Ex-UKIP councillor invites Donald Trump to Clacton, Essex

A bizarre bid has been launched to bring Donald Trump to Essex seaside town Clacton-on-Sea.

A petition has been launched by ex-UKIP councillor Andy Pemberton, who says he was outraged when Greenwich Council banned the ‘bigoted’ leader from entering the London borough on his state visit next year, but he’s only racked up 70 signatures.  

The coiffured billionaire has been invited to the seaside resort dubbed ‘the epicentre of Brexit’ by an admiring politician.

Mr Pemberton plans to send his completed petition to the Tory-run Tendring council.

A petition has been launched by ex-UKIP councillor Andy Pemberton , who says he was outraged when Greenwich Council banned the ‘bigoted’ leader from entering the London borough on his state visit next year

Despite only 70 signatures, Mr Pemberton has high hopes for its success.

Mr Pemberton said: ‘In light of Greenwich Council barring Donald Trump, I would like to put a motion to the council welcoming him to Tendring.

‘We would like to welcome President Trump to visit Tendring, the epicentre of the Brexit vote that gave momentum to his fantastic victory.

‘President Trump is the voice of the silent majority in the USA and speaks for many British voters – and many people in Clacton as well.

‘A lot of people in Clacton think he is a better leader than those we have here.

‘It would also be a massive boost for Tendring if he came here.

‘Not only could he visit Clacton as the Brexit capital, but he could visit the Harwich Mayflower Project.’

The Harwich Mayflower Project hopes to build a replica of the ship that transported the pilgrim fathers from England to America in 1620, as part of the Mayflower 400 celebrations.

Ivan Henderson, leader of the council's Labour opposition, mocked the bonkers proposal. He said 'I'm sure there are plenty of people here who would be happy to protest against it. 'If he did come and visit Harwich's replica of the Mayflower - if it is built - we would be happy to pack him off with a one-way ticket back to America' 

Ivan Henderson, leader of the council’s Labour opposition, mocked the bonkers proposal. He said ‘I’m sure there are plenty of people here who would be happy to protest against it. ‘If he did come and visit Harwich’s replica of the Mayflower – if it is built – we would be happy to pack him off with a one-way ticket back to America’ 

But Ivan Henderson, leader of the council’s Labour opposition, mocked the proposal.

The former MP said: ‘I’m sure there are plenty of people here who would be happy to protest against it.

‘If he did come and visit Harwich’s replica of the Mayflower – if it is built – we would be happy to pack him off with a one-way ticket back to America.’

Douglas Carswell became the first Ukip MP in 2014 when he defected from the Conservative party. He later quit the party and sat an Independent MP until the 2017 election

Douglas Carswell became the first Ukip MP in 2014 when he defected from the Conservative party. He later quit the party and sat an Independent MP until the 2017 election

Clacton-on-Sea sits in the district of Tendring – which is one is one of the most Eurosceptic areas in the country. 

Almost 70 per cent of the population voted for Brexit and Clacton gave the country its first ever elected Ukip MP in 2014 with Douglas Carswell. 

If successful, the most powerful man in the world could visit some of the Clacton’s attractions and visit reality TV stars from Benefits by the Sea.

The controversial figure could also stroll on the Victorian pier and indulge his love of fast food with some traditional fish and chips if he visits Clacton on his planned state visit next year

The controversial figure could also stroll on the Victorian pier and indulge his love of fast food with some traditional fish and chips if he visits Clacton on his planned state visit next year

Clacton-on-Sea sits in the district of Tendring - which is one is one of the most Eurosceptic areas in the country

Clacton-on-Sea sits in the district of Tendring – which is one is one of the most Eurosceptic areas in the country

The controversial figure could also stroll on the Victorian pier and indulge his love of fast food with some traditional fish and chips.

Trump could also pop in for a drink at appropriately titled establishment called ‘The Wall’ to discuss his controversial plans for the Mexico border.

Last year police investigated an alleged assault against Andy Pemberton after he claimed he was attacked while doing a parking patrol outside a school in Essex when he was campaigning against parents parking on zig-zag lanes outside schools.

Mr Pemberton said: 'President Trump is the voice of the silent majority in the USA and speaks for many British voters - and many people in Clacton as well'

Mr Pemberton said: ‘President Trump is the voice of the silent majority in the USA and speaks for many British voters – and many people in Clacton as well’

At the time Mr Pemberton said: ‘The driver was parked outside Cann Hall School. All I did was tap on his window guttering. I said ‘Mate you are parked on a zig-zag zone.’

‘I said I’d take a picture of the van and registration number and forward it to the North Essex Parking Partnership.

‘Then he got out of his car. He grabbed hold of me in front of his own kid. He called me a few names and pushed me on to a car and grabbed hold of me.

Trump could also pop in for a drink at appropriately titled establishment called 'The Wall' to discuss his controversial plans for the Mexico border

Trump could also pop in for a drink at appropriately titled establishment called ‘The Wall’ to discuss his controversial plans for the Mexico border

‘I pushed his hand off. I started to walk away and he threw me into the middle of the road.’

‘I could have been hit by a car.’

‘You do not expect this from parents.’ the Clacton Gazette reported. 

He added: ‘I was very shocked.

‘I am not a small lad. You do not expect this from parents, but I’m not going to stop my patrols.’ 

He has previously suffered abuse from drivers, but has now reported an assault to police, as well as almost being run over. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk