Victorian driver who killed one and injured two is jailed

Bradley Nicholson, 24, was jailed for less than four years on Monday after drink driving and crashing his car, injuring two and killing one

One man was killed and two other people were left with horrendous, life-changing injuries after Victorian man Bradley Nicholson got behind the wheel following a night at the pub.

The 24-year-old was jailed on Monday for an April 2015 crash when he failed to take a bend at the regional township of Launching Place.

Nicholson had a blood-alcohol level of 0.108 at the time. 

Josh Bell, who was severely injured in the crash, told young drivers needed to be more aware of the risks of driving drunk.

‘The only thing a drink driver is worried about is getting caught, not killing someone,’ he said.

‘Properly educate young drivers and show them how graphic and horrific it is.’ 

Nicholson’s modified four-wheel drive rolled several times and smashed into a tree on the night of the crash, causing three of his five passengers to be flung from the car and into nearby trees and bushes.

Josh Bell, who was a passenger of Nicholson's, suffered 10 skull fractures, brain injury, more than 70 per cent vision loss to his right eye, broken ribs, a severed left ear and multiple spinal fractures

Josh Bell, who was a passenger of Nicholson’s, suffered 10 skull fractures, brain injury, more than 70 per cent vision loss to his right eye, broken ribs, a severed left ear and multiple spinal fractures

Charlie Robertson, 20, suffered serious head and upper body injuries, and died at the scene.

Joshua Bell suffered 10 skull fractures, brain injury, more than 70 per cent vision loss to his right eye, broken ribs, a severed left ear and multiple spinal fractures.

Monique Kouvaras sustained a severe traumatic brain injury, spinal injuries, and has had to relearn to read, write and walk.

The County Court of Victoria was told on Monday that Nicholson had been drinking beer and whiskey with coke at the Sam Knott Hotel at Wesburn to celebrate Mr Bell’s birthday.

One witness at the party described him as being ‘pissed’.

Another friend told Nicholson he shouldn’t drive that night, but he responded ‘oh well, I know what I’m doing’.

Monique Kouvaras (pictured) sustained a severe traumatic brain injury, spinal injuries, and has had to relearn to read, write and walk.

Monique Kouvaras (pictured) sustained a severe traumatic brain injury, spinal injuries, and has had to relearn to read, write and walk.

Nicholson got into his Nissan Patrol, piling in five of his friends, to continue celebrating at a friend’s house.

He then drove into a sharp curve too quickly, over-correcting several times before his car rolled and collided with a large tree.

Judge Michael O’Connell said Nicholson, who has an intellectual disability, had not been driving erratically or speeding before the accident, but negotiated the bend too quickly while influenced by alcohol.

Nicholson, who pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing death and serious injury, was jailed for three years and nine months.

He will be eligible for parole after 21 months.

Charlie Robertson (pictured), 20, suffered serious head and upper body injuries, and died at the scene

Charlie Robertson (pictured), 20, suffered serious head and upper body injuries, and died at the scene