Bristol council ‘racist’ after Iranian man was murdered

Bijan Ebrahimi begged for help to protect him from his neighbours on a Bristol estate but the authorities were ‘repeatedly siding with the abusers’ before his murder

A police force and a council were ‘institutionally racist’ in their treatment of an Iranian man beaten to death and torched after being wrongly accused of being a paedophile.

Bijan Ebrahimi begged for help to protect him from his neighbours on a Bristol estate but the authorities were ‘repeatedly siding with the abusers’, a bombshell report has said. 

Mr Ebrahimi, who was disabled, suffered hate crime for years and called the police as false rumours circulated that he was a paedophile.

Vicious neighbours then maliciously claimed he had been filming local children.

He felt further threatened when his killer Lee James burst into his flat and pledged to ‘f*** him up’ and ‘take the law into his own hands’.

But police arrested Bijan instead with residents cheering as he was led away and James stamped on his head until he died and his body was set alight on the grass two days later on July 14 2013.

Today The Safer Bristol Partnership said it found a ‘collective failure’ by Avon and Somerset Police and Bristol City Council in the case and found evidence there was ‘evidence of both discriminatory behaviour and institutional racism’. 

Bijan Ebrahimi family said today it is the first finding of institutional racism against a police force since the Macpherson report into the Met’s handling of Stephen Lawrence’s murder. It is the first time a council has faced institutional racism claims. 

‘Bijan Ebrahimi was isolated. His complaints resulted in little action,’ the report said.

Victim Mr Ebrahimi filmed his killer Lee James threatening to 'f*** him up' in a row three days before he was murdered (pictured)

Victim Mr Ebrahimi filmed his killer Lee James threatening to ‘f*** him up’ in a row three days before he was murdered (pictured)

Lee James, 24, who beat up a disabled man and burned him to death because he mistakenly believed he was a paedophile

Stephen Norley, 24, who admitted helping his pal to beat up and burn to death a disabled man

Lee James, pictured left, pleaded guilty to the murder of Bijan Ebrahim while Stephen Norley, pictured right, pleaded guilty to assisting an offender

Murder victim failed by force like the Met failed Stephen Lawrence

Lawyers representing the Ebrahimi family said it was believed to be the first finding of institutional racism against a police force since the publication of the Macpherson report and the first of its kind against a local authority.

Mr Ebrahimi’s family, including sisters Mojgan Kahayatian and Manisha Moores, said in a statement: ‘No review can ever bring back our beloved Bijan but it is important that his voice has been heard.

‘Bijan always said that racism must be challenged wherever it is found, including in town halls and police stations.

‘Bristol City Council took nearly five years to accept that it failed Bijan and the need for change.

‘This is far too long, although late is better than never. We will not rest until improved systems are put in place to protect other vulnerable people.’

The family’s solicitor, Tony Murphy, of Bhatt Murphy, said: ‘Acknowledging the institutional nature of the racism at the core of this tragedy is an essential first step towards systemic change.

‘There is no reason why the council could not have taken this step much sooner and its delay has been injurious, not just to Bijan’s family, but to public confidence in the council’s ability to combat racism.

‘The mayor’s recent commitment to working with the family and to gaining public confidence via meaningful reform is welcome.’

Alex Raikes, of the Bristol-based charity Stand Against Racism and Inequality, said: ‘Institutional racism was a key factor in why Bijan was failed in the years prior to his murder when he sought help repeatedly.

‘We hope that identifying this underlying cause will help to create effective solutions to combating hate crime.’

‘Some allegations and counter-allegations against Mr Ebrahimi seemed to be accepted on the basis that some were corroborated by others but without objective investigation or consideration that this might be collusion between perpetrators rather than genuine corroboration.

‘As an Iranian man living in this environment, Mr Ebrahimi was disadvantaged by the inappropriate responses by Avon and Somerset Constabulary and Bristol City Council to his racist victimisation.

‘Representatives of those organisations displayed a distinct lack of understanding of his plight and, accordingly, unwitting prejudice against him.

‘More account should have been taken by Avon and Somerset Constabulary and Bristol City Council of Mr Ebrahimi’s isolation and vulnerability as an Iranian man in these circumstances.

‘There is therefore, based on the above definition from the Macpherson Report, evidence of both discriminatory behaviour and institutional racism on the part of Bristol City Council and Avon and Somerset Constabulary.’

The report said the obtaining of an anti-social behaviour order just against Mr Ebrahimi – rather than his neighbours against whom he made repeated complaints of racism – served as ‘official confirmation’ of his status as a perpetrator, rather than a victim.

In July, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) produced a report on the case, concluding that Avon and Somerset Police repeatedly failed Mr Ebrahimi in the seven years before his death.

It found that officers showed ‘hallmarks’ of racial bias against Mr Ebrahimi, with police logs concerning him appearing to have ‘racist undertones’.

Pc Kevin Duffy and PCSO Andrew Passmore were jailed at Bristol Crown Court last year for misconduct in a public office in connection with Mr Ebrahimi’s death.

Mr Ebrahimi was beaten to death and then set alight on the grass 100 yards from his home

Mr Ebrahimi was beaten to death and then set alight on the grass 100 yards from his home

They were dismissed from Avon and Somerset Police, as were Pcs Helen Harris and Leanne Winter.

Responding to the new report, Chief Constable Andy Marsh said: ‘We failed him in his hour of need and I am unreservedly sorry for the pain his family have suffered in the last four years.

‘We’ve made many changes since Mr Ebrahimi’s murder in response to the things we learnt and identified to be in need of change.

‘It’s clear that we had opportunities to change the tragic outcome for Mr Ebrahimi and we failed to take them.

‘Some of these failings were systematic but it’s important to acknowledge that the actions of a very small number of individuals had a catastrophic effect.

‘They fell well short of those qualities the public expect of their police service. We must ensure this cannot happen again.’

Marvin Rees, the Mayor of Bristol, added: ‘We apologise for failing to adequately support Bijan as a victim.

‘We accept all of the findings of the Safer Bristol-commissioned independent review, including ‘evidence of both discriminatory behaviour and institutional racism on the part of Bristol City Council’.’ 

The 44-year-old Iranian was beaten to death and his body set on fire by neighbour Lee James outside his home in Bristol in July 2013.

Disturbing footage taken by Mr Ebrahimi showed James, 24, threatening him after he was wrongly labelled a paedophile by neighbours.

Mr Ebrahimi was later arrested by police following bogus complaints that he had been taking pictures of children in the Brislington area of Bristol.

Pc Kevin Duffy and PCSO Andrew Passmore were jailed at Bristol Crown Court last year for misconduct in a public office in connection with Mr Ebrahimi's death

Pc Kevin Duffy and PCSO Andrew Passmore were jailed at Bristol Crown Court last year for misconduct in a public office in connection with Mr Ebrahimi's death

Pc Kevin Duffy and PCSO Andrew Passmore were jailed at Bristol Crown Court last year for misconduct in a public office in connection with Mr Ebrahimi’s death

Pcs Helen Harris and Leanne Winter were sacked by Avon and Somerset for their treatment of the murder victim

Pcs Helen Harris and Leanne Winter were sacked by Avon and Somerset for their treatment of the murder victim

Pcs Helen Harris and Leanne Winter were sacked by Avon and Somerset for their treatment of the murder victim

Days earlier video footage shows how James forced himself into Mr Ebrahimi’s flat and abused him before being dragged away, with witnesses hearing him yell: ‘I’ll burn his house down’.

Police failed to take any action and James stamped on his head until he died, and then set him alight in an attack on July 14. His burnt body was found just 100 yards from his maisonette.

James was given a life sentence by Mr Justice Simon at Bristol Crown Court and told he would serve a minimum term of 18 years. The judge called it an ‘act of murderous injustice’. 

Pc Kevin Duffy and PCSO Andrew Passmore were jailed at Bristol Crown Court last year for misconduct in a public office in connection with Mr Ebrahimi’s death.

They, along with Pcs Helen Harris and Leanne Winter, were dismissed from Avon and Somerset Police.