Teen gang allegedly lured in gay men on Grindr before bashing them in a park – as court hears they were armed with machetes

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Two teens have been arrested for their alleged role in orchestrating ‘pre-meditated’ attacks on gay men that they lured in off dating apps.

WA Police launched an investigation into a group of homophobic thugs who targeted gender diverse men in Perth and made two arrests on Thursday. 

It is alleged the teens asked to meet the men under the pretence of a date, only to bash and rob them instead. 

Police allege the teens were armed with machetes, knives and pepper spray, a court was told.

A 15-year-old boy fronted the Children’s Court of WA for his alleged role in the attacks and was charged with several offences, including aggravated armed robbery.

The boy was allegedly one in a pack of five people who had created fake accounts on Grindr in an attempt to get gay men out into the open, the court heard. 

Two alleged victims, both in their 30s, were assaulted in Stillwater Gardens park after agreeing to meet up with the catfish accounts.

In the group’s first alleged attack, the 15-year-old, his 16-year-old co-accused, and three others verbally abused one man before chasing him back to his car.

WA Police made two arrests on Thursday relating to an alleged gang of homophobic thugs who used fake Grindr accounts to lure gay men into the open

The two teens were in a group of five people who allegedly beat and robbed their victims

The two teens were in a group of five people who allegedly beat and robbed their victims 

After fleeing the scene, the man locked himself in his car which was surrounded by the teens who then tried to steal it, the court was told. 

As the victim attempted to flee the scene his rear boot, side panel and windscreen was damaged.

Later that night the same group allegedly targeted a second man who was lured into the same park under similar pretences. 

It is alleged the teens again circled him, verbally abusing him before stealing his jacket, car keys, and car. 

Dramatic footage of the teens’ arrests was released by WA Police showing officers place handcuffs on the boys before throwing them in the back of a paddy wagon. 

The prosecutor opposed granting bail to the 15-year-old who they accused of participating in ‘hate crimes’, the West reports.

She added that the pre-meditation of the offence, and the weapons that were allegedly used on the victims, were enough to justify denying bail.

The court was also told that the incident was allegedly filmed by the accused on their phones.

The prosecution added that weapons used during the incidents were recovered in the teen’s homes after their arrest.     

One teen was charged with several offences, including aggravated armed robbery, in relation to the attacks that took place in South Lake early Wednesday morning

One teen was charged with several offences, including aggravated armed robbery, in relation to the attacks that took place in South Lake early Wednesday morning

His co-accused has yet to be charged but has already been denied bail as he was on bail for a seperate incident at the time

His co-accused has yet to be charged but has already been denied bail as he was on bail for a seperate incident at the time

Magistrate Edward de Vries was told by police that three other teens had yet to be charged and remained suspects for their alleged role in the attacks.

In arguing for bail, the 15-year-old’s lawyer told the court that her client had no prior offences, was a good student and that he would abide by a mandated curfew. 

His co-accused was refused bail by the court as he was already on bail for a serious assault that took place in July.

Mr de Vries will decide on the 15-year-old’s bail conditions, or if he will get bail at all, after he receives a written bail report from the suspect.

The case was adjourned until September 26.  

For their continued investigation WA Police has urged any other victims of similar attacks to come forward by contacting Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk