The Walking Dead: Rick Grimes fights way out of captivity

Rick Grimes fought his way out of captivity and hatched a plan with the Scavengers to finally take down Negan on Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead.

The seventh episode of season eight kicked off with Rick [Andrew Lincoln] imprisoned in the Scavengers junkyard compound after he tried to turn them against Negan [Jeffrey Dean Morgan].

But their leader Jadis turned him down and took pictures and sketches of a partially dressed Rick in his shipping container prison cell.

Junkyard captive: Rick Grimes found himself  a captive of the Scavengers at the start of Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead

At the Sanctuary, Eugene worked out that Dwight was the traitor among them and he confronted him.

Eugene said he would only reveal it if he continued to betray the group.

Dwight grabbed Eugene by his shirt and told him that the Sanctuary – and Negan – was finished.

He advised Eugene that all he had to do to stay safe was to do nothing.

Free man: The former sheriff's deputy fought for his freedom and used a rifle to check out the situation at the Sanctuary

Free man: The former sheriff’s deputy fought for his freedom and used a rifle to check out the situation at the Sanctuary

Tough talk: Eugene worked out that Dwight was the traitor and got roughed up by him

Tough talk: Eugene worked out that Dwight was the traitor and got roughed up by him

As he walked through the complex Eugene was asked by Dr. Carson to watch Father Gabriel, who continued to suffer after covering himself in zombie guts during his escape with Negan.

When Carson left Gabriel regained consciousness and asked him to get Carson out of the Sanctuary to help Maggie do the right thing.

Eugene told him that he was not sure what the right thing actually was, and that questioning what was right and wrong had kept him alive.

Still sick: Father Gabriel was still recovering after covering himself in zombie guts

Still sick: Father Gabriel was still recovering after covering himself in zombie guts

Right thing: Eugene admitted that he no longer knew what the 'right thing' actually was

Right thing: Eugene admitted that he no longer knew what the ‘right thing’ actually was

When he went back to his room Eugene was visited by one of Negan’s wives, Tanya.

Eugene had agreed to mend her boombox for a bottle of wine.

He told her that the boombox was not fixed but asked her for the wine anyway and told her that he had started drinking to cope with their situation.

Barter system: Tanya was checking to see if Eugene had fixed her boombox in exchange for a bottle of wine

Barter system: Tanya was checking to see if Eugene had fixed her boombox in exchange for a bottle of wine

Barter system: Tanya was checking to see if Eugene had fixed her boombox in exchange for a bottle of wine

Tanya told Eugene that he had the chance to kill Negan but instead chose to protect himself, but she still handed over the bottle of wine.

Daryl then arrived outside the Sanctuary in a garbage truck with Michonne, Rosita and Tara and planned to ram it into the entrance to allow the horde of walkers in.

Morgan who has been spying on the Sanctuary with snipers said he would help but Rosita pulled out saying she’d rather stick to the plan.

Big drinker: Eugene admitted that he was drinking heavily to help him sleep

Big drinker: Eugene admitted that he was drinking heavily to help him sleep

Rogue mission: Daryl Dixon and Michonne discussed their rogue mission to breach the Sanctuary wall and expose them to walkers

Rogue mission: Daryl Dixon and Michonne discussed their rogue mission to breach the Sanctuary wall and expose them to walkers

Michonne also found the plan had too many risks and also backed out. 

Negan called Eugene in and told him he needed a plan to fix their deadly situation before people died.

He stroked Eugene’s ego and said the cowardly figure was strong before offering to shake his hand.

Backed out: Michonne decided the plan was too risky and backed out of it

Backed out: Michonne decided the plan was too risky and backed out of it

Not participating: Rosita decided it would be best to stick to the plan and also backed out

Not participating: Rosita decided it would be best to stick to the plan and also backed out

Eugene then tried to kiss Negan’s hand and he told him he was offering him a handshake, which he rarely did to people in the Sanctuary.

While fixing the boombox back in his room, Eugene came up with a plan.

He went and found the coffin that was used to transport Sasha and took the iPod from inside it.

Sanctuary surrounded: The Sanctuary housing Negan and his crew was surrounded by walkers

Sanctuary surrounded: The Sanctuary housing Negan and his crew was surrounded by walkers

Showing respect: Eugene was pumped up by Negan who ordered him to find a solution

Showing respect: Eugene was pumped up by Negan who ordered him to find a solution

Showing respect: Eugene was pumped up by Negan who ordered him to find a solution

Coffin raider: Sasha's coffin was raided by Eugene who took her iPod

Coffin raider: Sasha’s coffin was raided by Eugene who took her iPod

Then he went up to the roof top and fixed the iPod to a hand-made glider that he would use to lure the walkers away from the exits.

But before he could fly the glider Dwight held him up with a gun and told him he would kill him.

Eugene told him that if Dwight did not kill him, then Negan would for not helping free the Sanctuary.

Gun drawn: Dwight pulled a gun on Eugene as he tried to draw the walkers away with an iPod attached to a glider

Gun drawn: Dwight pulled a gun on Eugene as he tried to draw the walkers away with an iPod attached to a glider

He then launched the remote controlled glider and flew it out over the walkers but Dwight shot it down.

As he shot it Daryl smashed the garbage truck into the gates and the walkers flooded inside the Sanctuary as Tara, Morgan and snipers provided cover.

Eugene dashed down from the roof to find the Saviors fighting off the walkers and rushed back to Gabriel and told him he would do anything to harm his chance of survival.

Flying noise: Eugene pushed the button and sent the glider off, but Dwight shot it down

Flying noise: Eugene pushed the button and sent the glider off, but Dwight shot it down

Ramming speed: Daryl was behind the wheel and jumped out before slamming the building

Ramming speed: Daryl was behind the wheel and jumped out before slamming the building

Wall breach: The truck crashed into the Sanctuary and created an entry for the walkers

Wall breach: The truck crashed into the Sanctuary and created an entry for the walkers

He then found Negan and told him he had a way of sending off the walkers and saving them.

Eugene then told Negan he had something more important to reveal, but before he could do that Dwight burst into the room with other Savior soldiers.

But rather than tell Negan about Dwight, Eugene said he had a way of fixing the intercom system.

Freaking out: Eugene saw the commotion and the walkers flooding in

Freaking out: Eugene saw the commotion and the walkers flooding in

Back in his room Eugene chugged some of his wine, which he immediately threw back up.

In the junkyard Jadis told Rick that his time was up and brought out a walker to kill him.

But Rick managed to get free and grabbed the pole controlling the walker and pulled its head off.

Armored walker: Jadis and her crew brought out an armored walker attached to a pole to attack Rick

Armored walker: Jadis and her crew brought out an armored walker attached to a pole to attack Rick

Strong move: Rick surprised his captors and started fighting back after gaining control of the walker

Strong move: Rick surprised his captors and started fighting back after gaining control of the walker

Head off: The walker was decapitated as Rick battled the Scavengers

Head off: The walker was decapitated as Rick battled the Scavengers

Rick then grabbed Jadis and forced her face to face with the walker.

Instead of killing her, Rick told them he was leaving and boasted that they had the Sanctuary surrounded by a thick ring of walkers.

Jadis told her armed men to let him go and agreed to fight on Rick’s side and let him kill Negan.

The episode ended with Rick and the Scavengers at the Sanctuary, where he saw the aftermath of the chaos unleashed by Daryl with a look of utter shock.

Face to face: Jadis was face to face with the chomping walker

Face to face: Jadis was face to face with the chomping walker

Taking sight: Rick used the scope of a rifle to check out the Sanctuary after Jadis agreed to help him

Taking sight: Rick used the scope of a rifle to check out the Sanctuary after Jadis agreed to help him

Plans foiled: The Scavengers agreed to help Rick after he said the Sanctuary was surrounded by walkers but he soon saw that it wasn't

Plans foiled: The Scavengers agreed to help Rick after he said the Sanctuary was surrounded by walkers but he soon saw that it wasn’t