Manchester United fan jailed for attacking Raheem Sterling

Karl Anderson, pictured, was jailed for 16 weeks after admitting racially aggravated assault against Manchester City star Raheem Sterling

A Manchester United fan has been jailed for 16 weeks after assaulting Premiership footballer Raheem Sterling outside Manchester City’s training ground.

Karl Anderson, 29, admitted racially aggravated assault against Mr Sterling, 23, after the court heard they rowed over an autograph.

Magistrates were told Anderson, who smiled as he was led down from the dock, used ‘a number of racial slurs’ before kicking the England footballer four times. 

Representing the defence, John Black said Anderson had pulled up in his van next to Mr Sterling’s car because his girlfriend wanted an autograph.

The court heard there was ‘an exchange of words’ that caused him to lose his temper and launch the assault. 

Mr Black told the court: ‘He can’t explain his actions, he simply lost his temper.’  

In a victim personal statement, which was read to the court, the footballer said he had been ‘completely shocked’ by the incident.

He said: ‘I didn’t think this type of behaviour still happened in this country in this day and age.’

The attack took place before City’s home match against Tottenham Hotspur last Saturday, in which Sterling scored twice.

The court heard Anderson had an ‘appalling’ previous record for offences related to football. 

The court was shown CCTV of Anderson, who has a history of football-related violence, driving his van alongside Sterling’s vehicle as the player waited to enter the training ground on Saturday.

Both men then got out of their vehicles and Anderson walked towards Sterling.

Carl Miles, prosecuting, said Anderson, who had been in the vehicle with his partner, began shouting racial abuse at Sterling and called him ‘you black Scouse c***’.

He said Anderson also told the footballer: ‘I hope your mother and child wake up dead in the morning you n*****.’ 

Mr Miles added: ‘He then approached Sterling bouncing on the balls of his feet as if to start to a fight.

‘He kicked him to the left hamstring but left no bruises.

Sterling, pictured, told the court in a statement he 'did not think this type of behaviour still happened in this day and age'

Sterling, pictured, told the court in a statement he ‘did not think this type of behaviour still happened in this day and age’

‘Anderson then told Sterling: ‘Come on then you black b******d who do you think you are.

‘His girlfriend then shouted “don’t do it, he’s a Manchester City player”.’

Anderson then ran to his white van and reversed back down the road he had entered the complex through while Sterling shouted back at him. 

The court heard Sterling’s left hamstring was sore after the attack but he did not suffer serious injuries. 

Sentencing, chairman of the bench Diana Webb-Hobson said: ‘This was an entirely unprovoked attack. You stopped your car and you got out.

‘The personal statement was very moving, we find injury was sustained.

‘Your previous record was appalling, you don’t seem to learn anything, do you?’

The court heard Anderson had 25 previous convictions for 37 offences, including throwing a flare at a police officer during a football match.

He was handed a five-year football banning order earlier this year for his part in a 40-man brawl ahead of Manchester United’s FA Cup match with Sheffield United in January 2015. 

The incident happened outside Manchester City's training ground when Anderson approached Sterling 'for an autograph for his girlfriend'

The incident happened outside Manchester City’s training ground when Anderson approached Sterling ‘for an autograph for his girlfriend’

Anderson was one of a group of 11 United fans to receive banning orders after trouble flared ahead the club’s match against Sheffield United in the FA Cup in January, 2016.

Rival supporters clashed in the Shamrock pub in Bengal Street. 

All 11 supporters are alleged to have caused or contributed to violence or disorder in the pub, with all being handed bans during a hearing at Manchester Magistrates’ Court. 

The ban prevents them from entering the city centre or Old Trafford on match days. 

The violence caused police to launch a major operation, with shocking footage showing groups of fans trading kicks and punches.

Mr Miles confirmed he was subject to a football-related violence banning order which prevented him from attending certain matches.

He said: ‘He is now finding alternative ways to express violence and aggression, all relating to football.’

John Black, defending, said Anderson, of Woodward Street in Ancoats, Manchester, had lost his temper with Sterling after his girlfriend asked him to ask him for an autograph.

He said: ‘He apologises through me to Mr Sterling for his actions.’

He said the defendant could not explain his actions and ‘bitterly’ regretted them.