Hampshire mother defends spending £2k on Christmas gifts

A mother-of-six on benefits has defended spending £2,000 on gifts for her children saying ‘it’s our money…so b****r off.’

Claire Young, 29, who was signed off work in 2012 because she has a painful condition called fibromyalgia, hit back at her critics after she appeared on This Morning.

She was criticised by viewers who branded her ‘vile’ and ‘greedy’ after explaining how she bought 11 Christmas presents for each of her six children. 

She said: ‘No one has the right to tell me how to spend my benefits. I’m very fair and make sure my kids get 11 presents each — 66 between them.

‘When I add in the rest of my family’s gift too, that’s 100 gifts. We live on the breadline, so anyone who has an opinion can b****r off.’


Claire, who was signed off work in 2012 due to disability, receives an average of £850-a-week in benefits and explained she saves £50-a-week so she can treat her six children

Claire lives in Hampshire with her ex-bricklayer husband Trevor.

Her six children are Steven, 11, Lisa, nine, Lucy, seven, Jamie, six, Kayla, five and 22-month-old Evie. 

To afford her Christmas presents she spends £300 on each child, with a total of £1,800 on gifts.

She said the entire cost came in at more than £2,500 each year once she had also purchased food, games and drinks.

This year’s gifts include a PS4 video games console plus games, DC Superhero Girl toys, Lego, clothes, dolls and a Peppa Pig Farm.  

Speaking to The Sun she said: ‘It’s our money and we spend and save it well and the kids ­benefit. I’m proud I can make Christmas special for my kids. 

‘My kids love Christmas and just because we’re on benefits shouldn’t mean they miss out. I don’t tell people who work how to spend their money, so people who work shouldn’t tell me how to spend mine.

‘The benefits system is there for when people like me hit hard times.’

She added: ‘We go without over the summer holidays and I have one pair of shoes so I can save for Christmas for my children.

‘I want to go back to work, but it’s currently better for us not to as we wouldn’t make enough. I don’t drink, I don’t go out every weekend, I don’t take drugs, I hardly buy anything. Everything is for the children.’

Claire, whose children are all aged 10 and under, explained how she could not work because she suffered from both ME and fibromyalgia. 

Her partner gave up his career as a tradesman three years ago to become her full-time carer.  

They now receive a combination of housing benefits, cash credits and Personal Independence Payment (PIP), with payments averaging £850-a-week. 

Claire explained she is able to afford her Christmas because she starts saving at the start of the year. 

‘I start in January, I save all the year through,’ she said. ‘I put £50 into a pot every week. Throughout the year if I have it to dip into.’ 

The mother-of-six hit back at the suggestion her spending was excessive, saying: ‘Christmas is only once a year and that’s how I see it. Yes we’re on benefits but that shouldn’t stop the children from having gifts… [They get] 11 [gifts] each. Some of those presents could cost a £1.’

Claire explained that she ‘didn’t like’ being on benefits, adding: ‘If I could go to work right now, I would do. If just because I’m on benefits does that mean my children shouldn’t have Christmas?’ 

Following her appearance on This Morning parents argued she should be saving more of the money she received in benefits.

One wrote: ‘If you’re on benefits, why spend £2,000 on kids? Stupid.’  

Conservative MP Alec Shelbrooke added: ‘Once again we see someone boasting of achieving things with taxpayers’ cash which the hard-working person next door can only dream of.’  

Proud: Emma Tappling, pictured, later spoke out to defend the amount she spends on gifts

Emma Tapping

Proud: Emma Tapping, pictured, later spoke out to defend the amount she spends on gifts

Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby also spoke to mother-of-three Emma Tapping, from the Isle of Man, who appeared on video link in front of her Christmas tree that is piled high with presents.

She became an online sensation two years ago when a photo of another massive haul of Christmas presents went viral.  

The working mother defended her lavishness, saying she started buying in January and slowly built up the gifts over the year. 

‘I work hard for my money, I work all year round for my money,’ she said. ‘Why would I be slogging my guts out all year if I can’t treat my kids at Christmas?’

Emma estimated she has spent some £2000 on gifts for children Mia, 15, Ella, 11 and Tatun, three. 

2015: Emma Tapping first made headlines two years ago when a photo of her enormous pile of Christmas presents, seen above, went viral. That year she had bought 210 gifts

2015: Emma Tapping first made headlines two years ago when a photo of her enormous pile of Christmas presents, seen above, went viral. That year she had bought 210 gifts

2017: Emma later shared a photo of her Christmas tree, revealing the massive pile of gifts 

2017: Emma later shared a photo of her Christmas tree, revealing the massive pile of gifts 

Speaking from her home this afternoon, she said: ‘I don’t spoil them throughout the year. If they want something they have to do chores and buy it themselves.

‘If they break their phones for example, they don’t just get a new one from me. They get stuff they need but they don’t get spoiled. Christmas has always been a big day for me and I like to carry that on. I don’t really care what people think.

‘I work and I work hard. I have two jobs. I think to myself ‘it’s my money and they are my kids’. If I want to spoil them at Christmas, I’m going to do it and nobody is going to change my mind.’ 

However she was widely criticised by viewers, who claimed she was ‘spoiling’ her children.

One wrote: ‘That pile of presents is obscene.’ 

Another tweeted: ‘That’s an obscene amount of gifts. Give them to kids that don’t even get one present let alone 300!’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk