Senate passes Greens motion condemning Milo Yiannopoulos

The Senate has passed a Greens motion condemning right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos as he prepares to speak at Parliament House in Canberra.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale had wanted the British-born commentator banned from addressing MPs in the Mural Hall as a guest of libertarian Liberal Democrats senator David Leyonjhelm.

Failing that, he has succeeded in having a Senate motion passed condemning the 33-year-old gay, alt right author who denounces feminism, fundamentalist Islam and political correctness.


Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos is due to speak at Parliament House in Canberra

Greens leader Richard Di Natale successfully moved a Senate motion condemning Milo Yiannopoulos ahead of his speaking engagement at Parliament House in Canberra

Greens leader Richard Di Natale successfully moved a Senate motion condemning Milo Yiannopoulos ahead of his speaking engagement at Parliament House in Canberra

‘Good on the Senate for passing the Greens motion condemning Milo Yiannopolous,’ Senator Di Natale tweeted.

‘His desperate attempts to seek attention through vile and hateful rhetoric has no place in the Australian Parliament.’

The motion was passed on Monday afternoon, before violent protests erupted at Kensington, in Melbourne’s north-west, where Yiannopoulos was performing. 

Police in riot gear wielding capsicum spray intervened when verbal clashes turned physical between left-wing protesters and supporters of the U.S.-based entertainer.

The Greens motion was passed on Monday ahead of riots in Melbourne where Milo Yiannopoulos was performing

The Greens motion was passed on Monday ahead of riots in Melbourne where Milo Yiannopoulos was performing

His right-wing views had seen him banned from Twitter, Western Australian government buildings and a string of high-rating television programs.

The Australian Greens had tried to have Parliament House added to Milo Yiannopoulos’ growing list of exclusion zones.

The right-wing provocateur is due to speak in Canberra on Tuesday morning, drawing the ire of the Greens who label him a ‘white supremacist’ and a ‘paedophilia apologist’.

Senator Di Natale last week wrote to the Presiding Officers of the House of Representatives and the Senate to revoke that invitation, from Senator Leyonjhelm.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale (pictured right) has officially requested Milo Yiannopoulos (left) be banned from speaking at Parliament House 

Yiannopoulos was invited to speak in Canberra as a guest of Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonjhelm

Yiannopoulos was invited to speak in Canberra as a guest of Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonjhelm

Senator Di Natale posted the letter he wrote to the Presiding Officers of the House of Representatives and the Senate along with this caption on Twitter

Senator Di Natale posted the letter he wrote to the Presiding Officers of the House of Representatives and the Senate along with this caption on Twitter

Senator Di Natale wrote that Yiannopoulos is ‘an individual who has become notorious for his racist, sexist and abusive behaviour’.

‘I write with regards to the upcoming visit to Parliament by alt-right figure Milo Yiannopoulos,’ the one-page letter began. 

‘The Australian Greens are concerned that Senator David Leyonjhelm is hosting Milo Yiannopoulos for a conversation and an audience Q&A on Tuesday December 5. 

‘The global reputation of our National Parliament… is at serious risk if we provide a space for those who preach hate and incite abuse and harassment of women, Jews as well as members of the LGBTIQ and multicultural communities.’

The Greens say Yiannopoulos is 'an individual who has become notorious for his racist, sexist and abusive behaviour'

The Greens say Yiannopoulos is ‘an individual who has become notorious for his racist, sexist and abusive behaviour’

The Australian Greens have officially requested that Parliament House be added to Milo Yiannopoulos' growing list of exclusion zones

The Australian Greens have officially requested that Parliament House be added to Milo Yiannopoulos’ growing list of exclusion zones

‘I am requesting that… you revoke permission that has for Mr Yiannopoulos to attend and speak at Parliament House.’

Mr Di Natale accompanied the letter he posted on Twitter with the caption: ‘We should not be granting a forum to someone who makes a living by peddling racist, sexist and abusive views.’  

The request comes after Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young emailed Senator Leyonjhelm to complain about his invitation to the right-wing firebrand.   

‘It astounds me that a member of our Parliament would roll out the red carpet to a white supremacist and paedophilia apologist,’ she said last week in an exchange obtained by Daily Mail Australia. 

‘A man who travels the world spreading racist and sexist drivel, who believes there’s no such thing as rape culture is not welcome in our safe and respectful house of democracy.’

Yiannoloulos' views have already seen him banned from Twitter, Western Australian government buildings and a string of high-rating television programs

Yiannoloulos’ views have already seen him banned from Twitter, Western Australian government buildings and a string of high-rating television programs

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young previously said Yiannopoulos shoudn't be welcome at Parliament House in Canberra

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young previously said Yiannopoulos shoudn’t be welcome at Parliament House in Canberra

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young emailed Senator Leyonjhelm to protest about alt-right author Milo Yiannopoulos getting a platform to speak at Parliament House in Canberra 

Senator David Leyonjhelm emailed his Greens colleague to accuse her of censoring views she didn't agree with 

Senator David Leyonjhelm emailed his Greens colleague to accuse her of censoring views she didn’t agree with 

Senator Leyonjhelm, a libertarian who lives in Sydney, told his Greens Senate colleague she had little regard for free speech.

‘This highlights the difference between you and me… Milo has the same right to speak as you. It’s not compulsory for you to listen or to agree. Get over it,’ he replied.

The publisher of Australian Penthouse Magazine Damien Costas, who is organising Yiannopoulos’ Australian tour, said Senator Hanson-Young demonstrated how the political left censored those who they disagreed with.

‘No one’s going to put her on a leash and drag her there like a little sun bear at a Russian circus. She doesn’t have to go,’ he told Daily Mail Australia.

Australian Penthouse Magazine says the political left sought to censor those it disagree with like Milo Yiannopoulos

Australian Penthouse Magazine says the political left sought to censor those it disagree with like Milo Yiannopoulos

Yiannopoulos holds a press conference down the street from the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando in 2016

Yiannopoulos holds a press conference down the street from the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando in 2016

Yiannopoulos has previously likened feminism to cancer, Islam to AIDS and has spoken out against gay rights and the Black Lives Matter movement

Yiannopoulos has previously likened feminism to cancer, Islam to AIDS and has spoken out against gay rights and the Black Lives Matter movement

‘This is the problem with the modern left: If you don’t agree with them, you’re either a bigot or a Nazi or a hate monger or whatever other delicious word conjured up.’

Mr Costas rejected the notion Yiannopoulos is a white supremacist.

‘He’s not, he’s a Western supremacist,’ he said. ‘He’s not a racist. 

‘The only thing he speaks out against is extreme Islam and last time I checked, Islam is not a race, it’s an ideology.’

Yiannopoulos has previously likened feminism to cancer, Islam to AIDS and has spoken out against gay rights and the Black Lives Matter movement despite being openly homosexual and married to an African American.  

The right-wing provocateur will start his first ever speaking tour in Australia this week 

The right-wing provocateur will start his first ever speaking tour in Australia this week 

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young suggested a fence was needed to keep dangerous people like Milo Yiannopoulos out of Parliament House

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young suggested a fence was needed to keep dangerous people like Milo Yiannopoulos out of Parliament House