Top German neo-Nazi plunges 200ft to his death while hiking on ‘Hitler’s favourite mountain’

A top German neo-Nazi plunged 200ft to his death while hiking what is believed to have been Hitler’s favourite mountain.

Andreas M, 37, from Freising, was considered one of the leading neo-Nazis in Bavaria.

He died on September 29 while climbing the Untersberg Mountain in an international 30-person group, the Berchtesgadener Land district association of the Red Cross confirmed.

The 1,972m high mountain was known to be Adolf Hitler’s favourite view, with the Nazi dictator having his Berghof holiday home on the opposite Obersalzberg mountainside converted into his residence.

But when the hiking group went to descend from the peak, named Störhaus, Andreas M slipped on a wet root and stumbled 200ft through partly vertical rocky terrain down to the Dongus-Marterl, where he lay fatally injured on the path.

Andreas M, 37, from Freising, was known as one of the leading neo-Nazis in Bavaria before he died on the Untersberg Mountain

The 37-year-old had been descending from the Stöhrhaus before he slipped on a wet root and fell 200ft

The 37-year-old had been descending from the Stöhrhaus before he slipped on a wet root and fell 200ft

An emergency doctor dispatched by helicopter confirmed Andreas died immediately

An emergency doctor dispatched by helicopter confirmed Andreas died immediately

Andreas stumbled 60metres through partly vertical rocky terrain

Andreas stumbled 60metres through partly vertical rocky terrain

Two companions and two other hikers on the way up – a trainee doctor and a policewoman – immediately made an emergency call and attempted to rescue the 37-year-old by resuscitating him.

The crew of the rescue helicopter ‘Christoph 14’, which had been alerted at the same time as the mountain rescue services in Bad Reichenhall and Teisendorf-Anger, lowered an emergency doctor to the patient using the rescue hoist after just a few minutes, but the doctor could only confirm the death of the young man 

The helicopter then flew three mountain rescuers and two police mountain guides to the scene of the accident and flew the doctor back to the valley. 

Two accompanying climbers were also brought back to the valley by rescue helicopter and the crisis intervention team took care of the distressed group.

Andreas was one of the top figures in the Bavarian regional association of the right-wing extremist party ‘The Third Way’.

He was treasurer and assessor of the regional association in the small neo-Nazi party.  

Andreas reportedly left behind a wife and child who was born on June, according to Merkur.

Untersberg mountain was known as Adolf Hitler’s favourite because of its views

Undated file Photo of Hitler's "Berghof" (mountain house) near Berchtesgaden, southern Germany

Undated file Photo of Hitler’s ‘Berghof’ (mountain house) near Berchtesgaden, southern Germany

Andreas, a neo-Nazi, died on September 29 on what is believed to be Adolf Hitler's favourite mountain

Andreas, a neo-Nazi, died on September 29 on what is believed to be Adolf Hitler’s favourite mountain

Calls for donations for the family and for a memorial plaque on the mountain have been making the rounds in recent days, especially in various right-wing extremist groups on Telegram and Facebook. 

The Prisoner Aid Friends Circle for imprisoned neo-Nazis and other right-wing groups shared the message: ‘His death hits us all hard.’  

‘I ask you to support a little girl who will never know her father,’ it also says on a donation page. 

Already, 7,000 euros have been raised on the page, set up by a neo-Nazi from Lower Saxony, apparently a close friend of the deceased. 

Another appeal for donations brought in 12,000 euros, which will finance a memorial plaque on the mountain. 

It comes from the ‘Bergfreunde Giesen,’ with the man behind being Lutz Giesen, a leading functionary of the right-wing scene, organiser and speaker of numerous neo-Nazi demonstrations and with multiple previous convictions, including for incitement to hatred, according to T-Online..
