Motorcycle accidents can be messy and tragic. They can be a nuisance to deal with. And they can completely destroy one’s life.
Accidents that involve only one vehicle differ from those caused by another vehicle. Certain claims will be filed against your own insurer while others will be filed against the other driver’s insurance company.
But this will depend on who was at fault when the accident occurred.
The Basic
Generally speaking, there are two common types of motorcycle accident claims: Personal injury claims, as well as, property damage claims.
If damage has been caused to your motorcycle, you’ll need to file a property damage claim. If the other driver was at fault, you’ll definitely want to seek compensation from his or her insurance company.
But if you were at fault, you can make a claim against your insurance coverage, provided you’ve appropriate coverage.
Personal injury claims, on the other hand, cover injuries to your body, as well as, other related losses caused by another vehicle’s driver. To succeed in such a case, you need to prove that the other party was at fault.
And also, just be sure to choose a competent and experienced personal injury attorney at Valentlegal.
Property Damage Claims
Once you bring a claim of damage to the motorcycle, you’ll be entitled to collect the value of your vehicle at the time of the crash, minus the salvage value. At this point, the value of your motorcycle is the amount you’d have gotten if you had sold it to a stranger.
It isn’t the amount of money you paid when you purchased the bike. Regrettably, sentimental value isn’t included in the calculation.
In any case, you need a lawyer because the issue can be very complex. The best option is to find a lawyer specializing in this type of accident with experience and knowledge. The best option is if you have any recommendations from friends or family.
If you live, for example, in Atlanta, search for an Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyer and call a few of them to check which fits your needs the most. If you are in the middle of an accident or you need a lawyer fast, ask your friends or family to search.
When making a claim against another motorist’s insurer, you might be able to collect maximum compensation. But when making a claim against your own insurer, the amount you’ll get depends on your policy terms and whether or not you’ve appropriate coverage.
Essentially, collision coverage applies if you accidentally collided with another vehicle or a fixed object. Comprehensive coverage, on the other hand, applies to damage that didn’t occur as a result of a collision.
The maximum amount of compensation you collect depends on the level of coverage you purchased. Your insurance policy will also include a deductible. This refers to the amount of money you pay out of your pocket before your insurer pays anything.
So, if the cost of repair or the cost of your motorbike is less than the deductible, you won’t be able to collect anything on your claim. It’s also important to note that making an insurance claim might increase your insurance rates.
Personal Injury Claims
Compensation for a personal injury claim typically includes three types of losses: medical expenses, wage loss, as well as, pain and suffering.
Depending on where the accident occurred, these losses will probably be reduced according to your share of responsibility for the road accident. Different states have different sets of rules for damages when both the rider and the other driver are at fault.
You might therefore need to seek legal advice before proceeding to negotiate a fair settlement.
The Bottom-Line: Now that you understand the difference between personal injury claims and property damage claims, you won’t find it hard to file a motorcycle accident claim. Good luck!