Law student asked to leave London’s Sky Garden for praying

A Muslim law student has been left horrified after bouncers allegedly threw him out of a London landmark after seeing him praying with a friend in the corner of the building.

Nadim Chowdhury visited the famous Sky Garden on the 35th floor of 20 Fenchurch Street yesterday afternoon with a group of friends.   

He said while they were there it became prayer time but as there were no facilities available, he and a fellow Muslim found a quiet spot to pray. 

Nadim Chowdhury visited the famous Sky Garden on the 35th floor of a skyscraper yesterday afternoon with friends

‘Saddened’: Law student Mr Chowdhury said he had been looking forward to visit the Sky Garden and was left upset by what had happened 

But half way through two security guards approached them and allegedly asked them to leave. 

Mr Chowdhury said he was ‘shocked and embarrassed’ as they escorted them down the gigantic tower and outside. 

A spokesman for the venue said: ‘The Sky Garden security team approached two guests after they had completed their prayers yesterday afternoon to advise them of a less busy area where they may prefer to pray. 

‘Whilst we are respectful of all religious beliefs, it is imperative that walkways are kept clear to ensure the safety of other visitors.’ 

Medicine student Ryan Riordan, who studies at the University of Cambridge, was praying with Nadim at the time and said he believes they were asked to leave because they were Muslims. 

Speaking to Mail Online, Mr Riordan said: ‘We thought it was because we were Muslims and perhaps they saw a possible security threat in us praying, we thought if it was really about the fire exit they simply could have told us not to do it and we would have stopped and gone to somewhere more suitable without causing an issue. 

‘We were hesitant to say it was only because we were Muslim and assume what they were thinking but their manner and little communication left that as the only option in our minds.’

'Shocked and embarrassed': Mr Chowhury described how he and his friends are 'goofy' and are the least-threatening people one is likely to meet 

‘Shocked and embarrassed’: Mr Chowhury described how he and his friends are ‘goofy’ and are the least-threatening people one is likely to meet 

Posting to Facebook yesterday, Mr Chowdhury wrote he was feeling ‘drained’ by the incident which made him feel like a stranger in a city he loved so much. 

He described how he and his friends are ‘goofy’ and the least likely people to been seen as criminals. 

He wrote:  ‘In the middle of a ridiculously busy and stressful week, I was really looking forward to spending some time with my friends this afternoon, and we decided to go to the sky gardens. 

‘I had never been there before so I was really excited. While there, it became time for Maghrib (evening prayer) and me and one of my friends needed to pray.

‘As there was no prayer room in the building and we were on the 35th floor, we found a quiet spot that was completely out of the way and decided to pray there so as to stay out of everyone’s way. 

‘This spot was in front of a bench (that nobody was sitting on) on a higher platform with very few people around. 

‘There was a path around us on the other side of the bench so people could walk around and, during the prayer, we didn’t cause any inconvenience to anyone. It was virtually empty and we tried to be as quiet as possible.’ 

‘Halfway through, two security guards came and stood next to us and as soon as we finished, one of them told us we had to leave immediately. When we asked why, the other guard said that, apparently, we had blocked a ‘fire exit’ (we were nowhere near any exit at all) and thus had to leave right away. 

‘We tried to explain to him that we had specifically chosen this spot to stay out of everyone’s way and had no intention of drawing any attention to ourselves, and asked him for further clarification as to where this blocked exit was. 

‘They both refused to listen to us and kept insisting that we had to leave right away, speaking into a walkie-talkie. 

‘When we went to go and get my other friend, who was on a lower floor, they followed us downstairs and stood very close to us in an attempt to usher us out.

‘Until we got on the lift, they would not look away from us and continued to speak into their walkie-talkies the entire time. 

‘We were kicked out of a place that I considered to be public and where I thought we would feel safe. It was extremely embarrassing and I don’t understand it at all.

The UCL student added: ‘I never thought something like this could happen here in London, where we talk so much about diversity and acceptance. 

‘In the past, whenever someone talks about islamophobia, my reaction has always been somewhat sceptical as I thought that could never happen to me. 

‘This is my third year living in this city and I don’t want attention or to be different because of my faith. I love London, but today made me feel like more of an outsider and a stranger than I have in a long time.

‘Man, what an eye-opening day. Islamophobia is real folks, and it affects even the goofiest, and least threatening people you may ever meet.’