Four men charged over the death of British man in Malaga 

Four men accused of killing a Brit found dead at Malaga Airport with his genitals in an empty tuna can have been charged with manslaughter.

The four suspects – named as Finns Jussi Petteri Munck, Kimo Tapani Naivo, Mika Tapio Soininem and Irishman James O’Byrne – will face up to three years in prison each with an extra year sought for subjecting the victim to degrading treatment.

Steven Frank Allford, 51, was found dead on a bench at the airport in October last year with his trousers pulled around his ankles and ham placed on his backside.

Steven Allford, 51, a homeless man, was found dead at Malaga Airport in October, tied to a bench and stripped from the waist with ham on his buttocks and his genitals in a tuna can

The homeless man was found lying face down on the bench, which he had been tied to, in a landscaped area near the arrivals lounge and a busy train stop. 

A slice of ham had been left on each of his exposed buttocks and his genitals placed inside an empty tuna can.

A post-mortem revealed he choked to death on his own vomit after a heavy drinking session.

Initial fears Mr Allford’s death could be a hate crime based on hobophobia – a fear of vagrants – gave way to a new theory as the investigation advanced that he was targeted in a row over food.

Police were told he had fallouts with other men sleeping rough at Malaga Airport because he was mean about sharing food and drink with them but always expected a portion of theirs.

Naivo, described as a ‘giant’, was arrested days after Mr Allford’s death and remanded in prison on suspicion of his manslaughter after a witness told police he often carried plastic ties similar to the ones used on the dead Brit.

O’Bryne, who like the other suspects slept rough in Spain, was arrested in the port city of Algeciras an hour and a half’s drive from Malaga after Spanish police were handed a video posted on Facebook. 

All suspects are said to have clean police records in Spain apart from 58-year-old O’Bryne, whose birthplace has not been revealed.

The three-page prosecution document says: ‘Despite the drunken state the man who later died was in, the suspects not only tied him to the bench, something that the accused Munck personally verified, but also filmed the scene and even placed a lit cigarette in his mouth after having put it between his buttocks and placed his naked testicles in an empty can for fun.

‘The suspects acted as if they were filming a news report, which they ended up posting on the Facebook page of the accused Soininem.

‘When they had laughed as much as they needed, they left Mr Allford to his fate. Because of the drunken state he was in, and because it was practically impossible for him to move due to the plastic ties, he ended up choking to death from his own vomit, something the suspects could have prevented by simply making a call so Mr Allford received medical assistance.’

Fellow rough sleepers Jussi Petteri Munck, Kimo Tapani Naivo, Mika Tapio Soininem and James O'Byrne have now been charged with manslaughter in what police believe was a revenge attack carried out during a row over food

Fellow rough sleepers Jussi Petteri Munck, Kimo Tapani Naivo, Mika Tapio Soininem and James O’Byrne have now been charged with manslaughter in what police believe was a revenge attack carried out during a row over food

The type of manslaughter the four suspects are accused of is regarded as ‘serious’ under the Spanish penal code. No date for the trial has yet been set.

Little is known about Mr Allford’s life and why he ended up sleeping at one of Spain’s busiest holiday airports, although it is believed he was adopted as a youngster and has served time in prison in France and Spain.

He had only been in Spain for about a week before he died after a brief spell in the UK and was thought to be trying to sort out proper accommodation away from Malaga Airport.

Sources close to the investigation revealed in February Irish suspect James O’Byrne had originally been questioned as a witness after Mr Allford’s body was discovered and left a local court after giving a statement before investigators were tipped off about the bombshell video posted online.

One said: ‘He had already left Malaga Airport where he slept rough like the Brit by the time police identified him as a potential suspect and there was no trace of him in the places in Malaga normally frequented by vagrants.

‘Investigators got wind he may be in Algeciras but at first drew a blank because he had no contact with other tramps and wasn’t using homeless shelters.

‘Local police eventually discovered him on waste ground on the outskirts of the city.

‘He was found in a tent inside a makeshift refuge. He has no known acquaintances in Algeciras and no history of living in the city so police suspect he left the Malaga area for a reason.’

O’Byrne is though to have been in custody since his arrest. He declined to testify or answer questions during a brief court remand hearing which was held behind closed doors at a duty court in Algeciras.

The video which marked a turning point in the police investigation is understood to to show Mr Allford moving his head while tied to the bench with his trousers pulled down round his ankles.

It was taken down from social media after it was discovered and is now in a a court file marked ‘Private and Confidential.’

It is expected to be broadcast as part of the prosecution’s case during the court trial.