Bristol Palin says her ENTIRE family is sexually harassed

Bristol Plain joined the thousands of other women who have come forward over the past few months to share their own stories of being sexually harassed and assaulted, tweeting #metoo on Friday.

The mother-of-three then promptly tore apart the movement in a blistering blog post that accused the campaign, and media, of being less sympathetic and receptive to stories shared by conservative men and women.

‘Here is the definition of sexual harassment: harassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks,’ wrote Bristol. 

‘And, in the interest of full disclosure, I’d like to add my family’s name to the #MeToo list of those who have been harassed.’

She then provided a number of examples, including talk show hosts, journalists and even a former heavyweight boxer.

‘Are you ready to hold these people accountable?’ asked Bristol.


Not having it: Bristol Palin took aim at what she sees as the disparate treatment of sexual harassment and assault allegations made by conservative victims versus liberals (Bristol and her three children over Thanksgiving)

Taking aim: '#MeToo: Are you ready to hold these people accountable? Here is a small example of what our family has gone though,' tweeted Bristol (above)

Taking aim: ‘#MeToo: Are you ready to hold these people accountable? Here is a small example of what our family has gone though,’ tweeted Bristol (above)

Formation: Bristol then gave examples of members of the media making inappriate remarks about her, her mother Sarah and her sister Willow ( l to r: Track Palin, Bristol Palin, her boyfriend Levi Johnston, Willow Palin, Piper Palin, husband Todd Palin and Republican U.S vice-presidential nominee Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin holding Trig Palin)

Formation: Bristol then gave examples of members of the media making inappriate remarks about her, her mother Sarah and her sister Willow ( l to r: Track Palin, Bristol Palin, her boyfriend Levi Johnston, Willow Palin, Piper Palin, husband Todd Palin and Republican U.S vice-presidential nominee Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin holding Trig Palin)

Chris Wallace was up first, with Bristol accusing him of making a suggestive remark about her mother Sarah back in 2010 when he appeared on Don Imus’ radio show.

It was while sitting down with the former shock jock that Wallace said ‘once can only hope’ when asked about the possibility of Sarah sitting in his lap when he next interviewed her on Fox News.

Bristol left out the fact that Imus asked the question, instead making it seem as if Wallace was making unprompted remarks of a sexual nature.

She also included a clip of Wallace recounting the interview with the cast of Fox & Friends, with his response and Imus’ question drawing immediate outrage from the female anchor – Gretchen Carlson. 

‘No one at Fox radio batted an eye with his violent misogynist rant – in fact he’s still celebrated,’ wrote Bristol.

‘Want to know the craziest thing about this? He still has a job at Fox News, and my mom doesn’t.’

The first part of that statement is also not entirely true, as Wallace released a statement soon after and another on Friday.

‘More than seven years ago, I engaged in a playful discussion with former FOX Business host Don Imus. Immediately, I realized it was an inappropriate comment and apologized to Gov. Palin,’ said Wallace.

‘She accepted my apology and since then, we have done a number of interviews and had a respectful professional relationship.’ 

David Letterman is next up on the chopping block, with Bristol laying into him over a joke he made about her then-underage sister Willow.

In 2009, Letterman noted that the former governor was in New York City with her family on his late night show, saying: ‘Sarah Palin went to a Yankees game yesterday. There was one awkward moment during the seventh-inning stretch: her was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.’

Letterman did later apologize, but Bristol noted that there was no real punishment for this man ‘joking about the rape of an underage girl’ on his program.

‘Did he get reprimanded by CBS for this? No, no one batted an eye at it. Even worse, watch this clip to see the other joke and the very humorous apology he gave about it,’ stated Bristol.

‘Isn’t it time that he paid a price for this, feminists? Or is it acceptable because he wasn’t talking about Sasha Obama?’

Outrage: Chris Wallace was up first, with Bristol accusing him of making a suggestive remark about her mother Sarah back in 2010 when he appeared on Don Imus' radio show.

Outrage: Chris Wallace was up first, with Bristol accusing him of making a suggestive remark about her mother Sarah back in 2010 when he appeared on Don Imus’ radio show.

David Letterman

Mike Tyson

Anger: David Letterman (left) and Mike Tyson (right) both made sexually charged jokes 

Too far: 'Sarah Palin went to a Yankees game yesterday. There was one awkward moment during the seventh-inning stretch: her was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez,' said Letterman

Too far: ‘Sarah Palin went to a Yankees game yesterday. There was one awkward moment during the seventh-inning stretch: her was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez,’ said Letterman

Bristol goes on to call out Alisyn Camerota of CNN for asking her mother Sarah about her breasts back in 2010 when she was hosting Fox & Friends Weekend.

There is again some context missing here as Bristol fails to note that a number of hosts and anchors asked Sarah this question at that time amidst rumors she had a breast augmentation. 

‘Harassing lines of questioning like that is to sexualize the female guest, thus discrediting the important issues she’s there to discuss,’ wrote Bristol.

She later noted: ‘No man has to put up with that… 

And then there is Mike Tyson, who made a number of sexually explicit comments about Sarah having sex with black men for votes.

‘Tyson was asked if he’d vote for my mom for allegedly being “open to having sex with black men,”‘ noted Bristol. 

‘He can’t vote, of course, being a felon, but he said my mom “could always get boned out by a black person, a vote to bang her.”‘

There is then a brief takedown of Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill’s accusers, before Bristol sums up her feelings on the subject.

‘For true equality, sexual harassment in the workplace MUST stop,’ declared Bristol. 

‘If we’re serious about real change, we need to apply the same standard to all, regardless of politics or demographics or anything else that’s been used in the past to judge victims and perpetrators.’

A poll at the bottom asked if the ‘media treats conservative women with the same respect as liberals,’ with those who wished to vote required to give an email address.