Bouncer died of overdose from weight loss drug DNP 

A nightclub bouncer died in a hotel room after taking a lethal dose of illegal and ‘highly toxic’ fat-burning pills.

Liam Willis, 24, was found dead at a Premier Inn in Swansea, South Wales, after consuming 2,4-Dinitrophenol, also known as DNP.

Despite the deadly chemical compound being illegal and ‘unfit for human consumption’, dieting pills containing the substance can be bought online.

Nightclub bouncer Liam Willis died as the result of taking DNP, which it is illegal to sell for human consumption

On Friday an inquest into the talented rugby player’s confirmed his death on July 16 this year was drug-related. 

Commenting on the county’s second case of a DNP death, acting senior coroner for Swansea and North Port Talbot Colin Phillips warned people with body image issues not to use the chemical for weight loss. 

‘It is effective but is banned as it is highly toxic,’ he said.

‘It is widely advertised as not for human consumption, but it is widely available.

‘This is the second unintentional death in Swansea from consumption of this dangerous chemical.

Mr Willis leaves behind a three-year-old son, Tommy, after he died from a DNP overdose

Mr Willis leaves behind a three-year-old son, Tommy, after he died from a DNP overdose

‘There is no known antidote to reverse its effects. There have been a number of deaths throughout the country.’

Symptoms of acute DNP poisoning include nausea, vomiting, restlessness, flushed skin, sweating, dizziness, headaches, rapid respiration and irregular heartbeat.

But taking lower amounts over longer periods is also dangerous and can lead to cataracts and skin lesions and impact on the heart, blood and nervous system.

The doorman’s mother, Joanne Watkins, of Alltwen, said she was heartbroken by the loss of her ‘awesome’ son.

‘My heart’s in bits,’ she said. ‘Why is life so cruel? No child whatsoever should go before any of their parents.’

A rugby match was held in memory of Mr Willis on October 29 to raise money for his three-year-old son Tommy’s trust fund.

Swansea University student Courtney Mitchell Lewis, from Aberdare, died after overdosing on pills containing DNP in May 2013.

The 21-year-old had taken out a £100 payday loan that spiralled to an £800 debt and wrote on Facebook ‘I don’t want to die, I think it is too late’ after taking the substance following a night out with friends.

The doorman was killed after taking an overdose of the slimming pills in a Premier Inn

The doorman was killed after taking an overdose of the slimming pills in a Premier Inn

An inquest at Swansea Civic Centre heard he took the pills in a ‘cry for help’ and Mr Phillips recorded a verdict of death by misadventure.

Bulimic Glasgow University student Eloise Parry died aged 21 after she took the pills in 2015.  

Police, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Interpol have this year been seizing DNP, which has killed nine people in the UK over the last two years.

The substance is legitimately used in biochemical research and manufacturing chemicals but it is illegal to sell it for human consumption. 

Heather Hancock, the FSA chairman, said on the agency’s website: ‘DNP can and does kill. 

‘We are relentless in pursuing those seeking to profit from the illegal sale of this toxic substance for human consumption.

‘We have been able to disrupt supply routes and close down websites. That stops people being put at risk from the severe harm that comes from consuming DNP.’