stress levels and her ability to breastfeed,’ he says.

‘The best activity with your newborn is to head out for a walk.’

Light-headedness and dizzy spells might be signs of being in good shape, according to researchers at Oxford Brookes University.

They found that physically fit women are more prone to feeling dizzy than those who are less active.

Active women tend to have lower heart rates generally, so they feel the effect of even small changes in their blood pressure, such as the drop that occurs when you stand up too quickly.

What’s the quickest way to burn 100 calories this summer?

WATER POLO 12 mins

TENNIS 16mins



CROQUET 34mins

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