CDC warns of salmonella outbreak linked to contaminated basil sold at Trader Joe’s that has sickened 12 people in multiple states

Health officials are warning of a food poisoning outbreak linked to basil sold at Trader Joe’s.

At least 12 people in seven states have been sickened with salmonella after eating Infinite Herbs organic basil – including someone who was hospitalized.

Customers across the US are being urged to throw away the products which were sold in 2.5 oz clamshell-style containers.

The public is also being advised to clean surfaces and items that may have touched contaminated basil, including refrigerator shelves and cutting boards. 

In a health alert issued Thursday, the CDC said it was investigating whether other products may have also been contaminated.

Milk, cheese, fruit, veg and undercooked eggs and meat are among the items most likely to harbor salmonella after cross-infection. 

The basil was sold at Trader Joe’s locations in 29 states and D.C. and has since been recalled.

Salmonella bacteria are passed from feces of people or animals, and symptoms of an infection usually begin between six hours and six days after exposure. 

They typically resolve within another four to seven days without requiring medical intervention. 

Some people have no symptoms. However, the illness can sometimes be more severe and lead to hospitalization. 

People with pre-existing medical conditions, weakened immune systems, children under 12 months old, and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to serious side effects – or even death.

In rare circumstances, salmonella infection can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and causing more severe illness, such as infections in the arteries, endocarditis (inflammation of the heart valve) and arthritis.

Salmonella infects more than 1.3 million people every year, leading to 26,500 hospitalizations and 420 deaths annually.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
