An unforgettable experience with Ayahuasca

Nowadays, it is not at all a problem to meet a real shaman. In addition, gaining perfect freedom for your heart, mind, and soul is all possible.

Your experience in Ecuador can change your entire life, and, indeed, it won’t take too long. You can plan your trip to these places according to your ideas, and you will return home, full of strength and changes, which will mainly take place inside you.

The healing of body and soul will not only be a miracle, but you will find a completely different lifestyle, thanks to which you will more easily manage stressful situations and problems.

What is Ayahuasca that will bring something unusual to your life? It’s quite simple.

The local natives know the secrets of the jungle and natural ingredients that help not only the soul but also the physical body. Ayahuasca therapy is essentially a process in which shamans work individually with a group or individuals to remove negative influences and energy.

During the Ayahuasca ritual, the shaman cleanses each individual with sage, and you drink together at the beginning a tea that is prepared from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and leaves containing dimethyltryptamine.

Cleansing drink

It is a drink called Mother Ayahuasca—a mother figure. This way the body is cleansed, and you can use shamanic rituals and ayahuasca treatment on this trip as a path to spiritual understanding.

In addition, each ceremony moves you forward to greater freedom; it is unique; in short, no ceremony is ever the same, and a lot also depends on the purification of the physical body.

It is important to mention that Ayahuasca does not only work during the ceremony, but its effects continue long after. This is not a drink that you would take for the usual cleansing of the internal organs and their eventual regeneration, but it is something much more.

Ayahuasca treatment consists of cleansing the body; you also get the possibility of self-knowledge and the discovery of a life path. Healing of emotions and psychological problems, or various other diseases and ailments can also occur more easily.

Your new self will change your overall view of your life when you will more easily set your main priorities.