York teen punches schoolgirl in face in disturbing video

Sickening footage shows a teenager hitting a schoolgirl in the face and dragging her around by the hair while friends urge her on.

The lone victim – who was wearing glasses – banged her head against metal railings as she was punched in the nose during the incident in York.

Despite begging the female attacker to stop, she was flung around on the ground by her hair after she refused to fight back.

Despite begging the female attacker to stop, she was flung around on the ground by her hair after she refused to fight back

The lone victim – who was wearing glasses – banged her head against metal railings as she was punched in the nose during the incident in York

The teenager even laughed at the girl as she wept and said ‘aww, you crying?’ while jeering spectators urged: ‘Go on, hit her.’

Police officers are now reviewing the footage following a complaint from a member of the public.

The shocking footage consists of two videos which have been edited together, so it is impossible to see what happens between them.  

The video was posted on Facebook yesterday and was shared more than 10,000 times before being taken down.

It shows the teen – wearing a black Nike jumper – approaching a girl sat alone on a wall near a dimly-lit street.

She challenges her to fight but the smaller girl replies: ‘Don’t want to.’ The other girl says: ‘Do you not? I do.’

Without warning she draws back her fist and punches her in the nose. Witnesses gasp as the back of the victim’s head thumps against nearby railings.

Seeming to feed off the crowd, the girl holds up her hands and says: ‘You gonna hit me back?’

The teenager even laughed at the girl as she wept and said 'aww, you crying?' while jeering spectators urged: 'Go on, hit her'

The teenager even laughed at the girl as she wept and said ‘aww, you crying?’ while jeering spectators urged: ‘Go on, hit her’

She puts her arms behind her back and offers the girl a ‘free shot’ but she refuses to fight.

Spectators say ‘hit her’ and ask the victim to show them her nose so they can see if it is bleeding.

Clutching her face, she starts to cry and pleads to be left alone.

But the girl mocks her with fake tears and asks: ‘Aww, you crying?’

A second clip shows her grabbing fistfuls of the victim’s hair and hauling her up off the ground using both hands.

Finally, the injured girl is seen cowering against the railings as her attacker clenches her fist at her – but then backs away laughing.

The distressing scenes provoked fury among social media users.

One commented: ‘Vile little scum! And the people egging her on are just as bad!! How the hell do you sleep at night? She saw her opportunity to act hard on this poor defenceless girl.’

Police officers are now reviewing the footage following a complaint from a member of the public

Police officers are now reviewing the footage following a complaint from a member of the public

Another said: ‘I hope you get what punishment you deserve!!!! Bullies are vile creatures.’

A third wrote: ‘I hate bullies. I would be so ashamed if that was my child.’

A fourth added: ‘That poor girl. No one deserves to be treated like that and the girl that did this will regret it as this recording will follow her around for a very long time.’

North Yorkshire Police confirmed it was aware of the footage.

A spokesman for the force said: ‘North Yorkshire Police has been contacted by a member of the public who was concerned about a video on Facebook. 

‘The matter has been recorded and is currently being passed on to officers to look into the incident further.’   

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk