Adorable baby girl sees clearly after getting glasses 

  • A baby named Kaylynn is able to clearly see for the for the first time with glasses
  • She had laser eye surgery to correct retinopathy of prematurity at two months
  • She is one of two surviving triplets born prematurely at 25 weeks
  • An adorable video shows her seeing her parents clearly for the first time 

One baby girl had no idea the sights she was missing out on.

Kaylynn is one of two surviving triplets born prematurely at 25 weeks. She weighed just one ppund and four ounces at the time of her birth.

At two months old, weighing just over two lbs, she had laser eye surgery to correct retinopathy of prematurity, a disease that occurs in premature babies causing causes abnormal blood vessels to grow in the retina.

She couldn't see properly until she got her first pair of glasses

Kaylynn is one of two surviving triplets born prematurely at 25 weeks. She couldn’t see properly until she got her first pair of glasses

Kaylynn got her first pair of glasses on February 26, 2016, and was able to see clearly for the first time. Her parents filmed the moment she first wears them

‘What is that, can you see better now?’ her dad asks after he put them on.

‘Can you see us?’ her mom says. 

‘Say hi world!’ Kaylynn’s mom continues.

However, baby Kaylynn seems confused with her suddenly clear vision.  

‘I think she’s confused’ her dad points out. 

Kaylynn got her first pair of glasses on February 26, 2016, and was able to see clearly for the first time

She had laser eye surgery to correct retinopathy of prematurity, a disease that occurs in premature babies causing causes abnormal blood vessels to grow in the retina

Kaylynn got her first pair of glasses on February 26, 2016, and was able to see clearly for the first time

Kaylynn suddenly breaks into an enormous smile to the delight of her parents.

‘You can see us can’t you!’ her mother says.

‘Her glasses prescription was -6.00 and -4.00 at the time so her eyesight was much worse than we could have anticipated,’ her parents wrote online.

‘She became a much happier baby after getting her glasses,’ they continued.

Kaylynn and her family live in Sacramento County, California.