Siggy Flicker says Margaret NEVER apologized

Siggy Flicker is furious with the recent episode of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey.

The star told that Margaret Josephs has never apologized for her Hitler comment and that she’s mad that producers have supported the ‘liar and thief.’

‘At every turn she has tried to break me. I am fed up with her. I don’t need this show,’ the 50-year-old star said, adding she refuses to go back for another season even though she is contracted to do so.

Not taking it: Siggy Flicker of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey told she is furious with Margaret Josephs for never apologized for her Hitler comment; seen in October

The cast: Margaret is the woman on the far left; also seen here are (L to R) Teresa, Melissa and Dolores. Siggy is on the far right

The cast: Margaret is the woman on the far left; also seen here are (L to R) Teresa, Melissa and Dolores. Siggy is on the far right

She also said she feels ‘hurt’ that she has been portrayed as crazy for her strong reaction to the Hitler comment. 

‘Hitler’s name should never be referenced in casual conversation,’ the brunette told ‘It’s my obligation to set the alarm.’ 

And if she seems ‘crazy’ on the show that’s because they film her for ‘hours having normal conversations’ but only show the few minutes where she blows up. 

On Wednesday’s episode Siggy and Margaret fought during a disastrous group dinner in Italy. The relationship expert confronted Margaret, 50, for previously referencing Hitler during an argument.

‘Unless we’re discussing the Holocaust, Hitler’s name should not come up,’ declared Siggy, whose 80-year-old father Mordecai Paldiel is a Holocaust survivor and scholar. 

 Done: 'At every turn she has tried to break me. I am fed up with her. I don't need this show,' the 50-year-old star said, adding she refuses to go back for another season even though she is contracted to do so

 Done: ‘At every turn she has tried to break me. I am fed up with her. I don’t need this show,’ the 50-year-old star said, adding she refuses to go back for another season even though she is contracted to do so

Margaret during a previous episode questioned Siggy’s decision to walk in Kim DePaola’s fashion show after she spread rumors about their mutual friend Teresa Giudice.

Siggy argued at the time that Kim hadn’t wronged her, prompting Margaret to ask: ‘But Siggy, Hitler would have not killed me. Does that make him a good person?’ 

Margaret at the Milan dinner tried defending herself by claiming she needed an evil person for her Kim D analogy and also pointed out that her children are Jewish. 

‘You’re anti-Semitic,’ Siggy then declared causing the entire group to quiet down.

Margaret protested being called anti-Semitic, but Siggy refused to hear her out.

Relationship expert: Siggy accused Margaret Josephs of being anti-Semitic during a disastrous dinner in Milan

Relationship expert: Siggy accused Margaret Josephs of being anti-Semitic during a disastrous dinner in Milan

‘Tell the b**** to sit down,’ Siggy said. 

Danielle Staub stuck up for Margaret noting that Hitler was a ‘historic figure’ and Siggy rudely dismissed her.

The snub didn’t go over well as Danielle started throwing glasses at her prompting Siggy to call her a ‘loser’.

The restaurant then booted the women out and Siggy later refused to apologize. 

Took offense: Margaret took offense at being called anti-Semitic

Took offense: Margaret took offense at being called anti-Semitic

Siggy told DailyMail that she knows Margaret is just trying to push her buttons. 

‘This woman knew exactly what she was saying to me. It was intentional and premeditated as are all her comments and jabs throughout the season,’ she said.

‪’One should ever reference the most evil man without peer when discussing a charity event. 

‘We were not in history class talking about the Holocaust or the atrocities of WORLD WAR II. We were talking about a charity event and Kim D – a woman she had never met at this point. 

Mad: 'Referencing Hitler to the only Jewish girl at the table was disgusting especially after months and months of taking jabs at me for no reason at all,' she said 

Mad: ‘Referencing Hitler to the only Jewish girl at the table was disgusting especially after months and months of taking jabs at me for no reason at all,’ she said 

‘Referencing Hitler to the only Jewish girl at the table was disgusting especially after months and months of taking jabs at me for no reason at all. 

‘I am the proud daughter of Dr. Mordecai Paldiel – a Holocaust scholar and survivor who has written several books on the Holocaust and who ran the Righteous Gentile Division at Yad Vashem for 27 years.

‘Hitler tried to kill my father and his family. If it wasn’t for a catholic priest in Evian, France who helped his family escape into Switzerland, I wouldn’t be here today!‬’

Siggy also told what Margaret has done to her in the past.

Group dinner: The dinner started out with a group toast and light conversation

Group dinner: The dinner started out with a group toast and light conversation

She said, ‘She questioned my husband’s manhood without ever having met him.

Siggy also didn’t like it that Margaret did not invite her to the memorial for Teresa’s mother.

The star also said Margaret ‘walked into my home and ridiculed a collage that my husband gifted me.’ 

And then there’s that nickname. ‘She calls me Soggy because I cry often.’

Glass throwing: Danielle defended Margaret and threw a glass after being dismissed by Siggy

Glass throwing: Danielle defended Margaret and threw a glass after being dismissed by Siggy

There is also her health. Siggy says Margaret mocks her troubles with menopause.

‘Try having your ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus removed, and then have Margaret use it as a punch line.’

Then there is the attack on her business. ‘Throughout the season she reveled in poking at my interpersonal skills and how it translates to my job. 25 years, I have an unblemished record, I never mentioned she is drowning in lawsuits.’

Loyalty tests: Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga stood up as the argument escalated

Loyalty tests: Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga stood up as the argument escalated

Siggy has pointed out that Margaret is in a lawsuit with VineyardVines and has declared bankruptcy.

The siren also said Margaret attacked her kids too.

But the worst was the Hitler comment.

Held back: Danielle had to be restrained by Teresa as the women were kicked out of the place

Held back: Danielle had to be restrained by Teresa as the women were kicked out of the place

‘It’s so unfair,’ Siggy told ‘Because the show does not air my side. All they show is me losing my temper. They don’t show the interactions I have with people, just the reactions.

‘I told Maragret I wanted an apology and she said no. No one saw that. 

‘I only went on this show to help sell my book. I didn’t sign up to be tortured.’

As far as another season she said no way. ‘I am under contract but I would rather be in the hospital than deal with this.

‘I am being attacked on Twitter and Instagram. I feel like an idiot for doing this show. 

 Regrets: 'I am being attacked on Twitter and Instagram. I feel like an idiot for doing this show,' she told

 Regrets: ‘I am being attacked on Twitter and Instagram. I feel like an idiot for doing this show,’ she told

She's fair: 'Yes I am over the top and loud and some people may find that annoying but I walk the line,' said Siggy who said her businesses are honest unlike Margaret's

She’s fair: ‘Yes I am over the top and loud and some people may find that annoying but I walk the line,’ said Siggy who said her businesses are honest unlike Margaret’s

‘Yes I am over the top and loud and some people may find that annoying but I walk the line.’

Shahar Azani, the Executive Director of StandWithUs in New York, an Israel education organization, also reached out to about the Hitler comment. 

‘We fully support Siggy’s moral stance on this vital issue. StandWithUs was built on fighting anti-Semitism and strongly believes in the value of education as the path for a better future for us all,’ said Azani.

‘The Holocaust is no laughing matter nor is it a social reference point. It is a dark and tragic moment in human history, resulting in a genocide against the Jewish people. It should never ever be trivialized nor the dictator who perpetrated it. 

Real Housewives Of New Jersey airs on Bravo on Wednesdays. 

Her husband: Siggy with her spouse Michael Campanella in 2016

Her husband: Siggy with her spouse Michael Campanella in 2016