‘We feel blessed’: Parents of the first uterus transplant

The first American child ever born from a uterus transplant is a ‘beautiful baby boy’ who is healthy, eating and out of his incubator, the medical team revealed on Monday. 

The mother, who remains anonymous, is also healthy and recuperating from the groundbreaking birth a year after she received a womb from a nurse who lives near Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, where the operation was performed.

The hospital confirmed on Friday that the birth had taken place. Speaking at a press conference on Monday morning, Dr Robert Gundy Jr, who delivered the child, wept as he said it was the most special delivery he’s ever experienced.

The family said in a statement that they feel ‘blessed’ to have been part of the study, and they hope the breakthrough demonstrates to their child ‘that no matter what obstacles are in your path, with the right team working beside you, anything is possible’.

The team included one of the surgeons from Sweden, who delivered the world’s first uterus transplant baby and was on-hand to offer expert advice. 

But while Sweden’s donors and recipients were all related, Dallas has had an unprecedented amount of ‘altruistic’ women offered this wombs to strangers, coming close to 200 – with interest soaring after news of this birth broke on Friday.  

‘This is a great day for medical research’: Dr. Giuliano Testa, the leader of the uterus transplant clinical trial at Baylor, hailed the birth as a breakthrough as he held a press conference on Monday morning with the surgical team

Weeping: Dr Robert Gundy Jr (left), who delivered the baby, wept as he said it was one of the most special deliveries he's ever experienced

Weeping: Dr Robert Gundy Jr (left), who delivered the baby, wept as he said it was one of the most special deliveries he’s ever experienced

New pictures: The team also released some new images (including this, above) from the birth, which was first announced on Friday

New pictures: The team also released some new images (including this, above) from the birth, which was first announced on Friday

Unseen: This image captured the team performing the c-section on the woman a year after she received a uterus transplant

Unseen: This image captured the team performing the c-section on the woman a year after she received a uterus transplant

The breakthrough comes after years of attempts by various hospitals to perfect the art of womb transplants, which has only been a success in Sweden. The Cleveland Clinic in Ohio made headlines in early 2016 after transplanting a deceased donor’s womb into a patient, but it had to be removed days later due to a yeast infection. 

In October 2016, Baylor quietly announced it had performed four uterus transplants using living donors – the same approach as the Swedish team. Though three had to be removed due to poor blood flow, one was a success. 

‘There was something so tremendously special about this delivery,’ Dr Gundy, who has delivered thousands of babies in his decades-long career, said tearfully.

‘I’ve delivered thousands of babies but there was something about this that was so special…’ he trailed off, adding ‘sorry, I’m an emotional person.’

He continued: ‘There was something so exciting about this because the patients were so excited and what they were willing to go through was tremendous.’

Dr Gundy explained they were all on tenterhooks throughout the pregnancy and heavily relied on Kristin Wallace, the coordinator between the family and the surgical team, to ensure the mother was having a smooth pregnancy.

‘Kristen has shepherded us all through this. Every sniffle she had, every time she fell, we were just panicked about what would happen to the pregnancy, so it was difficult.’ 

Dr Gregory McKenna, a transplant surgeon at Baylor, added that this transplant was one of the most terrifying he has experienced. 

‘With a kidney, you know if it’s working within seconds. With this, ultimately it’s a year before you can find out.’ So it’s been a long run for us compared to what we normally do.’ 

On Monday, the team shared the staggering news that close to 200 women have offered up their uterus for other women to have as a transplant.

‘When we started this, we were expecting relatives or people who knew the patients. But the number of altruistic donors was overwhelming,’ Wallace explained.

‘We are still going through all of them. It’s going to take a while but we will get back to all of them!’  

At the end of the conference the team shared a statement from the family: ‘We consider ourselves profoundly blessed to have been a part of this study and we are optimistic that this initial success will lead to many more in the future.

‘We humbly hope that our little boy can serve as an inspiration to those struggling with infertility, and demonstrate throughout his life that no matter what obstacles are in your path, with the right team working beside you, anything is possible.’

This is the first American baby born after a uterus transplant in Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. Pictured: Dr Robert T. Gunby Jr holds up the baby to show the mother

This is the first American baby born after a uterus transplant in Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. Pictured: Dr Robert T. Gunby Jr holds up the baby to show the mother

The baby's boy's birth was announced on Friday, a year after Baylor performed four womb transplants

The baby’s boy’s birth was announced on Friday, a year after Baylor performed four womb transplants

On Monday, the new mother and father said they hope the breakthrough demonstrates to their child 'that no matter what obstacles are in your path, with the right team working beside you, anything is possible'

On Monday, the new mother and father said they hope the breakthrough demonstrates to their child ‘that no matter what obstacles are in your path, with the right team working beside you, anything is possible’


The first step involves doctors removing some of the patients’ eggs in order to fertilize them in a dish to create embryos.

These are then frozen, until they are needed.

Secondly, a womb, complete with two major arteries and four veins, removed from a from donor in a three-hour operation.

The donated womb is then implanted into the patient during an operation that typically takes around six hours.

The woman is then, as all organ transplant patients are, prescribed powerful immune-suppressing drugs to stop the transplanted womb being rejected by the body.

Around a year later, when doctors are confident the transplant is a success, one of the embryos is thawed and implanted into the donated womb.

If the pregnancy is a success, doctors ultimately deliver the baby via C-section.

Once a woman has successfully carried one or two babies, the transplanted organ is then removed.

Baylor has had a study underway for several years to enroll up to 10 women for uterus transplants. 

In October 2016, the hospital said four women had received transplants but that three of the wombs had to be removed because of poor blood flow.

The hospital would give no further information on how many transplants have been performed since then. 

But Time magazine, which first reported the US baby’s birth, says eight have been done in all, and that another woman is currently pregnant as a result. 

The first four cases involved ‘altruistic’ donors — unrelated and unknown to the recipients. The ones done in Sweden were from live donors, mostly from the recipients’ mother or a sister.

While little is known about the new mother, Time spoke to her donor Taylor Siler, 36, who is a registered nurse and mother-of-two in Dallas. 

‘I have family members who struggled to have babies, and it’s not fair,’ Siler told the newspaper. ‘I just think that if we can give more people that option, that’s an awesome thing.’ 

A doctor in Sweden, Mats Brannstrom, is the first in the world to deliver a baby as a result of a uterus transplant. As of last year, he had delivered five babies from women with donated wombs.

There have been at least 16 uterus transplants worldwide, including one in Cleveland from a deceased donor that had to be removed because of complications. Last month, Penn Medicine in Philadelphia announced that it also would start offering womb transplants.

Womb donors can be dead or alive, and the Baylor study aims to use some of both.  

Doctors hope that womb transplants will enable as many as several thousand women born without a uterus to bear children. 

To be eligible for the Baylor study, women must be 20 to 35 years old and have healthy, normal ovaries. They will first have in vitro fertilization to retrieve and fertilize their eggs and produce embryos that can be frozen until they are ready to attempt pregnancy.

After the uterus transplant, the embryos can be thawed and implanted, at least a year after the transplant to make sure the womb is working well. 

A baby resulting from a uterine transplant would be delivered by cesarean section. 

The wombs are not intended to be permanent. 

Having one means a woman must take powerful drugs to prevent organ rejection, and the drugs pose long-term health risks, so the uterus would be removed after one or two successful pregnancies.

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine issued a statement Friday calling the Dallas birth ‘another important milestone in the history of reproductive medicine.’

For women born without a functioning uterus, ‘transplantation represents the only way they can carry a pregnancy,’ the statement said. The group is convening experts to develop guidelines for programs that want to offer this service.


Why the excitement?

Experts in Sweden announced in 2015 that a baby boy had become the first in the world to be delivered following a successful womb transplant. 

The UK and US have now been racing to catch up.  

How do women come to have no womb?

Thousands of women of child-bearing age in the US have no womb or a womb that would be unable to carry a baby. 

Some women are born with a syndrome known as MRKH (Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser), which means their womb never developed properly. 

Others lose their wombs to cervical cancer.

Data suggests as many as 50,000 women of childbearing age in the UK have no viable womb, and thousands in the US will be suffering the same condition.

Is it risky?

The operation takes around six hours, with the organ coming from a donor who has died but whose heart has been kept beating.

The recipient will need to take immune-suppressing drugs following the transplant and throughout any pregnancy to prevent the chance their body might reject the donor organ.

Once the donor womb is no longer needed, it can be removed by a team of surgeons. This would prevent the need for the woman to be on immune-suppressing drugs for the rest of her life.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk