First pics of wounds suffered by mother attacked by dogs

These are the horrific pictures of wounds suffered by a mother, who was savagely attacked by dogs. 

Beata Obuchowska, 34, suffered horrific injuries at the teeth and claws of two German and Belgian shepherds, kept in a compound at a farm in Hertfordshire.

Ms Obuchowska had been working as a cleaner at Warren Farm in Great Amwell, when the dogs struck – tearing flesh from her arm down to the bone, biting into her legs and chewing her fingers off.  

Since the attack, the mother-of-two has endured 24 operations including skin grafts and two finger amputations.

These are the horrific pictures of wounds suffered by a mother, who was savagely attacked by dogs

Beata Obuchowska, 34, suffered horrific injuries at the teeth and claws of two German and Belgian shepherds, kept in a compound at a farm in Hertfordshire

Beata Obuchowska, 34, suffered horrific injuries at the teeth and claws of two German and Belgian shepherds, kept in a compound at a farm in Hertfordshire

Ms Obuchowska had been working as a cleaner at Warren Farm in Great Amwell, when the dogs struck - tearing flesh from her arm down to the bone, biting into her legs and chewing her fingers off

In October 2014, Ms Obuchowska began working for Nijamul Islam who owned the compound on a rented farm in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire

Ms Obuchowska had been working as a cleaner at Warren Farm in Great Amwell, when the dogs struck – tearing flesh from her arm down to the bone, biting into her legs and chewing her fingers off

In October 2014, Ms Obuchowska began working for Nijamul Islam who owned the compound on a rented farm in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire.

For £50 a day, she looked after more than 100 dogs.

Ms Obuchowska said: ‘It seemed fairly simple. I’d worked for Nijamul the year before on a different farm and I was confident I could do the job.’

But, just three days into her employment, Ms Obuchowska was left alone while Nijamul popped to the shops.

She spotted two dogs, a German Shepherd and a Belgium Shepherd, out of their cages – but when she tried to coax them back in, they pounced on her.

Ms Obuchowska, who is originally from Poland, recalled the horrific incident.

She said: ‘They viciously attacked me, ripping my clothes off and biting my arms.

‘They were so aggressive that they broke my arms. I was too weak to fight them off.

After 10 minutes, the German Shepherd left the other dog to continue the attack, but Ms Obuchowska was helpless

After 10 minutes, the German Shepherd left the other dog to continue the attack, but Ms Obuchowska was helpless

‘I tried everything I could to get them off. I kicked them, bit their noses and even kissed them but nothing worked.

‘No one was around to hear my cries for help. Those dogs were intent on killing me. I was like a toy to them.

‘I tried to pick up a stone but it was useless, I couldn’t hit the dogs hard enough.’

After 10 minutes, the German Shepherd left the other dog to continue the attack, but Ms Obuchowska was helpless.

She says: ‘I was just thinking of my then four-year-old daughter, I knew I needed to survive for her sake.

‘I spotted my finger hanging by a thread on my right hand so I gave the animal my left arm to eat instead.

‘I didn’t feel any pain. I was in too much shock.

‘Eventually I played dead and the dog went to drink water from a puddle, then lost interest and walked off.’

Forty minutes after the crazed attack began, the landlord of the farm – who wasn’t connected to the dog compound – found Ms Obuchowska and backed up his van for her to climb into safety.

Ms Obuchowska said: ‘He saved my life.’

Ms Obuchowska said: 'My left arm had 6in of bone visible where the dogs had torn the flesh off'

Ms Obuchowska said: ‘My left arm had 6in of bone visible where the dogs had torn the flesh off’

Paramedics rushed Ms Obuchowska to Lister Hospital, Stevenage, where she underwent 24 operations, including skin grafts and two finger amputations

Paramedics rushed Ms Obuchowska to Lister Hospital, Stevenage, where she underwent 24 operations, including skin grafts and two finger amputations

Beata Obuchowska, 33, of Enfield, north London, reveals the scars she suffered from the attack

Beata Obuchowska

Beata Obuchowska, 33, of Enfield, north London, reveals the scars she suffered from the attack (left)

When Nijamul arrived back at the farm minutes later -before police and paramedics arrived – he told Ms Obuchowska to tell officers the attack had occurred on the road, so he’d escape blame.

Paramedics rushed Ms Obuchowska to Lister Hospital, Stevenage, where she underwent 24 operations, including skin grafts and two finger amputations.

Ms Obuchowska said: ‘My left arm had 6in of bone visible where the dogs had torn the flesh off.

‘My injuries were so severe that I was in hospital for three months and was in and out of surgery constantly.’

In July of this year, Nijamul Islam, 44, of Farm Road, Edgware, pleaded guilty to three counts of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal, two counts of being the owner of a dog which caused injury while dangerously out of control in a public place and breaching a disqualification imposed after conviction at St Albans Crown Court.

In July of this year, Nijamul Islam, 44, of Farm Road, Edgware, pleaded guilty

In July of this year, Nijamul Islam, 44, of Farm Road, Edgware, pleaded guilty

He was jailed for two and a half years.

In court, it emerged that Nijamul had been previously banned from owning animals for 10 years after he was convicted of 27 counts of causing unnecessary suffering to animals in November 2012.

Ms Obuchowska said: ‘Nijamul only has to serve a year or two in prison.

‘He’s still got normal arms while I’ve lost most of the feeling in both of mine and now my seven-year-old daughter has to help me do jobs.

‘I suffer from nightmares and flashbacks of the attack.

‘I bought a Jack Russell last year as I didn’t want my daughter to be scared of animals especially after what happened to me.

‘But now I’m terrified of German Shepherds and can’t stand to be near them.

‘The attack was not my fault but I’ve endured horrific consequences, and now Christmas will be ruined for my family.

Ms Obuchowska has set up a GoFundMe page in the hope of appealing to strangers to help her afford Christmas for her family.

She says: ‘The attack has meant I can no longer work so I’ve been forced to go on benefits.

‘I’ve not been able to buy any Christmas presents and I have no decorations.

‘I don’t want my children to be disappointed but it’s hard.

‘It’s been a horrible year for us all, and I want to give them a special Christmas.’

‘I’d be really grateful if people could donate to my GoFundMe page so that I can give my children a proper Christmas.’

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