All creatures pack church for the Blessing of the Animals

  • 700 animals with their parents packed a church on New York’s Upper East Side
  • Dogs, cats, birds, turtles, gerbils, fishes in bowls, rabbits, everything with fur, fins, feathers and fluff was able to take part in the ninth annual blessing
  • Police horses outside were also blessed and along with police dogs with their handlers down the aisle
  • Procession of farm animals with alpaca, pig, llama, chicken and goats took place

Everything from parrots to pigs were among the hundreds of animals that packed the pews at the a New York church on Sunday for the annual Blessing of the Animals service. 

A crowd of New Yorkers and hundreds of animals saw the historic church turn into Noah’s Ark as people and their pets attended prayers at Christ Church on the Upper East Side 

All creatures great and small took part in a procession down the center aisle with clergy on hand to bless the visitors.    

700 animals, like Llama’s, with their owners packed a church on New York’s Upper East Side 

Dogs were one of the most common sights to see strolling down the aisle

Dogs were one of the most common sights to see strolling down the aisle

The animals received blessings from members of the clergy

The animals received blessings from members of the clergy

In addition to household pets, the Humane Society showed off animals that were up for adoption.  

NYPD horses and canines also received a special blessing, while the Long Island Roosevelt High School Choir performed holiday carols during the celebration. 

The service included a series of hymns and liturgy that celebrates creation.

No animals were allowed to attend without their owners and no owners were allowed in without their animals. 

A couple of goats were also on hand to receive their annual blessing

A couple of goats were also on hand to receive their annual blessing

Spirits were lifted as friendly pets mixed among the congregation

Spirits were lifted as friendly pets mixed among the congregation

The Long Island Roosevelt High School Choir performed holiday carols during the celebration

The Long Island Roosevelt High School Choir performed holiday carols during the celebration

The hour-long included an homily about creatures like in Noah’s Ark. 

Then a procession took place with police dogs and their handlers walking down the aisle along with a bunch of farm animals including pigs, alpacas, llamas, chickens and goats. 

Then the clergy sprinkled pets with water or placed their hands on the animals and said a blessing.

A typical prayer goes, ‘We ask you to bless this pet. By the power of your love, enable it to live according to your plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.’

Even a parrot was on-hand to receive a blessing, and no doubt repeated it afterwards! 

Even a parrot was on-hand to receive a blessing, and no doubt repeated it afterwards!