A 48-year-old socialite is accused of assaulting a stranger and police officers

A 48-year-old socialite is accused of assaulting a stranger and biting and kicking police officers. 

Shari-Lea Hitchcock, ex-mistress of late billionaire Richard Pratt, was reportedly drunk when she lashed out in public, a Sydney court heard. 

The court also heard that Ms Hitchcock was found ‘hanging onto a rail on Oxford Street’ by a Jan Hanswell, a bystander who attempted to help her get off the road. 

Shari-Lea Hitchcock, 48, was reportedly drunk when she allegedly lashed out in public, a Sydney court heard

Shari-Lea Hitchcock, 48, is the ex-mistress of late billionaire Richard Pratt (pictured)

Shari-Lea Hitchcock, 48, is the ex-mistress of late billionaire Richard Pratt (pictured)

Police soon arrived at the scene and tried to restrain Ms Hitchcock, who allegedly resisted. 

A male officer said that Ms Hitchcock called his female constable a ‘little f***ing bitch’ and then proceeded to kick and bite the police officer’s leg, according to The Daily Telegraph. 

Ms Hitchcock pleaded not guilty to charges of resisting arrest, assaulting police, and common assault. 

Her application to have the matter heard in court under a mental health disorder clause was denied last April 2017. 

Her lawyer, Greg James, submitted a medical report saying that Ms Hitchcock was suffering from a ‘hypoglycemic episode’ and also argued that she acted irrationally because she believed she was being unlawfully detained.

Defence barrister Daniel McMahon added that the police officers had ‘inconsistent evidence’ because other officers said that Ms Hitchcock was cooperative before things ‘got physical’, The Daily Telegraph reported.

Mr McMahon said that the witness, Ms Hanswell, was also unreliable because of ‘exaggerated testimony’. He also added that a male officer had been unnecessarily aggressive toward Ms Hitchcock.

On Monday, Magistrate Jennifer Atkinson reserved the court decision to the 17th of July. 

A Sydney court heard Ms Hitchcock's matter, where she pleaded not guilty to charges of common assault, resisting arrest and assaulting police 

A Sydney court heard Ms Hitchcock’s matter, where she pleaded not guilty to charges of common assault, resisting arrest and assaulting police 


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