Aussie ‘deradialisation program’ only cured ONE extremist

The Australian government has poured millions of dollars into a program designed to to ‘deradicalise’ jihadi inmates in prison – but so far it has only worked on one man.

Mazen Touma, who was jailed in 2005 after police thwarted a double terror attack on Sydney and Melbourne, was released in June after twelve years behind bars.

The federal government has praised Touma, now 37, as ‘a model reformed prisoner, someone who turned his extreme views around with the support of family, counselling and working throughout the prison compound’.

Mazen Touma, 37, is touted as ‘a model reformed prisoner’ and was released after twelve years

Touma underwent the multi-million dollar terror 'deradicalisation program' in Goulburn's Supermax (pictured) and now wants to help deradicalise 'a new ­generation' of Muslim youth

Touma underwent the multi-million dollar terror ‘deradicalisation program’ in Goulburn’s Supermax (pictured) and now wants to help deradicalise ‘a new ­generation’ of Muslim youth

Senator George Brandis granted Touma parole after he served 12 years of a 14-year sentence

Senator George Brandis granted Touma parole after he served 12 years of a 14-year sentence

‘Sometimes deradicalisation programs succeed, and Mr Touma’s case was judged by the relevant experts to be such a case,’ Senator George Brandis said in June 14 after his decision to grant Touma parole with two years left on his 14-year sentence.

The Herald Sun reported that Touma has abandoned his radical beliefs and wants to work with authorities in deradicalising a new ­generation of Muslim youth.

However, authorities have questioned his ‘reformation’, explaining that is is ‘extremely difficult’ to tell whether a prisoner has completely abandoned their extremist views.

The majority of the 18 other men arrested with Touma over ‘what was regarded as Australia’s most sophisticated terrorism plot’ are still in Goulburn’s Supermax prison.

Among the plotters of the 2005 attack was Khaled Sharrouf, the Sydney-based extremist who fled to Syria and shot to global infamy after he photographed his young son holding the severed head of a Syrian official.

But a spokesman for the Attorney-General’s Department told the Daily Telegraph that an evaluation of rehabilitation programs in Australia found they have ‘achieved visible changes in many participants’.

A further $47 million was allocated to tackling prison radicalisation this year, some of which will go towards building a second Supermax jail – which will eventually house all jailed terrorists in NSW.

 Among the plotters of the 2005 attack was Khaled Sharrouf (pictured) who escaped to Syria

 Among the plotters of the 2005 attack was Khaled Sharrouf (pictured) who escaped to Syria

Sharrouf became infamous after posting a picture of his son holding a severed head in Syria

Sharrouf became infamous after posting a picture of his son holding a severed head in Syria

Sharrouf posted the chilling photo to Twitter in August 2014, with the caption: 'That's my boy!'

Sharrouf posted the chilling photo to Twitter in August 2014, with the caption: ‘That’s my boy!’

But prison radicalisation expert Dr Clarke Jones said he was not surprised that only one inmate had been successfully deradicalised.

He said that keeping all terrorist inmates in the same prison compound wasn’t helping to temper their extremist views – and suggested they be dispersed throughout multiple jails.

‘I don’t think the design of the program, the concept of deradicalisation and the way they (terrorism inmates) are incarcerated is effective,’ the Australian National University expert told the Daily Telegraph.

Prison radicalisation expert Dr Clarke Jones is 'not surprised' at the low deradicalisation rate

Prison radicalisation expert Dr Clarke Jones is ‘not surprised’ at the low deradicalisation rate

Dr Jones thinks that imprisoning all terrorists in the same jail is 'ineffective' for deradicalisation

Dr Jones thinks that imprisoning all terrorists in the same jail is ‘ineffective’ for deradicalisation

Questions have been raised regarding the effectiveness of the program, given that Touma seems to be a solitary successful case.

The man, who once professed his fondness at being compared to Osama bin Laden, was one of hundreds of inmates undergoing the expensive deradicalisation program behind bars. 

In Victoria, terrorist inmates are immersed in a $6.4 million Community Integration and Support Program, which attempts to ‘moderate a prisoner’s extremist views with the help of respected community imams’.  

But the Islamic Council of Victoria withdrew their support from the program in June, according to The Australian. 

The decision was publicly confirmed three days after acquitted Yacub Khayre went on a murderous rampage in Melbourne – after he had been acquitted of terrorism offences.

It prompted Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to say that he never should have been released.

Acquitted terrorist Yacub Khayre went on a murderous rampage after being released in 2016

Acquitted terrorist Yacub Khayre went on a murderous rampage after being released in 2016

The Islamic Council of Victoria (pictured) withdrew their support from the $6.4 million Community Integration and Support Program offered to Victorian terrorist inmates in June

The Islamic Council of Victoria (pictured) withdrew their support from the $6.4 million Community Integration and Support Program offered to Victorian terrorist inmates in June

In NSW, a pilot program called the Proactive Integrated Support Model (PRISM) was launched in 2016.

The voluntary program is currently serving 15 inmates who are judged to be ‘at risk of radicalisation’, rather than those who already harbour ‘deep-seated extremist ideological beliefs’.

And in an attempt to water down extremism and spread a more moderate view of Islam, progressive religious leaders often visit inmates, offer guidance and run prayer services.

Counter-Terrorism Minister David Elliot (pictured right) with NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian

Counter-Terrorism Minister David Elliot (pictured right) with NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian

Correctives and Counter-Terrorism Minister David Elliot told the Daily Telegraph that the terrorism threat would be a problem for government for at least a generation.

‘It is not a unique challenge to Australia, and the NSW Government’s programs and policies align with world’s best practice,’ he said.

‘However, there is no silver bullet, and it will remain impossible to look into a person’s heart and truly see where their sympathies lie.’

A spokesman for the Attorney-General’s Department confirmed on Monday that terrorist offenders still a risk after their sentence expired could be kept in custody under laws passed last year.